


1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……





汉语拼音:róu qíng








  1. 温柔的感情。

    三国 魏 曹植 《洛神赋》:“柔情绰态,媚於语言。” 晋 陶潜 《闲情赋》:“淡柔情於俗内,负雅志於高云。” 唐 元稹 《莺莺传》:“戏调初微拒,柔情已暗通。” 宋 秦观 《鹊桥仙》词:“柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。” 郭小川 《厦门风姿》诗:“但见那--百样仙姿、千般奇景、万种柔情。”



  1. Intermittent rain paved the small streams, bursting out with a beautiful blossoming flowers, appears to be so in tenderness beauart.


  2. His feeling for her, lulled into unconsciousness by the dull round of domesticity, had been sharply stirred by the loss of her presence.


  3. was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-lighted, of ethereal calm .


  4. Instantaneously all the tenderness she had been feeling for him vanished, and was followed by a feeling of horror for what lay before her.


  5. the atmosphere simple and honest, always highlight style king, and he has no shortage of water close to tenderness.


  6. A tenderness she might have conveyed petered out in a shiver as she stood the glass on the gritty surface of the metal table.


  7. Village of July, my shy lady in her first pregnancy, my sweet lady full of tender affection, just let me take a rest in your bosom please.


  8. There had been a strange tenderness in his pale eyes that lingered, once, when he looked at her.


  9. He came back with a heart full of love, she said, and the lilacs are in her hair, her mouth, they are choking her armpits.


  1. 金属也柔情!

    Metal is also tender and soft as water!

  2. 依然若水柔情。

    Still if water tender feelings.

  3. 他并不乏柔情。

    He may not be less prone to the tender passion.

  4. 触感柔情女香

    Tender Touch for Women EDP Spray

  5. 体验漫漫柔情之痛。

    To know the pain of too much tenderness.

  6. 稍转即逝的柔情

    passing heartthrobs

  7. 你的柔情我不懂。

    Who are you? I do not know.

  8. 胡军的侠骨柔情

    The gentleness and personal loyality of Hu Jun

  9. 他对她充满了柔情。

    He is affectionate towards her.

  10. 那是你昨夜的柔情

    That is your soft feeling at last night

  11. “亲爱的,”她柔情地说。

    "Darling," she said silkily.

  12. 我得心里充满了柔情。

    My heart overflowed with tenderness.

  13. 我的心里充满了柔情。

    My heart overflowed with tenderness.

  14. 充满着柔情,你要知道。

    Lots of tenderness, you understand.

  15. 爱坚忍不拔, 爱充满柔情。

    It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

  16. 他对孩子们柔情地笑了笑。

    He smiled fondly at the children.

  17. 我对你有深切的柔情。

    I have a feeling of great tenderness for you.

  18. 似是一位柔情的女子。

    Cabernet Sauvignon Iooks Iike a heartthrob woman.

  19. 怀着柔情的喜悦记起我。

    Of tender joy wilt thou remember me.

  20. 深情地唱富有柔情地唱流行歌曲

    To sing popular songs in a soft, sentimental manner.

  21. 她以母亲的柔情紧抱她的儿子。

    She gave her son a motherly hug.

  22. 电影中柔情蜜意的爱情场面

    A sugary love scene in a film

  23. 但他柔情占了上风的趣事。

    But his gentleness prevailed with everyone.

  24. 这些在我心里唤起一脉柔情。

    They awakened a tender emotion in me.

  25. 知晓过多的柔情所带来的苦痛。

    To know the pain of too much tenderness.

  26. 知晓过多得柔情所带来得苦痛。

    To know the pain of too much tenderness.

  27. 始终分享东西,这将使你柔情。

    Always share things that will make you heartthrob.

  28. 我爱你, 爱语像鸟儿般柔情。

    Chant the birds one thrilling theme, I love you.

  29. 你们给我这么多的柔情与爱。

    You gave in love with tenderness.

  30. 我喜欢这个电影充满柔情的结尾。

    I love the sentimental ending of this movie.


  1. 问:柔情拼音怎么拼?柔情的读音是什么?柔情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔情的读音是róuqíng,柔情翻译成英文是 tender feelings



柔情róu qíng[tender feelings] 温柔的感情。