











汉语拼音:shēn rù rén xīn








  • 【解释】:指理论、学说、政策等为人们深切了解和信服。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第二十回:“且君新得诸侯,非有存亡兴灭之德,深入人心,恐诸侯之兵,不为我用。”
  • 【示例】:可是总没有这位先生的讲说那样一句句~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义


  1. The case may be an act of desperation by an old guard whose power is waning as EU-inspired changes take hold.

  2. As information freeways as well as the process of globalization, the concept of the global village shall gradually interiorize.

  3. These intimate services to the brand further win support among the people, for the company has accumulated valuable intangible wealth.

  4. As the thorough popular feeling of concept opening a source, a few new income source bring more dawn to open source project.

  5. And I believe that truth will only grow stronger in a world where the borders between nations are blurred.

  6. Animation from the "small minority" of cultural works of art into "public" has been widely accepted concept of the industry.

  7. The open society needs defenders. So it would be nice if Mr Obama spoke up more often for the ideals etched on a certain statue.

  8. and unobtrusive , a thing which enters into one's soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its subject .

  9. The concept of performance management in the enterprise applications have been popular, and have achieved good results.


  1. 新思想逐渐深入人心。

    New ideas are slowly filtering into peoples minds.

  2. 这个节日已经深入人心。

    The festival has lodged itself in the public mind.

  3. 知识共享已经深入人心。

    Sharing knowledge is now the norm in your organization.

  4. 他的声音能够深入人心。

    His voice could search the heart.

  5. 民主也就是这样深入人心的

    And therefore democracy has become embedded.

  6. 深入人心的莎士比亚诗行

    lines of Shakespeare ensouled by all

  7. 民主观念要深入人心需要时间。

    Time would be needed for democracy to take root.

  8. 妇女运动在这里还没有真正深入人心。

    Womens movement has not really penetrated here.

  9. 到19世纪后半叶,消费主义已深入人心。

    By the second half of the 19 th century consumerism had taken root.

  10. 妇女解放运动在这里并未真正深入人心。

    Women rs lib has not really penetrated here.

  11. 看来,来自法国的缪斯女神的魅力已经深入人心。

    It seems that, from the French Muse has the charm of the goddess enjoys popular support.

  12. 没有一种理论能像泛灵论这样深入人心。

    There is no theory which could go deep into human's mind animism.

  13. 到本世纪中期,渴望金发的说法愈发深入人心。

    By midcentury, the myth was entrenched.

  14. 房贷、车贷、信用卡贷款等提前消费模式深入人心。

    Mortgage, car loans, credit card loans is very popular among the people in nowadays.

  15. 但最好的游戏却能深入人心,让人难以忘怀。

    But at best they can reach for something more and create a memorable impression.

  16. 充分高度评价深入人心的孝道现象是很有必要的。

    It is essential to appreciate fully the pervasive presence of filiality.

  17. 思想性、艺术性都具备的文艺作品才能够深入人心。

    Only when a work of art has ideological content and artistic quality can it be popular with the masses.

  18. 思想性、艺术性都具备的文艺作品才能够深入人心。

    Only when a work of art has ideological content and artistic quality can it be popular with the masses.

  19. 我国是法治国家,依法治国的理念已深入人心。

    Our country is country under the rule of law, the law of idea already thorough popular feeling.

  20. 你可以真正地深入人心 让他们体会到一些东西。

    You can really get inside somebody's perception and have them experience something.

  21. 这些研究改正了我们文化中的偏见,那深入人心的偏见

    And this work corrects that bias in our culture, that deep humanizing bias.

  22. 以其品牌文化、富有内涵的设计和精良的工艺深入人心。

    It is popular with its brand culture, design of the rich connotation and sophisticated craft.

  23. 婚姻观念以及任何普遍深入人心的宗教信条都是独断的。

    The ideal of marriage is dogmatic, and as socially pervasive as any religious belief.

  24. 但千百年, 屈原爱国精神感人诗辞, 已广泛深入人心。

    But thousands of years, Qu Yuans patriotism and his touching poem, it has been widely popular.

  25. 现在得宏锦布艺正以颇具实力得品牌形象深入人心。

    Present Hong Jinbu art the popular feeling of brand image development with having actual strength quite.

  26. 现在的宏锦布艺正以颇具实力的品牌形象深入人心。

    Present Hong Jinbu art the popular feeling of brand image development with having actual strength quite.

  27. 企业负有社会责任这一观念已经深入人心, 研究者不乏其人。

    The concept of corporate social responsibility has gained wide recognition, and there are so many researchers studying this topic.

  28. 所以我认为 初等教育的观念 已经深入人心 但还未得以实施

    So I believe primary education is an idea which is arrived but not yet implemented.


  1. 问:深入人心拼音怎么拼?深入人心的读音是什么?深入人心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:深入人心的读音是,深入人心翻译成英文是 interiorize



【拼音】:shēn rù rén xīn



【示例】:可是总没有这位先生的讲说那样一句句~。 ◎叶圣陶《英文教授》。党的富民政策深入人心,迅速改变了中国的经济面貌。


