






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……



汉语拼音:zhǐ rì kě dài








  • 【解释】:指日:可以指出日期,为期不远;待:期待。为期不远,不久就可以实现。
  • 【出自】:清·钱彩《说岳全传》第三十一回:“是以我主上神佑,泥马渡江,正位金陵,用贤任能,中兴指日可待。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义


  1. Over the next couple of years, Mr. Bernanke said, the jobs market is expected to remain weak and inflation subdued.


  2. Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East.


  3. A number of these marvels are available right now, and others may be just around the corner.


  4. As long as every Chinese works to his capacity in the construction of China's economy, the rise of Chinese nation is just around the corner.


  5. Vincent Reinhart at AEI said it may not happen immediately, but he believes significant Fed action is just around the corner.


  6. During August our doom appeared to some giddy Western journalists "a question of days" .


  7. A micro-biocide to help women protect themselves is likely just around the corner.


  8. With many groups predicting that human immortality is just around the corner, you could say we all have a vested interest in the answer.


  9. AlSO close to reality are the SO-called antiangiogenic factors, relatively nontoxic compounds that inhibit the growth of new capillaries.


  1. 成功指日可待

    within measurable distance of success.

  2. 胜利指日可待。

    Victory is just round the corner.

  3. 这项任务的完成指日可待。

    her work is still far from completion.

  4. 凶手捕获归案是指日可待了。

    Capture was expected at any hour.

  5. 报仇指日可待了。惩罚即将到来。

    The reckoning is at hand.

  6. 再一次的评级下调将指日可待。

    Another credit downgrade would follow.

  7. 如果你继续努力, 成功便指日可待。

    If you keep on working hard, your success is in the not too distant future.

  8. 分享粮食和解除奴役终于指日可待!

    Share cropping and indentured servitude are finally within reach!

  9. 你们离去的日子指日可待了,黑暗的兄弟们。

    Your days of secession are numbered black brothers.

  10. 它会来得容易且快速,并且指日可待。

    And it will come not just easy, but also fast.

  11. 这个巨大的胜利使得战争结束指日可待。

    This immense victory brings the war within measurable distance of its end

  12. 联赛开战指日可待,各支球队都养精蓄锐。

    The league tournament makes war is just round the corner, each team conserves strength.

  13. 她现在要成为超级巨星已经是指日可待了。

    She is now on the road to becoming a super star.

  14. 一个没有垃圾的美丽新世界似乎指日可待了。

    A brave new wasteless world seemed nigh.

  15. 人到了这种状态, 能熟练掌握这种语言便指日可待了。

    People of this state, can master this language will be within sight.

  16. 她会带来拉丁裔的选票 州长的宝座指日可待。

    Her bringing the Latino vote, the governor's mansion's yours.

  17. 只要你们为人正直诚实,办事勤奋,成功必定指日可待。

    Perform your tasks with diligence and honesty and your future will be promising.

  18. 当她的真的, 真的可靠指日可待的大门, 采取垫进入的门槛。

    When she's really, really reliable within sight of the door, take the mat into the threshold.

  19. 只要你们为人正直诚实,办事勤奋,成功定必指日可待。

    Perform your tasks with diligence and honesty and your future will be promising.

  20. 我们为之奋斗的最可贵的事物世界和平已指日可待。

    The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.

  21. 我们为之奋斗得最可贵得事物世界和平已指日可待。

    The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.

  22. 我相信我有机会去泰州旅游指日可待, 你们什么时候去?

    I know I will be going back to Taizhou soon, what about you?

  23. 我受权宣布, 由于我们报道的行动, 战争的结束指日可待!

    I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.

  24. 目前这些奇迹有一些是可以实现的。其它的也指日可待。

    A number of these marvels are available right now, and others may be just around the corner.

  25. 一种有利于妇女自身保护的杀菌剂可能会指日可待。

    A microbiocide to help women protect themselves is likely just around the corner.

  26. 一旦阿萨德政体无力为士兵发饷, 其灭亡也就指日可待。

    Should the regime not be able to pay its soldiers, its days will be numbered.

  27. 有了中方低成本资金的撑腰, 达成新交易想必指日可待。

    Backed by low cost financing from Beijing, other deals will probably not be far off.

  28. 正确的材料组合迟早会被找到,排斥作用也就指日可待了。

    The right combination of materials, if it can be found, should therefore produce the desired reversal.

  29. 着眼于每一小步,然后完成你的宏图伟略就指日可待了。

    Focus on the small steps and it's only a matter of time before the bigger picture comes into play.

  30. 如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。

    If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity way.


  1. 问:指日可待拼音怎么拼?指日可待的读音是什么?指日可待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:指日可待的读音是zhǐrìkědài,指日可待翻译成英文是 be just round the corner

