


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……




1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:fēng chuī yǔ dǎ








  • 【解释】:原指花木遭受风雨摧残。比喻恶势力对弱小者的迫害。也比喻严峻的考验。
  • 【出自】:唐·杜甫《三绝句》:“不如醉里风吹尽,可忍醒时雨打稀。”
  • 【示例】:不是夸大和开心,它本身就太轻飘,禁不起~的缘故吗?
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语;常与“管”、“怕”等词连用


  1. With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain!


  2. What with the rain and the wind, she was in a sad condition. the water trickled down from her hair, and her clothes clung to her body.


  3. It had an extra long bed with a shell, so at least they had shelter from the elements.


  4. In the wind and rain aroused the bud, the beautiful memories extends the next spring.


  5. All the emotions of this age will be in the wind and rain in the eternal or loss.


  6. Yes, but even in such a bleak landscape, the heartening, warming sun-yellow of the forsythia, broom and daffodils lived on.


  7. Having withstood the weathering of the ages, the statue is now succumbing to a modern man-made threat.


  8. The dark night, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, I was completely overawed by this force.


  9. You know, I also know, after expose to wind and rain, everything will fade.


  1. 风吹雨打。

    The wind blows and the rain beats down.

  2. 经受风吹雨打

    to be exposed to the elements.

  3. 经不起风吹雨打

    cannot withstand natural calamities

  4. 工人们经受风吹雨打。

    Workers endured rain and wind.

  5. 经得起风吹雨打的帆布

    canvas that weathers well

  6. 我们连续受到风吹雨打。

    We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.

  7. 饱经风吹雨打的海岸

    A weather beaten coast.

  8. 这台机器经受风吹雨打。

    The machine is exposed to the wind and rain.

  9. 经历了数千年的风吹雨打

    being beaten by elements for thousands of years

  10. 暴露于暴风雨中, 受风吹雨打

    exposed to the fury of the elements

  11. 经不起风吹雨打, 不算是英雄好汉。

    One who cannot stand the exposure to wind and rain is anything but a hero.

  12. 躲避风吹雨打最低限度的设施。

    The minimum of shelter and protection against the elements.

  13. 风吹雨打使石灰石慢慢受到侵蚀。

    Limestone slowly frets away under pounding by the wind and rain. Rocks weather until they are worn away.

  14. 风吹雨打使石灰石慢慢剥蚀掉了。

    Limestone slowly frets away under pounding by the wind and rain

  15. 因风吹雨打日晒而斑驳变色的

    weather stained

  16. 最是牡丹堪痛惜, 风吹雨打渐离枝。

    Peony Kansas regret the most is, getting away from the wind and rain sticks.

  17. 这座简陋小屋挡不住风吹雨打。

    The hut afforded little protection from the elements.

  18. 岩石经风吹雨打而剥蚀,直至完全风化。

    Rocks weather until they are worn away.

  19. 经历了生活的风吹雨打,他成熟了许多。

    He's matured a great deal, having experienced some hardships in life.

  20. 为什么他们能够坚持,哪怕风吹雨打与暴晒?

    How come they persisted in that despite rain, storms, and sunburn ?

  21. 我俩每天在一起,风吹雨打都不怕。

    With us every day, are not afraid of the wind and rain.

  22. 这座楼房因风吹雨打而更显破旧了。

    The building was the worse for the weather.

  23. 受尽风吹雨打, 日洒雨淋都无人理会。

    Braving the wind and rain and sun. But, nobody cares.

  24. 作为一个战地摄影师, 她经常经受风吹雨打。

    As a photographer in the war, she was often exposed to the wind and rain.

  25. 外表是个老虎, 但是, 是纸的, 经不起风吹雨打。

    Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain.

  26. 随风吹, 任雨打, 漫步于风吹雨打的思恋。

    The wind blow, let the rain beat, walking in the rain love.

  27. 无论你是经受着风吹雨打,还是沐浴着阳光雨露。

    Whether you are suffering from the wind and rain, the sun or rain shower.

  28. 其实你知道,我也知道,风吹雨打过后,一切都会褪色。

    You know, I also know, after expose to wind and rain, everything will fade.

  29. 这艘饱经风吹雨打的船在海湾中停泊着。

    The weather-beaten ship is riding to an anchor in the bay.

  30. 历经多年的风吹雨打,老树的躯干有些倾侧了。

    The trunk of the old tree is slightly inclined, after being buffered by wind and rain for many years.


  1. 问:风吹雨打拼音怎么拼?风吹雨打的读音是什么?风吹雨打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风吹雨打的读音是fēngchuīyǔdǎ,风吹雨打翻译成英文是 to be exposed in heavy wind and rain— to undergo...

  2. 问:风吹雨打的拼音怎么拼?风吹雨打的的读音是什么?风吹雨打的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风吹雨打的的读音是fēng chuī yǔ dǎ de,风吹雨打的翻译成英文是 weather-beaten

