







汉语拼音:cái chè







  1. 裁减撤消。

    清 梅曾亮 《总兵刘公清家传》:“散捕餘匪,裁撤乡勇,公功为多。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·税则》:“为今之计,不如裁撤釐金,加征关税。” 郭沫若 《黑猫》七:“分设中学是被裁撤了,剩下的两班人归并进成都府中学。”



  1. BOOTING out bosses is something of a tradition at Deutsche Telekom.


  2. We have liquidated our bases, reduced our forces, and offered to make a peace treaty and eliminate the point of friction in Berlin.


  3. Sources close to the group said as many as 15% to 20% of Citi's UK employees could face the axe although the bank declined to comment.


  4. Nokia Siemens said it aims to cut up to 750 jobs in Finland and close one of its sites employing 500 staff in Munich.


  5. Companies slashed salaries and curtailed benefits, all while asking shell-shocked veterans to pick up the slack for downsized colleagues.


  6. As a result of the abolition of the business card printing and membership card making compensation unit, reducing paper roll road by 20%.


  7. The British Army's oldest regiment is facing the axe under major defence cuts, it was claimed today.


  8. New York is not alone. It is illegal in over a dozen states to lay off teachers for any reason other than seniority.


  9. This will require slashed pay-scales and benefits for civil servants and drastic cuts in the number of such jobs.


  1. 委员会同意提议的裁撤。

    The Committee agrees with the proposed abolition.

  2. 拟议裁撤这些员额和职位。

    Those posts and positions are proposed for abolishment.

  3. 委员会建议进行拟议的裁撤。

    The Committee recommends the proposed abolition.

  4. 他们去年裁撤了一个部门。

    They abolished a department last year.

  5. 裁撤厘金大致分为两个阶段。

    Two phases are involved in it.

  6. 纯理论研究院系即将被裁撤。

    Academic departments are being eliminated.

  7. 禁止裁撤教师的劳动法即将获得批准。

    Jobs bill to stop teacher layoffs nears approval.

  8. 裁撤得职位数量写在新闻稿得第12段。

    The number of job cuts is finally cited in paragraph12.

  9. 裁撤的职位数量写在新闻稿的第12段。

    The number of job cuts is finally cited in paragraph12.

  10. 两者的合并将导致裁撤一个员额。

    The merger of the two sections will result in the abolishment of one post.

  11. 那座旧桥上个礼拜被裁撤了。

    The old bridge was last week.

  12. 其次, 拔取晾纸的办法裁撤纸弛静电。

    Second, the adoption of measures for the removal of the paper hanging paper static electricity.

  13. 裁撤总裁在德意志电信内部算是一种传统。

    BOOTING out bosses is something of a tradition at Deutsche Telekom.

  14. 咨询委员会不反对裁撤17个司机员额。

    The Advisory Committee has no objection to the abolition of17 posts of drivers.

  15. 今天我们正处在核武器裁撤和拆毁的时代。

    Today we are rightly in an era of disarmament and dismantlement of nuclear weapons.

  16. 其第二个弊端就是合座裁撤耗费了收入。

    The second advantage is that the total abolition of savings in expenditure.

  17. 咨询委员会建议裁撤14个联合国志愿人员职位。

    The Advisory Committee recommends the abolition of14 United Nations Volunteer positions.

  18. 不过,麦肯锡在研究中还是建议裁撤冗余。

    Nevertheless, the study suggests there is flab to be trimmed.

  19. 除了去年被裁掉的2,000个职位,还有700个岗位在裁撤中。

    An extra 700 jobs are being cut on top of the 2,000 that were lost last year.

  20. 除了去年被裁掉得2, 000个职位, 还有700个岗位在裁撤中。

    An extra 700 jobs are being cut on top of the 2, 000 that were lost last year.

  21. 与此同时, 企业将利用这段时间, 裁撤生产效率较低的员工。

    Meanwhile, companies will use this period to shed less productive workers.

  22. 本报告附件二简要介绍了要求改划、设立和裁撤的员额。

    A summary of the posts requested for conversion, establishment and abolition is presented in annex II to the present report.


  1. 问:裁撤拼音怎么拼?裁撤的读音是什么?裁撤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁撤的读音是cáichè,裁撤翻译成英文是 to dissolve; to disband; to deactivate


裁撤,读音cái chè,汉语词语,指裁减撤消。