


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng xún








  1. 十日为旬。每月第一日至第十日为上旬。

    唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·虫篇》:“蚺蛇,长十丈……其胆上旬近头,中旬在心,下旬近尾。”《儿女英雄传》第三十回:“那时节正是十月上旬天气,北地菊花盛开。”



  1. Early August this year, ms. Xiuzhu find distributors Mr Xu, said he was not in the hotel manager, is instead maotai brewery salesman.


  2. Messenger also examined in greater detail Mercury's western hemisphere, which had been imaged during a previous passage in October 2008.


  3. She was finally released into the custody of the British High Commission in early September.


  4. Without any intervention, officials believe the satellite would come down on its own in early March.


  5. The U. S. Federal Reserve said yesterday that the American economy expanded at a "modest pace" in September and early October.


  6. Pyongyang detained U. S. missionary Robert Park and deported him in early February.


  7. Investors are betting that the deep recession feared early in August will not occur, or at least not soon.


  8. Banks across the region have been unable to sell any long-term unsecured bonds since early July.


  9. This was early in March. During the next three months there was much secret activity.


  1. 目前还是十一月上旬。

    It was now early november.

  2. 这些活动将在1月上旬就开始。

    These activities will start as early as the first part of January.

  3. 果实九月上旬成熟, 贮藏性良好。

    The fruit matures in early September, and has reasonably good storage quality.

  4. 分三批装船,第一批于八月上旬。

    In 3 shipment first early aug.

  5. 十一月上旬的话,符合我的日程安排。

    Early November fits my time schedule.

  6. 我们保证不迟于十月上旬装运。

    We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first part of October.

  7. 目前学生还没有上课,目前还是十一月上旬。

    The students have not yet returned to classes.

  8. 八月上旬校方将统一公布选科结果。

    The Class Streaming results will be released in early August.

  9. 六月上旬, 我们将会完成在大甲的行程。

    At the beginning of June we will finish our Daichi journey.

  10. 郁金香的花期约在三月下旬至五月上旬。

    The blooming time of tulip is between later March and Early May.

  11. 九月上旬她终于被释放由英大使馆监护。

    She was finally released into the custody of the British High Commission in early September.

  12. 三月上旬, 这是我们能够答应的最早日期。

    The earliest shipment we can make is early March.

  13. 此行程计划于7月上旬离开北京,7天左右返回。

    The trip is for Early JULY leaving Beijing and returning in aprox. 7 days.

  14. 有圣诞树季节, 明摆着那是节日之后得1月上旬。

    We have Christmas tree season, which is obviously the first part of January after the holidays.

  15. 有圣诞树季节,明摆着那是节日之后的1月上旬。

    We have Christmas tree season, which is obviously the first part of January after the holidays.

  16. 在10月上旬,能备妥多少货,您就运多少货,可以吗

    You can ship whatever you are ready in the early part of October.

  17. 三月上旬, 这是我们能够答应的最早的装运日期。

    The earliest shipment we can make is early May.

  18. 花瓣, 雄蕊, 雌蕊原体于六月上旬至下旬相继出现

    The primordial of petal, stamen and pistil occur successively from early June to late June.

  19. 写发综合报告的日期是单月的上旬,报告用电报发来。

    it should be written and telegraphed early in every odd month.

  20. 七月上旬,幼花药,由原始表层和中央细胞团组成。

    Young anthers are composed of a protoderm and a central cell mass in early July.

  21. 还是十月上旬,但初霜已经把枫叶染上了金黄。

    It was early october, but a crispiny frost had already stamped the maple trees with gold.

  22. 提交概念文件的最后期限已从5月下旬推迟到8月上旬。

    The deadline for submission of the concept papers has been pushed back from late May to early August.

  23. 提交概念文件得最后期限已从5月下旬推迟到8月上旬。

    The deadline for submission of the concept papers has been pushed back from late May to early August.

  24. 回想十月上旬在芝加哥开会的那三个日日夜夜。

    Imagine three solid days and nights of conference sessions in Chicago in early October.

  25. 大约在公历的一月下旬到二月上旬这个阶段内变化。

    It ranges from the last ten days of January to the first ten days of February.

  26. 病田土壤线虫量在七月上旬到八月下旬间出现高峰。

    Peaks of nematode population in the fields occurred from the beginning of july to the end of August.

  27. 其后, 署长申请司法覆核, 聆讯并排期于八月上旬进行。

    Subsequently, DLA applied for judicial review, and the hearing was scheduled in early August.


  1. 问:上旬拼音怎么拼?上旬的读音是什么?上旬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上旬的读音是shàngxún,上旬翻译成英文是 the first 10 days of a month; first third of...



日语:上旬 [じょうじゅん] 英语:(n-adv,n-t) First 10 days of month 汉语:(用如副词的名词,临时的名词)最初10 天 旬是中国一种传统的时间单位。十天为一旬。 1.十日为旬。每月第一日至第十日为上旬。 中国人仍然使用旬来表示十天这个时间段。一个月的第一个十天为上旬,第二个十天为中旬,第三个十天和余下的天数为下旬。 旬:旬,上旬,时间,旬,Time,旬 (消歧义),中国,时间单位,夏朝,甲骨文,天干,“旬”还有其他含义,请参看:旬 (消歧义) 旬是中国一种传统的时间单位 。十天为一旬,一月三旬。旬的概念从夏朝开始已经存在,在甲骨文中就有旬字。中国古代使用天干纪日,每十日周而复始,因此专门用一个“旬”字来表示这个概念。