


不要,不可以:~妄言。宁缺~滥。不:~庸。~宁(nìng )。姓。……





汉语拼音:wú xū






  1. 无须,不必。

    许地山 《空山灵雨·债》:“我觉得自从 俪儿 去世以后,你就比前格外客气。我劝你毋须如此,因为外人不知道都要怪我。” 郭小川 《春暖花开》诗:“春在人心,毋须广播消息。”



  1. It was just a very traditional dress for a ravishing girl who doesn't need a lot.


  2. The Bank reserves the right to decline any application without giving any reason.


  3. When you are dropping off a child alone, wherever possible stop at a location where the child will not have to cross the road.


  4. But we believe in paying a civil servant enough to prevent him from accepting bribes to supplement his income.


  5. As levy must be paid before the commencement of a contract, no levy is payable for the period beyond the contractual period.


  6. The child is not required to attend Registration of Persons office for the identity card application.


  7. Customer after treatment can see, shall not be obliged to leave.


  8. But in the end he did not need to contemplate exercising a veto because Barclays saw Lehman as too hot to handle.


  9. If you had been assessed as not liable to tax in the past, returns may not be issued to you annually for subsequent years.


  1. 事实说话,毋须巧辩。

    The effect speak, the tongue needs not.

  2. 有良友者毋须镜。

    He who has a good friend needs no mirror.

  3. 此,本公司毋须纳税。

    Company is not subject to tax.

  4. 臆测的影响毋须讨论。

    Speculative impacts need not be discussed.

  5. 臆测得影响毋须讨论。

    Speculative impacts need not be discussed.

  6. 张贴论文毋须包括摘要。

    The abstract is optional for poster submissions.

  7. 旅游签证毋须公司证明信

    No company letter is required for tourist visa

  8. 毋须购物亦可参加比赛。

    No purchase necessary to enter the Contest.

  9. 外国人士应勇往直前毋须顾虑。

    Where foreigners should not fear to tread.

  10. 如果转右,毋须发出手号。

    If you are turning right a signal is not required.

  11. 申请时毋须缴交任何费用。

    No fee is payable at the time of application.

  12. 控方毋须证明有贪污动机。

    The prosecution need not prove a corrupt motive.

  13. 务请加以说明, 毋须有所顾忌。

    Do not be backward about explaining it

  14. 笑, 毋须付出, 但可以得到许多。

    Smile costs nothing, but It'saves much.

  15. 因此, 毋须作出过往期间调整。

    Accordingly, no prior period adjustment is required.

  16. 巧手自有主张,蠢货毋须多言。

    The wise hands do not all that the foolish mouth speaks.

  17. 临时驾驶执照续期, 毋须缴费。

    NO FEE will be charged for the extension of Temporary Driving Licence.

  18. 有股本的公司毋须填报此项

    Company having a share capital need not complete this section

  19. 曾被评定为毋须课税的纳税人

    Taxpayer Previously Assessed as not Liable to Tax

  20. 欢迎所有教职员及学生参加,毋须报名。

    All staff and students are welcome to attend. No advance booking required.

  21. 他们毋须于限期前赶回香港换证。

    There is no need for them to rush back.

  22. 考生毋须到登记处登记或索取号码布。

    Candidates need NOT do any registration or collect any audition cloth at the registration counter.

  23. 在美国,转基因食品毋须用签条标明。

    GMO foods do not have to be labeled in America.

  24. 付款永不过期,因此毋须担心被加徵附加费。

    There will be no overdue payment, hence no surcharge.

  25. 婴儿睡姿宜于床上仰睡, 毋须使用枕头。

    Babies should normally lie with their backs against a flat bed. Pillows should not be used.

  26. 此外,提交专利申请前毋须进行太多实验。

    Moreover, little initial experimentation is required to file a patent application.

  27. 油泵齿条几乎毋须费力就能使之移动。

    The fuel rack requires little force to accomplish its motion.

  28. 主办机构有权修订论坛内容,毋须先行通知。

    The Organizer reserves the right to amend the programme without prior notice.

  29. 本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。

    Status Offline Don't burn down your house to frighten the mouse away.

  30. 警方会拖走违例停泊的车辆, 毋须事先通知。

    Vehicles parked illegally will be towed away by the police without prior notice.