







汉语拼音:qiān fú






  1. Such a motor can produce a transient overvoltage, reaching many thousands of volts, when the normal rms current is interrupted.


  2. Precipitators used in many home central air conditioners use a few thousand volts to generate the corona .


  3. ABB, which has tested technology for an 800-kilovolt UHV-DC system, said the lines could stretch as long as 2, 500km.


  4. possibilities from a few dozen to several hundred kVA, easily, in complete safety and without interrupting.


  5. This line of 220kV is the only transmission line between Hami electric grid and main Xinjiang electric grid.


  6. ABB is the world's leading supplier of air- and gas-insulated substations covering a range of voltage levels up to 1, 100 kV.


  7. The actual codes necessary are computed during the digital KVp calibration procedure.


  8. Electricity arrives in Astana by transit lines with 220 and 500 kV from Ekibastuz and from its own source - town heat stations.


  9. The transformer uses the S9 low consumption energy conservation, the kilovolt high-pressured switch cabinet uses the switch cabinet.


  1. 固定千伏技术

    fixed kilovoltage technique.

  2. 千伏等电位

    kilovolt constant potential.

  3. 均方根千伏

    root mean square kilovolt age.

  4. 千伏峰值计

    kV meter

  5. 透视千伏选择器

    fluoroscopy KV selector

  6. 高千伏摄影

    high kilovoltage radiography

  7. 佳千伏技术

    optimum kilovoltage technique.

  8. 千伏增高,对比度降低。

    With the increasing of KV, image contrast is decreased.

  9. 电压单位等于千伏特。

    a unit of potential equal to a thousand volts.

  10. 高千伏钡剂灌肠

    high kilovoltage barium enema

  11. 电压单位, 等于一千伏特

    a unit of potential equal to a thousand volts

  12. 通例的传输电压为500千伏。

    Groovy transmission voltage is500 kilovolt.

  13. 通例得传输电压为500千伏。

    Groovy transmission voltage is500 kilovolt.

  14. 他们一般使用电压在35千伏。

    They generally use voltages under 35 kV.

  15. 不同千伏安的柴油机发电机。

    Diesel Engine Generators Of different KVAS.

  16. 降低千伏级电机噪声的研究

    Study on Reducing Noise of Motor with Kilovolt Level

  17. 触发真空间隙。静电击穿电压50千伏。

    Triggered vacuum gap. Static breakdown voltage 50 kV.

  18. 千伏级矿用, 移动屏蔽橡套电缆

    Grade for mine, moved shielded cable with rubber sheath

  19. 没有分压栅得100千伏氢闸流管

    98 KV Hydrogen Thyratron Without Gradient Grids.

  20. 没有分压栅的100千伏氢闸流管

    100 KV Hydrogen Thyratron Without Gradient Grids

  21. 我国500千伏电网继电保护运行概况

    General Aspects of Operation of Relay Protection for 500kV Power System in China

  22. 千伏级矿用移动屏蔽橡套软电缆

    Grade movable shielded rubber sheath soft mine cable

  23. 千伏级采煤机用屏蔽橡套软电缆

    KV. Grade for coal cutter, shielded soft cable with rubber sheath

  24. 影响10千伏电力电缆测试结果的因素探讨

    Discussion on Affecting 10kV Electric Cable Testing Result

  25. 电感是一个3千伏绕组一个10千瓦变压器。

    The inductor is a3 kV winding of a10 kW transformer.

  26. 线圈得步骤,这个电压高达数千伏特1。

    The coil steps this voltage up to several thousand volts within 1 uS.

  27. 线圈的步骤,这个电压高达数千伏特1。

    The coil steps this voltage up to several thousand volts within 1 uS.

  28. 关于简化配电电压等级推行20千伏配电的建议

    A Suggestion for Simplifying Distribution Voltage Class and Adopting20 kV Distribution System

  29. 另一个85千伏总线的例子如图2所示。

    Another example is shown in Fig. 2 for an 85 kV bus.

  30. 本文是对35千伏变电站得电气部分一次设计。

    This article is to a 33 kilovolt transformer substation electrical part design.


  1. 问:千伏拼音怎么拼?千伏的读音是什么?千伏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏的读音是qiānfú,千伏翻译成英文是 kilovolt

  2. 问:千伏安拼音怎么拼?千伏安的读音是什么?千伏安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏安的读音是qiān fú ān,千伏安翻译成英文是 kilovoltampere

  3. 问:千伏峰拼音怎么拼?千伏峰的读音是什么?千伏峰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏峰的读音是qiān fú fēng,千伏峰翻译成英文是 kilovolts peak

  4. 问:千伏特拼音怎么拼?千伏特的读音是什么?千伏特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏特的读音是,千伏特翻译成英文是 kilovolt

  5. 问:千伏表拼音怎么拼?千伏表的读音是什么?千伏表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏表的读音是qiān fú biǎo,千伏表翻译成英文是 kilovoltmeter

  6. 问:千伏计拼音怎么拼?千伏计的读音是什么?千伏计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏计的读音是qiān fú jì,千伏计翻译成英文是 kilovoltmeter

  7. 问:千伏峰值拼音怎么拼?千伏峰值的读音是什么?千伏峰值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏峰值的读音是qiān fú fēng zhí,千伏峰值翻译成英文是 kilovolts peak

  8. 问:千伏特计拼音怎么拼?千伏特计的读音是什么?千伏特计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏特计的读音是qiān fú tè jì,千伏特计翻译成英文是 kilovoltmeter

  9. 问:千伏电压拼音怎么拼?千伏电压的读音是什么?千伏电压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏电压的读音是qiān fú diàn yā,千伏电压翻译成英文是 kilovoltage

  10. 问:千伏电子拼音怎么拼?千伏电子的读音是什么?千伏电子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏电子的读音是qiān fú diàn zǐ,千伏电子翻译成英文是 kilovolt electron

  11. 问:千伏安小时拼音怎么拼?千伏安小时的读音是什么?千伏安小时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千伏安小时的读音是qiān fú ān xiǎo shí,千伏安小时翻译成英文是 kilovolt-ampere-hour