







汉语拼音:qín jiàn






  1. 风琴、钢琴等键盘乐器上装置的白色和黑色的按键。




  1. now his fingers went up and down, up and down, on the piano, taking strength against the great day.


  2. Some chORd progressions in Skempton's pieces seem to derive from the natural way the hands fall upon, OR move across, the keyboard.


  3. In staccato, the finger is bounced off the key so as to produce a brief sound with no sustain.


  4. Suddenly the new comer stopped with her hands on her key.


  5. Nobody did, however, and nobody saw Beth wipe the tears off the yellow keys, that wouldn't keep in tune, when she was all alone.


  6. Use a second cloth to dry off the keys as you move along, then leave the keyboard uncovered for 24 hours.


  7. Class is over, sometimes rest at hand naturally on those keys slip, unexpectedly also spreads out a line of pleasant melody.


  8. Key pawning your tear backfall fault right and wrong, the heart being me is exchanged having entered a bottomless abyss.


  9. Now the piano-playing puss now spends as much time as possible skipping across the keyboard at its temporary owner's home.


  1. 琴键上的小猫

    Kitten on the Keys by Zez Confrey.

  2. 他轻轻地触动琴键。

    He touched the keys gently.

  3. 他在使劲敲击琴键。

    He was hammering at the keys.

  4. 琴键,这里作钥匙解。

    Because all the keys are inside it.

  5. 所有的琴键都在里面。

    All the keys are inside.

  6. 他重重地敲击钢琴琴键。

    He was thumping the keys of the piano.

  7. 老师敲打着琴键开始唱歌。

    The teacher hit the key and began to sing.

  8. 奔跑机器人琴键上的舞蹈

    RUNNING ROBOT Dance on the Key of Musical Instrumen

  9. 她太过用力地敲击琴键。

    She struck the keys too hard.

  10. 她的手指连续地敲击琴键。

    Her fingers rattled on the keys of the piano.

  11. 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。

    His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet.

  12. 那男孩轻敲钢琴的琴键。

    The boy touched the keys of the piano.

  13. 手指在琴键上迅速地掠过

    hands sweeping the keyboard

  14. 黑白的琴键, 黑白的手套, 黑白的衣服, 黑白的世界。

    The monochrome keys, monochrome gloves, monochrome clothing, monochrome world.

  15. 他把手指摆在琴键上等着。

    He waited with his fingers poised over the keys.

  16. 在琴键上, 奏出无限的音乐。

    And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.

  17. 就像那些琴键正等待着那些音符。

    It was like the keys had been waiting for those notes.

  18. 他的手指不停地敲着琴键。

    His fingers rattled on the keys of the piano.

  19. 她的手指在琴键上飞快地移动

    She ran her fingers along the keyboard.

  20. 他的手指轻快地在琴键上移动。

    His fingers ran over the keys of the piano.

  21. 钢琴得琴键一弹琴弦就振动出声。

    The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck.

  22. 钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就振动出声。

    The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck.

  23. 木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。

    The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale.

  24. 钢琴的琴键受击时, 琴弦就会震动。

    The strings of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.

  25. 钢琴得琴键受击时,琴弦就会震动。

    The strings of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.

  26. 琴键如在钢琴上用手指弹奏的部分。

    A key played with the finger, as on a piano.

  27. 陌生人突然停住了,双手搭在琴键上。

    Suddenly the new comer stopped with her hands on her key.

  28. 就弹钢琴这件事来说, 成也琴键败也琴键。

    Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end.

  29. 在这有限的琴键上创作的音乐是无限的。

    And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.

  30. 走过跳板,前面的键盘有无数的琴键。

    Youget me up on that gangway and you rill out in front of me a keyboard ofmillions of keys, Millions and billions of keys that never end.


  1. 问:琴键拼音怎么拼?琴键的读音是什么?琴键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琴键的读音是qínjiàn,琴键翻译成英文是 piano keyboard; keyboard

  2. 问:琴键电话拼音怎么拼?琴键电话的读音是什么?琴键电话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琴键电话的读音是qín jiàn diàn huà,琴键电话翻译成英文是 key telephone

  3. 问:琴键电话机拼音怎么拼?琴键电话机的读音是什么?琴键电话机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琴键电话机的读音是qín jiàn diàn huà jī,琴键电话机翻译成英文是 key telephone set



英文:Keyboard 风琴和钢琴等上装置的黑色和白色的键 用来调动音调的键盘,钢琴有88个键,52个白键,36个黑键. 普通的琴键表面是用ABS塑料通过注塑加工成型的。然后帖在切割成琴键型的色木上。 现代高档的琴键多用乌木黑键,乌木黑键,吸汗,手感较好。 琴键的制作过程