


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……





汉语拼音:zì tā






  1. 见“ 自他 ”。



  1. It was bought in 1998 from Ukraine, where it had been rusting half-finished since its first launch a decade earlier.


  2. There is no denying the fact that China has made a rapid progress in every aspect since it was founded .


  3. It was earth-shaking in its day and continues to be so today.


  4. By the time it opened to the general public in 2006, its clublike, ritualistic, highly regulated foundation was already in place.


  5. For a virtual cube, the dimensional security is inherited from its two cubes.


  6. FOR most of the four centuries since it was founded, Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire has charged to educate its pupils.


  7. The being's skin softly glows , and white light peeks between the cracks of its armor.


  8. We can offer vague but firm assurance of its value since it has been on the scene for so long.


  9. Since it began, its research scholars hanging by a thread, and has made very impressive results.


  1. 自它降临的那天

    Since The Day It All Came Down

  2. 小宝贝,自它明亮起来就像过了很多年。

    Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear.

  3. 它的皮肤散发着柔和的光辉,白光自它铠甲的裂罅中闪现。

    The being's skin softly glows, and white light peeks between the cracks of its armor.

  4. 自它的诞生之日起,就吸引了大量的人学习并使用它。

    Since the day of its naissance, it has already attracted a large number of people to learn and use.

  5. 反恐委员会欣见自它成立以来已收到会员国600多份报告。

    The Committee welcomes the receipt of more than600 reports from Member States since its establishment.

  6. 它自以为有根,因为它是过去。

    It thought that it had roots, because it was the past.

  7. 将它自定义命令直接传递到该服务。

    It passes the custom command directly to the service.

  8. 它自16世纪以来就吸引了探险家和博物学者。

    It has attracted explorers and naturalists since the sixteenth century.

  9. 它自带安装指南,视频设置程序,听听这个,技术支持。

    It comes with technical installation guides, video setup routines, and get this, technical support.

  10. 它自带时间模式, 这能帮助你追踪头脑风暴的的轨迹。

    It comes with timer mode, which will help you to keep track of your brainstorming mind.

  11. 摘要排烧苗语虽然属于黔东方言,但是它自有其演变特点。

    Paishao Maio language belongs to Qiandong dialect, but it has its own evolutional features.

  12. 它自1996年开业以来,数百病人接受到捐赠的新的眼角膜。

    The Eye bank Bank opened in 1996hundres. Hundreds of patiences patients have been seen received new corneas from donors sice since then.

  13. 我能觉出苍茫暮色的深处有着河水, 它自有一股气味。

    I could feel water beyond the twilight, smell.

  14. 我能觉出苍茫暮色得深处有着河水,它自有一股气味。

    I could feel water beyond the twilight, smell.

  15. 社交自有它的好处。你的开放会让你结识有趣的新朋友。

    Being gregarious has its rewards. Your openness will lead you to new, fun people.

  16. 尽管这种行为看起来很奇怪,但这样做自有它的道理。

    Although this sort of behavior may seem strange, transactions behave this way for some good reasons.

  17. 之后我想出了一个我自认为它的过去,我去右回吸烟。

    After that I figured that since I had one it's over, and I went right back to smoking.

  18. 把一种严重的错误当作天职来奉行, 这自有它的伟大之处。

    To mistake a grave error for a duty has a grandeur of its own.

  19. 额头上嵌有一颗红宝石,浓油自他它的发上滴到股中。

    On its forehead was a ruby, and thick oil dripped from its hair on to its thighs.

  20. 拉出这辆车去, 大家都特别注意, 有人竟自管它叫作小寡妇。

    This rickshaw attracted attention when he pulled it out and some people even called it the little widow.

  21. 死去吧,我抽完了自会把它掐了。

    Drop dead. I'll put it out when I'm finished.

  22. 翡翠是一种美玉,产自缅甸。它质地细腻,坚硬,耐久。

    Jadeite is fine variety of jade coming from Burma, and is fine grained, hard and durable.

  23. 这种伏特加产自俄罗冈州, 它采用土豆和冰川水酿造。

    Vodka distilled from potatoes and glacierfed spring water in Oregon.

  24. 并且在我们可以抓住它之前自毁了。

    And then it self destructed before we could get to it.

  25. 换句话说, 它是自反得, 因此是不可确定得。

    In other words it is reflexive and therefore indeterminate.

  26. 利用反应热, 它可自反应混合物中馏出。

    It may be distilled from the reaction mixture using the heat of the reaction.

  27. 大家看,它的自转轴倾斜角度大概为89度

    You can see how it's tilted at about 87 degrees.

  28. 只要战争还被视为是邪恶的,它就自有其魅力。

    As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination.

  29. 华尔街日报说它是自圣经以来最伟大的出版物。

    The Wall Street Journal described it as the greatest publishing success since the Bible.

  30. 这是一种杏仁味道得无酒精糖浆, 它产自法国

    Orgeat is a sweet almondflavored, nonalcoholic syrup produced in France.