







汉语拼音:shān gōu










  1. 山谷。

    沙汀 《丁跛公》:“他象尾巴一样跟着父亲,肩头上搭着蓝布褡裢,‘扫荡’似地在这山沟里穿梭着,整整有七年之久。” 杨朔 《秘密列车》:“ 五峰 周围有不少山沟,两边是挺高的山,又有树,正好隐藏。”



  1. He said rocks were strewn all over the place, and theravine was "just full of collapsed walls and rubble and barbed wire" .


  2. Old man in red hat: These days they are dividing the land with fences all over the land and valleys.


  3. Of view, a huge cloud that, like the sea rage, devoured every valley, the impact of the ridge lines.


  4. Then they crossed a hollow to Semyonovskoye, where the soldiers were dragging away the last logs of the huts and barns.


  5. He knows that when she was a teenager, she couldn't wait to leave the Dales and get to the capital.


  6. When Hadji Murad had crossed to the other side of the ravine the men shouted to him that he should hear what they had to say.


  7. The two reservoirs near the edge of a ravine where they repair 30 acres of raising fish ponds, designed to keep special fish.


  8. My home is in rural areas, on the side of the outer ring in chongqing, a ditch.


  9. Along the southeastern coast of Greenland, an intricate network of fjords funnels glacial ice to the Atlantic Ocean.


  1. 山沟治理工程

    torrent control works.

  2. 熊山沟岩体

    Xiongshangou intrusion.

  3. 昔日穷山沟, 今日米粮川。

    The barren gully of yesterday has become a granary.

  4. 位于俄罗斯的庄园的山沟里。

    in a ravine on the family's estate in Russia.

  5. 山沟沟里飞出花雀雀。

    The ravine flew out of sparrow finch.

  6. 过去这里是荒凉的穷山沟。

    This used to be a bleak and barren gully.

  7. 他们爬上了一条狭窄的山沟。

    They clambered up a narrow gully.

  8. 你怎么把我带到山沟里来了?

    Why did you take me to this mountain gully?

  9. 我咬着牙冲过山沟,没有遇到狼。

    I bit my lip and charged through the gulley, without meeting any wolves.

  10. 韩佳, 你怎么把我带到山沟里来了?

    Han Jia, why did you take me to this mountain gully

  11. 一个钟点过后他倒在奥安的山沟里。

    An hour later, he fell in the ravine of Ohain.

  12. 两个猎人捕获忽略岁马蹄内翻足横跨山沟。

    Two hunters caught sight of Old Clubfoot across a ravine.

  13. 三个人冲到山沟边上, 站住往下一看。

    The three of them halted on the edge of the draw and looked down.

  14. 华工被迫害致死后,被扔进山沟或乱石坑。

    Once the laborers died,their remains were thrown into mountain gullies or pits dug into bare hillsides.

  15. 你出什么事了?从山沟掉下来了?还是刚昏迷完?

    Evan, what happened? Did you fall off a Mount Shed? Did you just come out of a coma?

  16. 我家住在大山沟里,我,弟弟和爷爷三人相依为命。

    I live a mountain village with my little brother and my grandfather. My grandfathera goat.

  17. 大金牙吃惊极了,这小子哪山沟里冒出来的啊?

    Big gold tooth shocked pole, this boy which come out in gully come of.

  18. 我实在是太累了, 我要回到原来的山沟沟去。

    I am really tired. I want to go back to my gully.

  19. 甚至,他要求被葬在那个他认为是埋藏地的山沟里。

    In fact, he asked to be buried in that ravine where he thought it was hidden.

  20. 埃文,你出什么事了?从山沟掉下来了?还是刚昏迷完?

    Evan, what happened? Did you fall off a mount shed? Did you just come out of a coma?

  21. 那是1975年发生在枥木山沟里一个很小得山谷村庄里得事。

    It was in1975, at a small village in a ravine of Tochigi.

  22. 那是1975年发生在枥木山沟里一个很小的山谷村庄里的事。

    It was in1975, at a small village in a ravine of Tochigi.

  23. 这是九月里一个晴朗得夜晚, 一轮明月在山沟上空升起。

    It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high over the gully.

  24. 这是九月里一个晴朗的夜晚, 一轮明月在山沟上空升起。

    It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high over the gully.

  25. 雷德仔细打量了一下这片树林子, 从这儿到山沟有好几码远。

    Then Red peered through the yards of brush that separated them from the draw.


  1. 问:山沟拼音怎么拼?山沟的读音是什么?山沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山沟的读音是shāngōu,山沟翻译成英文是 gully; valley; mountainous area




拼音:shān gōu 基本解释 1. [gully]∶山涧 2. [ravine;(mountain) valley]∶山谷 3. [remote mountain area]∶偏僻山区 他在山沟里长大 详细解释 山谷。 沙汀 《丁跛公》:“他象尾巴一样跟着父亲,肩头上搭着蓝布褡裢,‘扫荡’似地在这山沟里穿梭着,整整有七年之久。” 杨朔 《秘密列车》:“ 五峰 周围有不少山沟,两边是挺高的山,又有树,正好隐藏。”