







汉语拼音:shū shēng








  1. But soon after she dreams of a handsome scholar who visits and makes love to her in the garden.


  2. Don't be angry with him for losing a book. He is only a child.


  3. Slants thin, white, a skin don't and think like a scholar of that kind of wen if I don't like.


  4. There used to be a scholar, and fiancee herself in a certain period on a certain day of marriage.


  5. The scholar made no reply but continued to smile as he stepped inside the cabin.


  6. Love develop games , a scholar with four very different background and personality between the beauty of a margin .


  7. For a long time, the board said the scholar, can be called the bridge.


  8. On hearing this, the scholar gave the mule to others, and walked with the page boy to go on his journey.


  9. The scholar see great sea and a the woman for be massacred totally rudely lie on the sea beach.


  1. 看书生宝宝

    Baby number VS what to read.

  2. 书生公文阅读器1。3

    SepReader 1.3

  3. 谁说书生百无一用!

    Who say book sheng hundred no one yong!

  4. 他不过是一介书生而已。

    He is only a scholar.

  5. 书生的态度, 差不多都消失了。

    The manner of the scholars had nearly disappeared.

  6. 一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。

    A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say.

  7. 那狂书生痛恨主人嘲讽自己。

    Then mad student abhors host sneers at oneself.

  8. 魏书生育人观的基本内涵。

    The basic meaning of Wei Shesheng's view about rearing.

  9. 抱着书生之见,我决定坐木船。

    It was with this impractical view that I decided to take a wooden boat.

  10. 从怀里摸出一面镜子叫书生看。

    From out side mirror that scholar.

  11. 那书生微笑不答,迈步踏进船舱。

    The scholar made no reply but continued to smile as he stepped inside the cabin.

  12. 史密先生是个有书生气质的人。

    Mr Smith is of a scholarly turn of mind.

  13. 夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。

    Evil Scholar, you trapped my dad in te duel.

  14. 这本书生动地描写了未来世界。

    The book pictured the world of the future.

  15. 公元前221年,山西有一位穷书生。

    In 221 BC,in Shanxi Province there was a poor scholar.

  16. 试论元杂剧中书生形象的阴柔倾向

    On trends of scholarsfemininity in plays of Yuan Dynasty.

  17. 白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。

    Then White Snake Spirit fell in love with an intellectual and gave birth to a son.

  18. 这本书生动地描述了战争的情况。

    The book gave a graphic description of the war.

  19. 老师是一个很文雅的男子, 书生气息重。

    The teacher is a very gentle man, scholar breath heavy.

  20. 老师是一个很文雅得男子,书生气息重。

    The teacher is a very gentle man, scholar breath heavy.

  21. 这游戏没什么了不起,不过是书生们消遣解闷用的。

    The game was not important, a pastime for book bags.

  22. 这本书生动地表现了墨西哥的生活。

    The book gives us fascinating insights into life in Mexico.

  23. 这本书生动地描绘了20世纪30年代的法国社会。

    The book vividly depicts French society of the 1930 s.

  24. 这本书生动地描绘了20世纪30年代得法国社会。

    The book vividly depicts French society of the 1930 s.

  25. 书生以时文评古文,如木工以营造法尺量泰山。

    Critics analyze a literary composition by the technique of writing,as engineers measure the height and structure of Taishan by compasses.

  26. 从前有个书生, 和未婚妻约好在某年某月某日结婚。

    There used to be a scholar, and fiancee herself in a certain period on a certain day of marriage.

  27. 别因他丢了本书生他的气了,他只不过是个孩子。

    Don't be angry with him for losing a book. He is only a child.

  28. 书生突然把车向左转,而这一举动挽救了他的性命。

    Shusheng swerved the car to the left and that swerve saved his life.

  29. 这本书生动地刻画了拥挤的世界中孤单的人类的形象。

    The book paints an image of the human being as alone in a crowded world.

  30. 本公司具有独家代理权, 自协议书生效日期起为期三年。

    We operate as Sole Agents for a period of three years from the date of agreement.


  1. 问:书生拼音怎么拼?书生的读音是什么?书生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书生的读音是shūshēng,书生翻译成英文是 intellectual

  2. 问:书生气拼音怎么拼?书生气的读音是什么?书生气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书生气的读音是shūshēngqì,书生气翻译成英文是 bookishness

  3. 问:书生 (朝鲜)拼音怎么拼?书生 (朝鲜)的读音是什么?书生 (朝鲜)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书生 (朝鲜)的读音是,书生 (朝鲜)翻译成英文是 Seonbi



“书生”是个多义词,它可以指书生(汉语词语), 书生(《特战先锋》人物), 书生(张振宇歌曲), 书生(软件名), 书生(《包三姑外传》角色), 书生(电视剧《特战先锋》人物)。