







汉语拼音:yuán qǐ







  1. 原本;起初。

    宋 叶适 《阴阳精义序》:“著书二十篇,论原起乘止尤详。”《醒世姻缘传》第六回:“你曾见俺家里那个白狮猫来?原起不是个红猫来?比这还红的鲜明哩!”《老残游记》第三回:“这病本不甚重,原起只是一点火气,被医家用苦寒药一逼,火不得发,兼之平常肝气易动,抑鬱而成。”

  2. 缘起;起源。

    孙中山 《革命原起》:“故追述革命原起,以励来者,且以自勉焉。”



  1. The Origin and the Evolution of the Chinese Aesthetic Category "Tao"


  1. 生命起原与演化

    The Origin and Evolvement of Life

  2. 千里之行始于。起水泡原谚语是。

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a. Blister.

  3. 人体必须摄取多少原花青素才能起作用?

    How much procyanidins would you have to consume to feel the benefits

  4. 主要商用作物樟脑成为新移民和原住民之间起冲突的导因。

    Camphor, a major cash crop, became a cause of conflict between the new arrivals and the indigenous peoples.

  5. 这起房地产交易原应有巨额利润, 但是没有实现。

    The property deal was going to make a fortune but it didn't come off.

  6. 我为你们起的愤恨, 原是神那样的愤恨。

    For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy.

  7. 起搏器更换时原起搏电极导线参数及更换指标分析

    Analysis of related parameters of implanted ventricular leads during the process of pulse generator replacement and implication for leads replacement

  8. 鳕鱼游走了,冰原再度冰封起。

    The cod swim away; the ice sheets freeze over again.

  9. 我们聊起天来才发现我们原是校友。

    We got chatting and discovered we'd been at college together.

  10. 本片情节从冰原时期结束时描述起。

    The plot of this movie begins when the Ice Age ends.

  11. 货物原定于1990年8月31日从德国起运。

    Shipment from Germany was due to take place on31 August1990.

  12. 打从我带着我父亲的原罪出生那天起。

    Since I was branded at birth with the sins of my father.

  13. 在贮运中对碳原带起重要的保护作用。

    In the original and transport of carbon with an important protection.

  14. 自动原点返回,停绣点返回,设置另外起绣点的功能。

    Automatic return origin, return stop embroidery location and offset origin can be set arbitrarily.

  15. 卢克不相信原力可以举起这么重的物体。

    Luke did not believe the Force could lift such a massive object.

  16. 原先是图舒服,立起一个王国来,自己称王。

    At the outset it was in order to be comfortable that they set up kingdoms and proclaimed themselves kings.

  17. 园丁把被连根拔起的灌木丛种回原处。

    The gardener replanted the disrooted shrubbery.

  18. 从原点至无穷远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。

    Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts.

  19. 花原体于九月下旬起自顶端分生组织凸起。

    Flower primordia are emerged from the shoot apical meristem in late August.

  20. 让我们先从第一个说起,即免疫原性的概念。

    So let's start with the first one, this immunogenicity idea.

  21. 进屋,把笤帚放在原处,他想往起收拾铺盖。

    Returning indoors, he replaced the broom and decided to roll up his bedding.

  22. 它在小鼠原肠期的原条形成过程中起重要作用。

    It is equired for the formation of the primitive streak during mouse gastrulation.

  23. 她原以为她会害怕养马的, 但她很快喜欢起它们来了。

    She thought she would be nervous looking after the horses but she soon took to them.

  24. 主要外膜蛋白在鹦鹉热衣原体感染过程中起主要作用。

    Major outer membrane protein plays a key role in the infection of Chlamydia psittaci.

  25. 淋病双球菌还对沙眼衣原体的复发起到加速作用。

    Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in anothers position to rise to accelerate effect.

  26. 淋病双球菌还对沙眼衣原体得复发起到加速作用。

    Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in anothers position to rise to accelerate effect.

  27. 结论病原菌动态监测及药敏对临床治疗起关键作用。

    Conclusion The dynamic monitoring and pharmacal sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria play an important role in the clinic treatment.

  28. 在白鹿原人悲剧生命中起着关键影响的就是家族制度。

    The clan system played a significant role in the tragic life of White Deer Plain people.

  29. 我拿起碟子, 又缓缓地放下, 好似要企图把它放回原位。

    I lifted it and slowly lowered it, as if trying to put it back in place.

  30. 我的宝宝5个半月怎么起了个小原点白泡,像口腔溃疡的

    How did 5 half moon have my baby a small origin white bubble, resemble cavity ulcer

