


喊:~喊。~声。~吁。~天号(háo )地。唤,叫:~唤。~叫。~应。~朋引类(招引同类的人,共同做坏事)。往外出气,与“吸”相对:~气。~吸。象声词:~地跳起来。姓。……





汉语拼音:hū chū








呼出 [hū chū]
  1. 气体之所以能够进出于肺,是因为肺内压与大气压之差。



  1. Her eyes widened as she felt a sudden emission of air coming from the nostrils of the corpse.


  2. And his father had worked to the last fading gasp; the horned growth on his hands must have been half an inch thick when he died.


  3. It was like breathing out a sigh of relief, to be able to let go of photos.


  4. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the muscles involved in respiration. Thus, the flow of air in and out of the lungs is aided.


  5. They say that a man is not a real one until he hears his name from the lips of a woman. . . It could be.


  6. The warm vapor from her breath cuts through the cold air and bounces off of the ground in front of her.


  7. He made an attempt to kiss her; she felt his hot breath fanning her cheek, and dodged.


  8. Contract your abdominal muscles fully to push as much air as possible out of your lungs. Then relax your abdominals.


  9. We face each other, look directly in each others' eyes and take a deep breath in. . . and out.


  1. 呼进,呼出

    You blow in and out.

  2. 呼出一口气

    exhale a breath.

  3. 他们呼出的。

    The carbon dioxide from.

  4. 发端呼出筛选

    originating call screening.

  5. 气流呼出,不发声。

    Its a puff of air.No phonation is present.

  6. 呼出一嘴巴的烟

    Exhale a mouthful of smoke

  7. 用力呼出肺里的烟

    expel smoke from the lungs

  8. 我们呼出的是二氧化碳。

    What we exhale is carbon dioxide.

  9. 我们从肺里呼出废气。

    We expire used air from our lungs.

  10. 人吸入氧气, 呼出二氧化碳。

    Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

  11. 我终于呼出和走出卡车。

    I finally exhaled and stepped out of the truck.

  12. 我们吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳。

    We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

  13. 她们呼出的气息袅袅上升。

    Their breath steamed.

  14. 深吸气,然后慢慢地呼出。

    BREATHE Inhale deeply and slowly release your breath.

  15. 吸入和呼出空气的过程。

    The process of taking in and expelling air during breathing.

  16. 呼吸吸气和呼气吸入和呼出。

    To breathe in and out inhale and exhale.

  17. 我们往大气中呼出二氧化碳。

    We breathe out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  18. 我们往大气中呼出二氧化碳。

    We breathe out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  19. 米尔顿长长地呼出一口气。

    Milton let out his breath in a long exhalation.

  20. 他呼出的气中有蒜味。

    His breath smelt of garlic.

  21. 打入呼出均有图片显示。

    A picture can appear during incoming orand outcoming calls.

  22. 我都能看到呼出的空气

    I can see my breath.

  23. 我都能看到呼出的空气。

    I can see my breath.

  24. 当你呼出蒸汽时,立刻消失。

    You exhale vapor, which vanishes immediately.

  25. 他呼出的烟笼罩在他头上。

    The smoke he exhaled clouded up above him.

  26. 他呼出的烟笼罩在他头上。

    The smoke he exhaled clouded up above him.

  27. 呼吸在呼吸过程中吸进和呼出

    To inhale and exhaleduring respiration.

  28. 从鼻或口有力地呼出气体。

    forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth.

  29. 我们呼出二氧化碳,菌丝也是这样。

    We exhale carbon dioxide, so does mycelium.

  30. 冷天能看到人们呼出的空气。

    You can see people's breath on a cold day.


  1. 问:呼出气拼音怎么拼?呼出气的读音是什么?呼出气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呼出气的读音是hū chū qì,呼出气翻译成英文是 expiratory gas

  2. 问:呼出振铃点拼音怎么拼?呼出振铃点的读音是什么?呼出振铃点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呼出振铃点的读音是hū chū zhèn líng diǎn,呼出振铃点翻译成英文是 ring out point

  3. 问:呼出气流峰率拼音怎么拼?呼出气流峰率的读音是什么?呼出气流峰率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呼出气流峰率的读音是hū chū qì liú fēng lǜ,呼出气流峰率翻译成英文是 peak expiratory flow rate