







汉语拼音:dú xiǎng








  1. 独自享有或享受。

    《汉书·外戚传下·班倢伃》:“己独享兮高明,处生民兮极休。” 颜师古 注:“享,当也。” 宋 朱熹 《小学·嘉言》:“ 范文正公 为参知政事时,告诸子曰……若独享富贵而不恤宗族,异日何以见祖宗於地下,今何颜入家庙乎?” 许地山 《空山灵雨·债》:“世间若有一个人吃不饱足……我也不敢公然独享这具足的生活。”



  1. you will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these stories to yourself.


  2. This year it had a whole building to itself, which had been Ericsson's sole prerogative.


  3. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.


  4. The extraordinarily high percentage of long-term unemployed isn't just a feature of this recession.


  5. Looking for your own piece of paradise? When it comes to exclusivity, it's hard to beat vacationing on a private island.


  6. I know I should head to bed, but I relish the chance to finally have the TV all to myself and be master of the remote control.


  7. Shooting at the goalkeeper is a policy that only ever seems to pay off for England's opponents.


  8. Clearly knowledge was never meant to be the sole ownership of any one person.


  9. Such a good life, I can only vacation? It's one out, let everybody a enjoy!


  1. 富者独享的特权

    Rights peculiar to the rich

  2. 她渴望安宁, 渴望独享清静。

    She longed for peace and solitude.

  3. 因此音乐仅能独享。

    Solitude is the salt of personhood.

  4. 在封建社会, 贵族独享特权。

    In the feudal society, the aristocracy enjoyed some exclusive privileges.

  5. 这年头你无法独享好点子?

    You can't keep a good idea down these days.

  6. 赢家就能独享厕所的权力

    Winner gets exclusive rights to the bathroom.

  7. 他们以为那是他们独享的特权。

    They think that's their exclusive privilege.

  8. 河内养鱼,可独享垂钓的乐趣。

    U can the pleasure of exclusive fishing.

  9. 摒除任何其它人而独享全部权益

    having the entire of the interest to the exclusion of any other person

  10. 这些是属于富有阶级独享得特权。

    These are the privileges that pertained only to the wealthier class.

  11. 这些是属于富有阶级独享的特权。

    These are the privileges that pertained only to the wealthier class.

  12. 这样得夜晚, 唯你一人独享。

    Such night, only a your personal one enjoys.

  13. 这样的夜晚,唯你一人独享。

    Such night, only a your personal one enjoys.

  14. 这一次,他终于可以独享闪光灯了。

    At last the spotlight is just on him.

  15. 良好得教育不应是富人独享得事。

    A good education should not is the monopoly of the rich.

  16. 良好的教育不应是富人独享的事。

    A good education should not is the monopoly of the rich.

  17. 也就是说咱俩就能 独享美景镇了。

    Which means you and I will have Fairview all to ourselves.

  18. 一段你独享孤寂的岁月, 仅此而已。

    When you re better off alone.

  19. 独享欢乐是一种愉快, 独自忧伤也是一种愉快。

    Happiness enjoyed by oneself is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted alone.

  20. 今天晚上,我独享了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

    I have enjoyed a sumptuous dinner all by myself tonight.

  21. 今天晚上,我独享了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

    I have enjoyed a sumptuous dinner all by myself tonight.

  22. 真高兴,整个客车隔间由我们独享。

    We were glad to have the whole compartment to ourselves.

  23. 我才不让你独享功劳,拿走所有赏金。

    Well, I wasn't going to let you get all the credit and take all the reward.

  24. 梅丽萨要怎样才能救回父亲, 独享宠爱呢

    How Mei Lisa can be able to retrieve the father, the unshared love

  25. 汤米希望来客离开, 以便自己能独享糖果。

    Tommy wished the visitors were getting out of the way so that he could have the candy for himself.

  26. 在团体比赛中,个人不能独享所有的荣誉。

    In a team sport, one person cannot take all the credit.

  27. 不过这种的漠视给了书本一种独享的自由。

    But with that disregard comes the freedom that only books have.

  28. 只有坐头等舱旅行才能保证一个人独享一舱。

    The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class.

  29. 掠夺你的礼物,而她独享千重之福!

    Rend of thy gifts and hers a thousandfold for one!

  30. 只有我们的贵宾才能独享免费代客停车服务。

    The free valet parking is far the exclutive used of our VIPs.


  1. 问:独享拼音怎么拼?独享的读音是什么?独享翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独享的读音是dúxiǎng,独享翻译成英文是 To enjoy alone.