







汉语拼音:cōng cù








  1. 匆忙;仓促。

    唐 杜甫 《雨不绝》诗:“眼边江舸何匆促,未待安流逆浪归。” 茅盾 《子夜》二:“刚才和 佩瑶 商量,觉得老太爷大殓的时刻还是改到后天上午好些,一则不匆促,二则 曾沧海 舅父也可以赶到了。”



  1. He set out in such a haste that he didn't have time to say good-bye to his friends.


  2. This, is indeed what I am calling here the movement of haste in the bad sense of the term, that of disarray.


  3. One of the best ways to show confidence is to do it slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous people rush things to mask their nervousness.


  4. It would be surprising that no such incautious and mirthful rush to judgment has occurred concerning this particular Jesus tomb.


  5. One may speculate, but one must refrain from resorting too precipitously to the language of the body.


  6. He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.


  7. And that's a great thing because it engenders a rush and it engenders people wanting to get out ahead and help all of this happen.


  8. He made a hasty decision.


  9. Do not rush through your sentences or make ambiguous statements.


  1. 由于太匆促

    as a result of too much haste.

  2. 匆促说一句话

    a flying remark

  3. 匆促的笔调,放纵的语气。

    The style was hurried, the tone intemperate.

  4. 爱情是匆促狂野的风

    Love is a rush of wild wind

  5. 他们被匆促调赴前线。

    They were hurried to the front.

  6. 匆促忙乱地慌乱地乱七八糟地

    In disorderly hasteconfusedlypell mell.

  7. 他们匆促地使议案通过。

    They rushed the bill through.

  8. 你匆促的动作近似入侵

    Your hungry flirt borders intrusion

  9. 一手都匆促兴混乱。

    Everything was hurry and confusion.

  10. 法国同谋者被迫匆促逃亡。

    The French conspirators were forced to escape very hurriedly.

  11. 他做了一个匆促的决定。

    He made a hasty decision.

  12. 不要匆促对人做出判断。

    Don't judge others hastily.

  13. 匆促的断言,或自私者的嘲笑。

    Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men.

  14. 不要匆促赶完你的工作。

    Don't rush through your work.

  15. 锣声响得更匆促,更剧烈了。

    The gong thundered more frequently and more furiously.

  16. 我知道有点突然, 也很匆促。

    I know it's a little sudden, and it's rushed.

  17. 她刚刚匆促地往杂货店去了。

    She has just popped across to the grocers.

  18. 时间太匆促。我提供了我的知识。

    Time was short. I offered my knowledge.

  19. 他匆促启程,未及向朋友告别。

    He left in such haste that he had no time to say goodbye to his friends.

  20. 他匆促起程, 未及向朋友告别。

    He set out in such a haste that he didnt have time to say goodbye to his friends.

  21. 医生跟护士们匆促的到达事故现场。

    Doctors and nurses were hurried to the scene of the accident.

  22. 他那副样子好象非常匆促似的。

    He appeared to be in a spasmodic sort of hurry.

  23. 想完成任务, 咱们就不该匆促行事。

    In trying to complete a task, we should not rush.

  24. 计划匆促拟成,难免有疏漏之处。

    The plan was drawn up in haste, so there are bound to be oversights and omissions.

  25. 消化一页书, 胜于匆促的读一卷书。

    A page digested is better than a volume hurriedly read.

  26. 没有匆促的言词,没有苍白的脸色,没有明显的焦虑。

    There were no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation.

  27. 没有匆促得言词,没有苍白得脸色,没有明显得焦虑。

    There were no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation.

  28. 她匆促地讲着,自己觉得态度不大自然。

    She spoke hastily in an unnatural manner.

  29. 探险家匆促搭建了一座冬用的小屋。

    The explorers rigged up a shed for the winter months.

  30. 探险家匆促搭建了一座冬用得小屋。

    The explorers rigged up a shed for the winter months.


  1. 问:匆促拼音怎么拼?匆促的读音是什么?匆促翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匆促的读音是cōngcù,匆促翻译成英文是 hasty

  2. 问:匆促判刑拼音怎么拼?匆促判刑的读音是什么?匆促判刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匆促判刑的读音是,匆促判刑翻译成英文是 railroad


匆促,读音cōng cù,汉语词语,指匆忙;仓促。