







汉语拼音:miàn jīn






  1. 死者覆面的方巾。

    徐珂 《清稗类钞·服饰·面巾》:“面巾,本就死者覆面之巾而言,以绢为之,方尺二寸,即《仪礼》所谓幎目,盖古之通礼也。”参见“ 面帛 ”。

  2. 洗脸的布。

    徐珂 《清稗类钞·服饰·面巾》:“今之洗面者,亦称面巾。大别有二,一以水洗面时所用,一为拭尘秽时所用。” 艾芜 《印度洋风土画》:“这时麻面小伙子拿着湿漉漉的面巾,从甲板上走了上来。”

  3. 麪巾:亦作“麵巾”。即面筋。

    元 无名氏 《射柳捶丸》第三折:“本待发心吃斋去,则是无处买麵巾。”参见“ 麪筋 ”。



  1. We leave the store with the cold medicine and a box of American Kleenex. At least for now you can still blow your nose without China.


  2. But the face veil mystifies her; 'it might be part of a dancer's costume, ' she muses.


  3. And I got a cake, champagne, glasses, boxes and boxes of Kleenex , and disposable cameras.


  4. I'm buying her 10 packages of toilet paper and 20 boxes of Kleenex. She'll be living on her own for the first time and she'll need all that.


  5. Even though you have used a tissue paper, food particles remain stuck around the corner of your nails.


  6. Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale.


  7. Daily maintenance: use, using tissues along the brush, wipe off the excess residue of cosmetics.


  8. Rent the video and buy a box of Kleenex, the women in the house will no doubt shed tears over this one.


  9. You see, my 14-month-old daughter sneezed, and I had to wipe her nose with Kleenex. When she saw me coming with the tissue the match began.


  1. 你使用面巾。

    You use a face cloth.

  2. 别忘了面巾纸。

    Dont forget the Kleenex.

  3. 给我些面巾纸。

    Give some face tissues to me.

  4. 她用面巾擦拭嘴唇。

    She dabbed at her mouth with a tissue.

  5. 一次性面巾的应用与发展

    Application and Development for Disposable Facial Tissue

  6. 我一般都会随身携带一些面巾纸。

    I often take some tissues with me.

  7. 她喜欢批量购买东西, 比如面巾纸。

    She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk.

  8. 及绷带,面巾纸,伤口包扎材料等

    Medical Nonwoven Hygienic Products, Diaper for uroclepsia patie.

  9. 我得店里有大量面巾纸得存货。

    I stocked many facial tissues in my shop.

  10. 适用于皮肤使用你得手或面巾。

    Apply to skin using your hand or a washcloth.

  11. 适用于皮肤使用你的手或面巾。

    Apply to skin using your hand or a washcloth.

  12. 取少量放置沾湿的手心或面巾。

    Apply small amount of gel to damp palm or cloth.

  13. 浴室中有一盒克里奈克斯牌的面巾纸。

    There is a box of kleenex in the bathroom.

  14. 她用一张面巾纸擦眼睛, 擤鼻子。

    She wiped her eyes and blew her nose on a tissue.

  15. 毛巾的尺寸包含手巾, 面巾, 浴巾和毯子等。

    Various size of towel include hand towel, face towel, bath towel, blanket, and cleaning towel.

  16. 我们轮流拿香烟在面巾纸上烫出洞来。

    We each take turns burning a hole in it with a cigarette.

  17. 结构模型中含有由黑麦片粥制成的面巾纸。

    the structure of the mould comprises tissue paper hardened with rye porridge.

  18. 把客人私人洗漱用品放在叠好的干净面巾上。

    All guest bathroom amenities should be neatly placed on a folded clean face towel.

  19. 当一个国家打喷嚏, 其他人都需要伸手去取面巾纸。

    When one country sneezes, everybody needs to reach for the tissue box.

  20. 最好是先用湿的卸妆面巾清洁皮肤, 然后再上妆。

    It is better to invest in matte cosmetic tissues that would cleanse your skin and matt at the same time.

  21. 该品牌凭借科技发起反击,比如带乳液的舒洁面巾纸。

    The brand is fighting back with technology; one example is Kleenex Facial Tissue with Lotion.

  22. 揭下透析面巾,用大量清水冲洗面部,不可逆毛孔揉搓。

    Jiexia washcloth dialysis, with plenty of water washing the face, rubbing irreversible pores.

  23. 拿去, 这个是你们的眼睛防护装备, 防晒面具和湿面巾。

    Here, I've got your protective eye gear, your sun bIock and your wet naps.


  1. 问:面巾拼音怎么拼?面巾的读音是什么?面巾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面巾的读音是miànjīn,面巾翻译成英文是 towel; flannel

  2. 问:面巾纸拼音怎么拼?面巾纸的读音是什么?面巾纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面巾纸的读音是miànjīnzhǐ,面巾纸翻译成英文是 a paper handkerchief used to wipe one's face...


