


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……







汉语拼音:hóng lǐng jīn







  1. 少年先锋队员的标志。红领巾代表红旗的一角,意在教育少先队员继承革命传统。

    袁鹰 《篝火之歌·炉边夜话》:“这学期我只有一个志愿,争取红领巾能挂在胸前。”

  2. 少先队员的代称。

    柯岩 《奇异的书简》六:“他们不会回头,他们义无反顾,因为他们既看到大会堂里手捧鲜花向他们扑来的红领巾;他们又看到大会场外,九百六十万平方公里辽阔土地上人民向他们伸着的双手。”



  1. Chest bright red scarf will solemnly tell you that, "Today's journey has begun, and tomorrow's better to wait for you to open up. "


  2. He took out a red scarf from his pocket and gave it to his little daughter.


  3. Him, a military uniform, his face smiling, a red scarf flapping in the wind.


  4. I was wearing a bag in the primary school gate, and all the big boys from Grade Six who were wearing the Red Scarf looked like an adult.


  5. One boy wearing a red Young Pioneers neck scarf says he'd like to join in but his school has no day off.


  6. He cautiously turned his head and saw a young girl wearing a red scarf around her neck.


  7. He, a military uniform , a smile, a red scarf in the wind with flying.


  8. And of course pioneers wore a red pioneer tie, the main must-have item.


  9. But the red scarf has its specific meaning, both were not the same, these approaches have been halted.


  1. 红领巾助残活动

    Young Pioneers Helping the Disabled activity

  2. 红领巾迎着太阳

    Red cravats face the sun

  3. 一条漂亮的红领巾

    a saucy red bow tie.

  4. 男孩, 把红领巾戴上。

    Boys, put on your scarfs.

  5. 男孩,把红领巾戴上。

    Boys, put on your scarfs.

  6. 那男孩围着红领巾。

    The boy had a red scarf round his neck.

  7. 红领巾,他是乐曲的音符。

    Red scarf, he was musical notes.

  8. 红领巾,他是童年的回忆。

    Red scarf, he was childhood memories.

  9. 志愿者们在学习系红领巾。

    Volunteers learned how to wear the red scarf.

  10. 鲜艳的红领巾飘扬在前胸

    Our beautiful red scarves float on our chests

  11. 同学们, 红领巾是国旗的一角。

    Students, and red scarf is a flag of the iceberg.

  12. 少先队员都系着红领巾。

    The Young Pioneers all wear red scarves.

  13. 我们就是我们, 红领巾在胸前燃烧。

    We are us, the burning red scarf in his chest.

  14. 学生们在红领巾农场积极地劳动。

    Students are working on the red scarf farm.

  15. 努力学习和工作, 我们热爱红领巾。

    Study hard, work hard, we love our tie.

  16. 那就是先从佩戴好红领巾开始。

    That is good to wear red scarf from the beginning.

  17. 我们得红领巾双语广播开始播音了。

    Our Chinese and English Red scarf broadcast will begin.

  18. 我们的红领巾双语广播开始播音了。

    Our Chinese and English Red scarf broadcast will begin.

  19. 脖子上围着红领巾得男孩是谁?

    Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck?

  20. 脖子上围着红领巾的男孩是谁?

    Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck ?

  21. 是战士就穿上军装,是学生就戴上红领巾。

    A serviceman should wear his uniform, a student his scarf.

  22. 第四个月, 所有得孩子都有了红领巾。

    Fourth month, all children had their own red scarfs.

  23. 第四个月,所有的孩子都有了红领巾。

    Fourth month, all children had their own red scarfs.

  24. 啊, 我终于戴上红领巾啦, 多么美好的时光啊!

    Ah, I finally put on the red scarf, what a wonderful time ah!

  25. 演讲台两边,坐着家长代表,教师代表和红领巾代表。

    On either side of the rostrum sat representatives of parents, teachers and Red Scarves.

  26. 当我们去学校上学的时候,我们可能要戴红领巾。

    When we go to school, we may need to wear red scarf.

  27. 他, 一身军装, 一脸微笑, 一条红领巾随风飘扬。

    Him, a military uniform, his face smiling, a red scarf flapping in the wind.

  28. 看, 所有的那些少先队员都戴着红领巾。

    Look, all of those Young Pioneers are wearing their red scarves.

  29. 当然,少先队员们是肯定会带上红领巾的。

    And of course pioneers wore a red pioneer tie, the main musthave item.

  30. 如果没有正确佩戴红领巾的话, 老师会及时的纠正。

    If the tie was tied incorrectly a teacher had to reprimand.


  1. 问:红领巾拼音怎么拼?红领巾的读音是什么?红领巾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红领巾的读音是hónglǐngjīn,红领巾翻译成英文是 red scarf

  2. 问:红领巾公园拼音怎么拼?红领巾公园的读音是什么?红领巾公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红领巾公园的读音是Hónglǐngjīn Gōngyuán,红领巾公园翻译成英文是 Honglingjin Park



“红领巾”是个多义词,它可以指红领巾(小学生杂志), 红领巾(2011年向歌执导电影虚构的情节), 红领巾(少先队标志), 红领巾(1965年万古蟾执导动画片)。