


1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……


体内含脂肪少,肌肉不丰满,与“胖”、“肥”相对:~溜(“溜”读轻声)。~弱。~小。~削。~俏。~长(cháng )。~瘪。消~。清~。~骨嶙峋。衣服鞋袜等窄小:这条裤子太~了。细削,单薄:字小而~。土地瘠薄:~瘠。遒劲有骨力:书贵~硬。水清……




1. 柴 [chái]柴 [chái]烧火用的草木:~草。~火。~门。火~。木~。烧柴祭天:“~于上帝”。瘦,不松软:~鸡。~心儿。姓。……



汉语拼音:gǔ shòu rú chái








  • 【解释】:形容消瘦到极点。
  • 【出自】:宋·陆佃《埤雅·释兽》:“瘦如豺。豺,柴也。豺体瘦,故谓之豺。”
  • 【示例】:刘姥姥看着凤姐~,神情恍惚,心里也就悲惨起来。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容极其消瘦


  1. The children looked hungry, gaunt, dishevelled, and yet Julie was glowing beneath the dirt.


  2. There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.


  3. There was the skinny man on the floor, eyes open with a surgical cap on his head. His skin was turning blue.


  4. At 71 he faced the canvas, scrawny, grey-naked, palette and brush in hand, with just a pair of unlaced hobnail boots on his feet.


  5. She appeared to be in her 30s ( "Why don't you guess my age, " said the rail-thin sex worker, when asked).


  6. Several others were rawboned and sallow, as if they had been beaten upon by all sorts of rough weather.


  7. If you can handle the burn and really want to get skinny legs fast I would recommend doing this for 15 minutes at least 4 times a week.


  8. Although the person is not short, the word says A (have 170) , also not be a mere skeleton type, but be bosom, compare small.


  9. Eric noticed that although her ribs showed through a dull coat, her eyes were bright and animated.


  1. 他骨瘦如柴。

    He is as thin as a rake.

  2. 他变得骨瘦如柴。

    He is reduced to skin and bones.

  3. 小男孩骨瘦如柴。

    The little boy was as thin as a lath.

  4. 他的身体骨瘦如柴。

    His body is a bag of bones.

  5. 她的丈夫骨瘦如柴。

    Her husband is like an anatomy.

  6. 她几乎骨瘦如柴了。

    She almost pined away to nothing.

  7. 完美的男人骨瘦如柴。

    Perfect men are scrawny.

  8. 拒绝骨瘦如柴的模特

    To reject excessively thin models

  9. 皮包骨得人, 骨瘦如柴得人

    walking corpse

  10. 这老妇人骨瘦如柴。

    The old woman is nothing But skin and Bones.

  11. 你过去是骨瘦如柴, 是不是?

    You were skin and bones, weren't you?

  12. 她因长期生病骨瘦如柴。

    She is reduced almost to a skeleton by long illness.

  13. 萨莉很苗条, 但不是骨瘦如柴。

    Sally is slim without being skinny.

  14. 长期的卧病使他骨瘦如柴。

    A long illness made a skeleton out of him.

  15. 他那骨瘦如柴, 微微佝偻的身材。

    His gaunt, slightly stooping figure.

  16. 他渐渐饮食不进, 骨瘦如柴。

    Gradually he lost his appetite and wasted away till he was nothing but skin and bones.

  17. 他的小手可以说是骨瘦如柴。

    His is the little hand.

  18. 我第一次见她时, 她骨瘦如柴。

    She was as thin as a rake when I first met her.

  19. 我第一次见她时,她骨瘦如柴。

    She was as thin as a rake when I first met her.

  20. 那可怜的老头真是骨瘦如柴。

    The poor old man was just a walking corpse.

  21. 她逐渐瘦弱下去, 直至骨瘦如柴。

    She gradually rotted away until she was thin and dry as the boughs.

  22. 她的胳膊看上去几乎骨瘦如柴。

    Her arms look almost skeletal!

  23. 这个骨瘦如柴得男孩就是巴西。

    The skinny boy is, of course, Brazil.

  24. 你再不多吃一些,你将骨瘦如柴。

    If you don't eat more, you'll soon be a bag of bones.

  25. 他身着一件法兰绒衬衫, 骨瘦如柴。

    He was skinny and wore a flannel shirt.

  26. 确诊一年以后,父亲已是骨瘦如柴。

    One year after his diagnosis, my dad was skeletal.

  27. 不可过份节食,否则你会骨瘦如柴。

    Dont overdo your diet otherwise you may be nothing but skin and bones.

  28. 虽然他食欲很大,却长得骨瘦如柴。

    He was as thin as a rake in spite of his enormous appetite.

  29. 他病了好几年,所以看上去骨瘦如柴。

    He had been ill for several years, and looked as thin as a rake.

  30. 我一直认为, 如果我变得骨瘦如柴我很乐意。

    I've always believed that if I'd become stick thin I'd be happy.


  1. 问:骨瘦如柴拼音怎么拼?骨瘦如柴的读音是什么?骨瘦如柴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骨瘦如柴的读音是gǔshòurúchái,骨瘦如柴翻译成英文是 lean as a rake; thin as a match

  2. 问:骨瘦如柴的拼音怎么拼?骨瘦如柴的的读音是什么?骨瘦如柴的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骨瘦如柴的的读音是,骨瘦如柴的翻译成英文是 rawboned

  3. 问:骨瘦如柴的人拼音怎么拼?骨瘦如柴的人的读音是什么?骨瘦如柴的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骨瘦如柴的人的读音是,骨瘦如柴的人翻译成英文是 rackabones