







汉语拼音:shèn xū






  1. Results: The BMD of every part measured of the women had a continuously declining trend. The score of kidney vacuity increased in each year.


  2. The difference between the total score of kidney-deficiency syndrome with and without family tress is statistically significant (P05).


  3. ConclusionThe results of multivariate statistical analysis proposed that kidney deficiency pattern is one of the primary patterns in DM.


  4. The decrease of endometrial receptivity is one of mechanism of infertility with kidney-deficiency syndrome.


  5. Gui Shen Wan produces a good curative effect and has no harmful effect.


  6. ConclusionThere is a internal link between the total score of four diagnoses and kidney-deficiency.


  7. There was statistically significant difference between the two groups for incidence of kidney deficiency (P01).


  8. Objective: To explore the relationship between the degree of postmenopause osteoporosis(PO)and the syndrome pattern of kidney-deficiency.


  9. Kidney hydrocortisone injection to establish a mouse model to determine their swimming time, organ index.


  1. 肾虚, 下元亏损

    renal asthenia

  2. 忘,肾虚腰痛

    forgetful, Lumbago due to the kidney Deficiency.

  3. 肾虚经行后期

    nephrasthenia delayed menstruation.

  4. 肾虚妊娠腰痛

    lumbago during pregnancy due to deficiency of the kidney.

  5. 肾虚经行浮肿

    edema during menstruation due to deficiency of the kidney.

  6. 肾虚妊娠遗尿

    enuresis during pregnancy due to deficiency of the kidney.

  7. 肾虚经行而泻

    diarrhea during menstruation due to deficiency of the kidney.

  8. 肾经腰痛, 肾虚腰痛, 虚劳腰痛

    nephrasthenia lumbago

  9. 肾虚不能化气行水

    the deficient kidney failing to activate functioning of QI for promoting diuresis

  10. 肾虚经乱, 肾虚经行先后无定期

    nephrasthenia irregular menstruation

  11. 哮喘缓解期从肾虚体质辨证

    Differentiation of symptoms and signs for remittent asthma from the constitution of kidney deficiency

  12. 肾虚不孕症的中医临床研究进展

    Progress of clinical Researches on Inability to Pregnacy Caused by Deficiency of Kidney

  13. 肾虚的临床听力学特性初步研究

    A Study on the Auditory Characteristics of Kidney Deficiency

  14. 肌肤发灰黑色则是肾虚的反映。

    Gray hair black skin is a reflection of kidney deficiency.

  15. 肾虚腰痛,是女性中最常见的腰痛。

    Kidney deficiency low back pain, women are the most common low back pain.

  16. 肾虚腰痛,是女性中最常见得腰痛。

    Kidney deficiency low back pain, women are the most common low back pain.

  17. 适用于肾虚,体弱,长期腰痛栓塞。

    Applicable to kidney deficiency, the infirm, longterm low back pain embolism.

  18. 恐伤母研究子代肾虚的行为遗传

    Study on Behavior Genetics of First Offspring With Kidney Deficiency After Horror Injuring Parent

  19. 从肾虚毒损治疗慢性肾炎蛋白尿血尿

    Treating Albuminuria and Blood Urine of Chronic Nephritis from Renal Deficiency and Impaired by Toxin

  20. 祖传的医方据说对于治疗肾虚效果很好。

    The ancestral prescription is said to be efficacious against renal weakness.

  21. 祖传得医方据说对于治疗肾虚效果很好。

    The ancestral prescription is said to be efficacious against renal weakness.

  22. 祖传的医方据说对于治疗肾虚效果很好。

    The ancestral prescription is said to be efficacious against renal weakness.

  23. 慢性肾功能衰竭血脂质紊乱与肾虚的关系

    Relationship Between Lipid Metabolism Disorder and Deficiency of the Kidney in Chronic Renal Failure

  24. 从肾虚伏气论慢性乙型肝炎的治疗

    Discussion on the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Based on the Liu's Theory of Kidney Deficiency and Incubative Pathogen

  25. 腰椎退行性变患者骨代谢变化与肾虚的关系

    Relationship between Bone Metabolism and Kidney Deficiency in Degeneration of Lumbar Spine

  26. 目的探讨推拿肾俞穴治疗老年肾虚腰痛的临床效果。

    Objective It is to discuss clinical effect of massaging Shenshu point on aged lumbago caused by deficiency of kidney.

  27. 肾虚脾弱型黄体功能不健性不孕症临床研究

    Clinical Investigation on Infertility due to Inadequate Luteal Function with Deficiency of Kidney and Spleen

  28. 中年人出现肾虚症状就是一种未老先衰,叫病理性肾虚。

    Symptom of empty of middleaged person occurrence kidney is a kind of prematurely senile, call pathology sex kidney empty.

  29. 肾虚与卵巢早衰机理及补肾填精辨治述要

    An Outline of Mechanism of Deficiency of the Kidney and Premature Ovarian Failure Treated with Diagnosis and Treatment Based on TCM by Tonifying the Kidney and Replenishing Essence

  30. 阳虚肾虚者宜温补肾阳如艾叶,续断,鹿角霜等。

    Treat deficiency of kidneyyang with herbs that can warm kidneyyang, such as mugwort leaf, Teasel etc.



肾虚指肾脏精气阴阳不足。肾虚的种类有很多,其中最常见的是肾阴虚,肾阳虚。 肾虚的症状:肾阳虚的症状为腰酸、四肢发冷、畏寒,甚至还有水肿,为“寒”的症状,性功能不好也会导致肾阳虚;肾阴虚的症状为“热”,主要有腰酸、燥热、盗汗、虚汗、头晕、耳鸣等。现代科学证明,当人发生肾虚时,无论肾阴虚还是肾阳虚,都会导致人的免疫能力的降低,有更多的证据表明,肾虚发生时,肾脏的免疫能力降低,而肾脏的微循环系统亦会发生阻塞,肾络呈现不通。所以对于肾虚的治疗应防治结合。