




正,不歪斜:~正(a.事物不歪斜;b.正派,正确;c.使端正)。~丽。~然。~庄。~秀。~静。~坐。正派,正直:~方。~直。~重(zhòng )。品行不~。事物的一头:~的(dì)(a.事情的经过,底细;b.的确,果然;c.究竟。均亦称“端……



汉语拼音:xiān duān







  1. 犹首先。

    清 陈确 《答格致诚正问》:“夫诚是到头学问,而正为先端趋向。”

  2. 叶、花、果实等器官的顶部。



  1. Leaves with a pair of glands at junction of leaf base and petiole apex, these much larger than any elsewhere along leaf margin.


  2. lobes triangular-ovate, fleshy, at least as long as gynostegium, apex blunt, sometimes extended and sharply incurved.


  3. Tepals 6, free, often colored, outer and inner ones different in shape, apex usually with a minute tuft of white hairs.


  4. Petals white or yellow, obcordate, with an inflexed apex, outer petals in outer flowers of an umbellule enlarged and radiant.


  5. Ovary half inferior, obovate, apex truncate and with a membranous crown.


  6. apex of calyx lobes truncate and with a membranous disk, disk margin fimbriate.


  7. Petals 5, connate at base into a very short tube, apex free, valvate, in pistillate flowers early deciduous or absent.


  8. Ovary ovoid, apex truncate and with a membranous 4-lobed crown, crown margin abruptly denticulate.


  9. filaments at least in male and bisexual flowers subulate to filiform at apex.


  1. 蒴果纺锤形,在先端开裂。

    Capsule fusiform, dehiscent at apex.

  2. 花瓣盔状在先端, 疏生。

    Petals galeate at apex, sparsely papillose.

  3. 花柱包括, 先端同样2半裂。

    Style included, apex equally 2cleft.

  4. 竿箨叶舌锐的齿或2齿的先端。

    Apex of culm sheath ligule sharply toothed or 2toothed.

  5. 萼片并非具芒的在先端, 宿存。

    Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent.

  6. 竿箨耳廓不显眼鞘先端截形。

    Culm sheath auricles inconspicuous sheath apex truncate.

  7. 花盘环形或者杯状, 先端截形。

    Disc ringlike or cupulate, apex truncate.

  8. 花柱纤细, 外露, 先端同样2半裂。

    Style slender, exserted, apex equally 2cleft.

  9. 花盘先端截形, 在果期拉长。

    Disc apex truncate, elongate in fruit.

  10. 花药近盘状,连着近先端或。

    Anthers nearly discoid, coherent near apex or adaxially.

  11. 浆果圆筒状, 无毛的, 先端截形。

    Berry cylindric, glabrous, apex truncate.

  12. 花柱多数片状的2, 先端通常扩大。

    Style mostly 2lamellate, apex often enlarged.

  13. 花药室2,椭圆体,不汇合的先端。

    Anther cells2, ellipsoid, divaricate, apex not confluent.

  14. 三棱的小坚果,长方形,先端截形。

    Nutlets triquetrous, oblong, apex truncate.

  15. 柱冠罗汉松,叶小,先端纯或圆。

    Column coronal yew podocarpus, xie Xiao, pure or tip is round.

  16. 盘状的柱头头状花序,圆形的先端稍。

    Stigma head discoid, apex slightly domeshaped.

  17. 托叶鞘管状, 先端偏斜或截形。

    ocrea tubular, apex oblique or truncate.

  18. 上面外稃具的先端一束短刚毛。

    18 Apex of upper lemma with a tuft of short setae.

  19. 果瓣柄2裂的在先端,半裂达12长度。

    Carpophore bifid at apex, cleft up to 12 of its length.

  20. 子房卵形体, 4室, 先端截形和全缘。

    Ovary ovoid, 4celled, apex truncate and entire.

  21. 花被圆筒形,先端四齿裂,花瓣状。

    Perianth cylinder form, 4 tine crack tip, petaline shape.

  22. 花药线形,丁字着,室2,汇合的先端。

    Anthers linear, versatile, cells2, divaricate, apex confluent.

  23. 花盘鳞片1,线形,先端全缘或稍微凹。

    Disk scale1, linear, apex entire or slightly retuse.

  24. 在节处和茎的先端生根的纤细匍匐茎。

    A slender stolon or prostrate stem rooting at the nodes or at the tip.

  25. 加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。

    Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless.

  26. 顶端的附属物, 具一肉质结果低于先端。

    appendage apical, with a fleshy outgrowth below apex.

  27. 花萼胭脂红紫色的到黄绿色在先端具紫色

    Calyx carminepurple to yellowish green with purple at apex

  28. 叶簇生在小枝先端,似乎对生或轮生。

    Leaves clustered at branchlet apex, appearing opposite or verticillate.

  29. 子房卵形体, 无毛, 边缘膜质, 先端截形。

    Ovary ovoid, glabrous, margin membranous, apex truncate.

  30. 花瓣长圆形, 约2。5毫米, 无毛, 先端稍外卷。

    Petals oblong, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous, slightly revolute toward apex.