


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……










汉语拼音:nán yǐ qǐ chǐ







  1. I don't quite know how to ask you, but do you think I could possibly use this house for a year?


  2. For six months I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh.


  3. He was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.


  4. "The topic of sex seems to be the most difficult for parents and teens or young adults to talk about with each other, " Harris said.


  5. work up the nerve I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh.


  6. This was part of its initial popularity and a likely explanation for the large number of people willing to send out explicit content.


  7. Those are, in fact, the main things I think about my body, and I suppose I haven't been shy about sharing my feelings with her.


  8. She held back from telling him what she thought of him.


  9. ALLOWING a euro-zone country to leave the club is the unsayable (if not unthinkable) policy option for euro-zone politicians.


  1. 难以启齿。

    It's hard to bring the matter up.

  2. 这些话我难以启齿。

    The words stuck in my throat.

  3. 很明显,他难以启齿。

    Clearly,he's embarrassed.

  4. 床帷之事,难以启齿。

    It is too embarrassing to talk about what goes on inside the bed-curtains.

  5. 他好象觉得难以启齿。

    It looked as though he found it hard to answer.

  6. 她的回答实在难以启齿。

    Her reply was unprintable.

  7. 你知道, 这非常难以启齿。

    You understand, this is very difficult for me.

  8. 钱是你难以启齿的东西?

    Is money an unmentionable subject with you?

  9. 山姆,这有点难以启齿,但是。

    Hey, Sam. this might be kind of awkward, but.

  10. 在这表白中最难以启齿的

    Hardest thing about this confession.

  11. 她难以启齿告诉父亲她失败了。

    She was ashamed to tell her father that she had failed.

  12. 我做了一些难以启齿的事。

    I've done some things I'm really not proud of.

  13. 我以为她有难以启齿的问题。

    I thought she might've had a doorknob question.

  14. 他是不是得了什么难以启齿的病?

    Has he got some unmentionable disease?

  15. 内疚和羞愧令我无地自容,难以启齿。

    I was so overpowered by my guilt and my shame that I was unable to speak.

  16. 她下面要说的话简直难以启齿了。

    The words she would like to have said were too violent for her.

  17. 这对一个朋友来说有点难以启齿。

    It's kind of a hard thing to ask a friend.

  18. 我想问他借钱, 但又觉得难以启齿。

    I wanted to borrow money from him but found it difficult to bring the matter up.

  19. 我想的,可总是话到嘴边却难以启齿。

    I wanted to, but I kept putting it off.

  20. 他不是那种害羞的人,只是觉得难以启齿。

    He wasn't a shy man; he was just having trouble finding his voice.

  21. 关于这项决策的背后动机,他觉得难以启齿。

    He is embarrassed about the motives behind his decision.

  22. 又或者我们一生中任何其难以启齿的对话

    or any of the other hard conversations we have throughout our lives.

  23. 从难以启齿到侃侃而谈0一篇精采演讲的故事

    From Rough to Shine 0 the Story of a Good Speech

  24. 这件难以启齿的事还是让胖嫂先说穿了。

    It was Fatso who first spoke of the unspeakable thing.

  25. 现在, 干了这难以启齿之事得人还在逍遥。

    Now, whoever did this unspeakable act is still at large.

  26. 能表示如此难以启齿的歉意 我很欣赏你的勇气。

    Well, I can appreciate how difficult that must have been for you.

  27. 他一直有生理缺陷,对自己的朋友也难以启齿。

    He has a physical defect, and is too shy to speak out even to his friends.

  28. 他一直有生理缺陷,对自己的朋友也难以启齿。

    He has a physical defect, and is too shy to speak out even to his friends.

  29. 她想问他有没有基思的消息,可是难以启齿。

    She wanted to ask if he had news of Keith, but the words stuck in her throat.

  30. 为什么人们提起这件难以启齿的事时这么麻烦?

    Why do people have so much trouble mentioning unmentionable state ?


  1. 问:难以启齿拼音怎么拼?难以启齿的读音是什么?难以启齿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难以启齿的读音是nányǐqǐchǐ,难以启齿翻译成英文是 Embarrassing to talk about, i.; e.; Too shy to...




【拼音】nán yǐ qǐ chǐ





