







汉语拼音:huā shù






  1. 成束的花。

    冰心 《寄小读者》十九:“至于泛泛一面的老夫人们,手抱着花束,和我谈到病情,谈到离家万里,我还无言,她已坠泪。”



  1. If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.


  2. Here the viewer looks down on an image of a flower bouquet seemingly sinking weightily , deeper and deeper, into a smooth vinyl surface.


  3. John ordered his own flowers and bad the clerk be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.


  4. Mayo shook her head and looked at the bouquet dangling from her right hand with watery eyes.


  5. I never had such a fine bouquet before!


  6. In an era of well-documented emotional restraint, a woman would be able to tell the secret meaning behind a suitor's bouquet.


  7. Oh, I wanted to tell you that you were as gorgeous as your bouquet.


  8. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Valentine's Day bouquet of roses and carnations my husband, David, had given me.


  9. What appears to be part of a spring wedding bouquet is actually a nest for a rare species of solitary bee, a new study says.


  1. 花束一束花花束

    A cluster of flowers a nosegay.

  2. 挥舞花束表示欢迎

    wave bouquets in welcome

  3. 花束一小束花朵

    A small bunch of flowers.

  4. 花束状短果枝

    cluster fruit spur

  5. 不要金钱,不要玫瑰花束

    ni argent ni bouquets de roses.

  6. 你得用塑料花束 你得用塑料花束

    you used plastic bouquets shipped from abroad.

  7. 捧着花束的老朋友。

    And old friends who came with flowers.

  8. 结婚花束由谁人接到?

    Who caught the wedding bouquet?

  9. 欢迎得群众摇动着花束。

    The welcoming crowd waved their bouquets.

  10. 欢迎的人群摇动着花束。

    The welcoming crowd waved their bouquets.

  11. 橘色花束代表永恒的爱

    Orange blossoms for eternal love

  12. 我本来计划要送她花束。

    I was planning to send a bouquet.

  13. 我想听到誓言,我想抓到花束

    I want to hear the vows. I want to catch the bouquet.

  14. 花朵, 花束一支或一束花小花束

    A flower or bunch of flowers a nosegay.

  15. 蓓蒂结婚花束由谁人接到

    Betty Who caught the wedding bouquet.

  16. 用纸把美丽的花束包好。

    The beautiful bundle of flower was tied up in a paper.

  17. 用纸把美丽得花束包好。

    The beautiful bundle of flower was tied up in a paper.

  18. 婚礼拼图玫瑰花束糖果酒吧封套

    List Monogram RoseBouquetWedding Candy Bar Wrappers

  19. 苍翠得花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  20. 苍翠的花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  21. 苍翠的花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  22. 我从未收到过这样漂亮的花束!

    I never had such a fine bouquet before!

  23. 我要用千百个芬芳的花束

    And I will make thee beds of roses

  24. 她用花束狠揍他的头部。

    She clobbered him over the head with her bouquet.

  25. 务必不要把花束捆得太紧。

    Be sure not to bunch the flowers up tightly.

  26. 所以,他送给我最美丽的花束。

    So, he sent me the most beautiful bouquet ever.

  27. 重瓣花瓣对花束有很好效果。

    The double petals have a profound effect on the bouquet.

  28. 重瓣花瓣对花束有很好效果。

    The double petals have a profound effect on the bouquet.

  29. 梦见花束, 意味着有所获, 能交好运。

    Dream nosegay, mean to have to get, the ability on good terms luck.

  30. 我是说燕尾服, 小花束, 豪华礼车。

    I mean tuxedos, corsages, the limousines.


  1. 问:花束拼音怎么拼?花束的读音是什么?花束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花束的读音是huāshù,花束翻译成英文是 bouquet

  2. 问:花束期拼音怎么拼?花束期的读音是什么?花束期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花束期的读音是huā shù qī,花束期翻译成英文是 bouquet stage

  3. 问:花束象拼音怎么拼?花束象的读音是什么?花束象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花束象的读音是huā shù xiàng,花束象翻译成英文是 bouquet configuration



“花束”是个多义词,它可以指花束(尼.鲁布佐夫作词歌曲), 花束(中孝介演唱歌曲), 花束(动画片《小马驹》中角色), 花束(韩国MBC电视台节目), 花束(北乃纪伊演唱歌曲), 花束(礼仪插花)。