







汉语拼音:shā jīn






  1. 纱制头巾。

    唐 刘长卿 《赠秦系》诗:“向风长啸戴纱巾,野鹤由来不可亲。” 唐 白居易 《香山避暑二绝》之二:“纱巾草履竹疏衣,晚下 香山 蹋翠微。” 宋 陆游 《风入松》词:“自怜华髮满纱巾,犹是官身。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三一章:“出狱后因为怕穿坏,她才脱下来不再穿它,而用一条极华美的纱巾包起它藏在箱底。”



  1. All of a sudden, I do not know who opened a scarf of the iceberg, the sun exposed red faces.


  2. Now, a row were T-shirt, skirt, trousers, shawl and belt, caps, shoes, the last by lower right corner to see their design portfolio.


  3. The radiance of sunrise, like a strip of voluptuous red gauze headscarf, floated and drifted in indistinct outer space.


  4. Ah! Good white scarf, ah, to cover the sun that round, red face. Thus, all inter-shrouded in white.


  5. Children play with a mannequin displaying a head scarf at a street market in Malaysia.


  6. Gradually, this thinning of the scarf, soft direct sunlight to the ground through the scarf.


  7. Russian Cossack dancing is followed by break-dancing and an interpretive scarf dance.


  8. Scarf, cap, gown, which is long for stability of the steady flight attendants dressed in Afghanistan.


  9. Last week, a sandstorm struck northern city, most people have the sandstorm ShaJin wear mouth-muffle, .


  1. 透明的纱巾

    diaphanous veil

  2. 她那条奶白色的纱巾真好看!

    Her creamy white gauze scarf is very nice.

  3. 她那条奶白色的纱巾真好看!

    Her creamy white gauze scarf is very nice.

  4. 我们干吗?不送她同样的纱巾呢?

    Why don't we both give her the same scarf?

  5. 用紫色纱巾紧裹身子的古代淑女。

    An ancient lady swathed in violet veils.

  6. 她那裹着白纱巾的头略低垂下来。

    Her head, in its white scarf, drooped forward a little.

  7. 纯棉无捻纱巾类织物溢流染色工艺探讨

    Overflow Dyeing of Twistless Yarns Cotton Towelling

  8. 回族妇女披戴各色盖头, 纱巾, 婀娜多姿, 十分俏丽。

    When Moslem women are in colorful gaitou or gauze kerchief, they look very pretty and charming.

  9. 封面图片是蒙在长方形黑色纱巾的一双眼睛。

    its cover photo is one of a pair of eyes staring through a rectangle cut in black fabric.

  10. 披黑纱巾得老妇人站在门口偷偷地瞅着我们。

    Old women in black shawls peered at us doorways.

  11. 披黑纱巾的老妇人站在门口偷偷地瞅着我们。

    Old women in black shawls peered at us doorways.

  12. 马来西亚儿童正在玩一个头戴纱巾得假人模特。

    Children play with a mannequin displaying a head scarf at a street market in Malaysia.

  13. 马来西亚儿童正在玩一个头戴纱巾的假人模特。

    Children play with a mannequin displaying a head scarf at a street market in Malaysia.

  14. 我愿是一块轻柔的纱巾,为老师擦去汗水和灰尘。

    I wish to be a soft handkerchief so as to wipe the sweat and dust from my teacher.

  15. 长发和脖颈处的粉白纱巾飘动着, 脸上的表情凝固着。

    Hair and neck scarf Fenbo Department of the waves, in the face of the expressions solidification.

  16. 纱巾, 小帽, 涨裙, 这就是渴望安定的沉稳装扮的阿富汗空姐。

    Scarf cap gown which is long for stability of the steady flight attendants dressed in Afghanistan.

  17. 如果你想出去的话, 我可以借给你一条纱巾, 把脸蒙起来。

    If you want to go out, I can lend you a gauze to cover your face.

  18. 她从头上解下那条褐色纱巾, 把它围在他的脖子上。

    She unwound the brown veil from her head and tied it about his throat.

  19. 日出的光芒, 像一条艳丽的红纱巾, 在苍茫的宇宙间轻轻浮动。

    The radiance of sunrise, like a strip of voluptuous red gauze headscarf, floated and drifted in indistinct outer space.

  20. 印度,一个洗衣女正将纱巾挂到岩质墙壁上晒干。

    A washerwoman hangs diaphanous saris to dry on the mortared walls of a house in India.

  21. 真有那种纱巾飘落可断的刀吗?如果有, 香港能买到这种刀吗?

    Is there a Dao that can cut a gauze kerchief into two pieces when it falls down naturally

  22. 如175窟的一位舞伎形象,肩披纱巾,左手上扬,右臂下垂

    For instance, a Jiyue performer in the Cave No. 175 has a gauze over the shoulders, her left hand rising and the right hand drooping.

  23. 妈妈, 去年我丢在河边的那条绿纱巾, 原来是柳树拾去了!

    Spring mom, look at those willows! The green scarf of voile, which I lost last year, is picked up by all their twig.

  24. 我为娘仨各买了一条真丝纱巾, 也算作访韩的纪念品。

    I bought gauze kerchiefs, one each, as souvenirs for my wife and three daughters at home.


  1. 问:纱巾拼音怎么拼?纱巾的读音是什么?纱巾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纱巾的读音是shājīn,纱巾翻译成英文是 gauze kerchief; transparent scarf

  2. 问:纱巾操拼音怎么拼?纱巾操的读音是什么?纱巾操翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纱巾操的读音是shā jīn cāo,纱巾操翻译成英文是 shawl exercise



纱巾是一种纺织成品,特点是经纬线稀疏有网眼。主要是女性佩戴,用作时尚装饰和保暖的作用。根据地域和文化习惯的不同有不同的解释方法,很多人与围巾和丝巾的相混。纱制头巾轻细的丝麻织物,古时多以蚕丝为之。古亦作“沙”今泛指用棉麻、化学纤维或其他材料制成的经纬线稀疏有明显网眼的纺织品,主要用作围颈、包头等。按尺寸规格的不同亦可以叫做,方巾,三角巾,手巾,头巾,围巾等不同叫法。唐刘长卿《赠秦系》诗:“向风长啸戴纱巾,野鹤由来不可亲。” 唐白居易《香山避暑二绝》之二:“纱巾草履竹疏衣,晚下 香山 蹋翠微。” 宋陆游《风入松》词:“自怜华发满纱巾,犹是官身。”杨沫《青春之歌》第二部第三一章:“出狱后因为怕穿坏,她才脱下来不再穿它,而用一条极华美的纱巾包起它藏在箱底。”