


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……



汉语拼音:jiào bǐ






  1. 就两种或两种以上同类的事物辨别异同或高下。

    《三侠五义》第一一六回:“各处结彩悬花,点缀灯烛,又有笙簫鼓乐,杂剧声歌,较比往年生辰不但热闹,而且整齐。”《天雨花》第一回:“公子暗暗心中想:果然好个美佳人!较比我那 桓小姐 ,看来略逊两三分。”

  2. 副词。表示具有一定程度。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》一:“ 祥子 ,在与‘骆驼’这个外号发生关系以前,是个较比有自由的洋车夫。”



  1. The Dow lost 127 points at today's close. But it was an up week for the markets after last week's carnage.


  2. Such asymmetric transformations are very costly compared to encryption and decryption using a symmetric key .


  3. Once this HT becomes comfortable, adding the triplets will be easier, and you can do it with much less chance of incorporating mistakes.


  4. Mr Wang, from the village of Chaping just outside the city of Dujiangyan, has been able to move in sooner than he thought.


  5. Comparing to the reason-dominant western art, the oriental art is far more profound.


  6. For the Pentagon, that is an indication that the country is a safer place than it was before.


  7. This is the digital thermal transfer printing and dyeing of cotton than digital causes of printing and dyeing and universal.


  8. Sinaloa, the next most violent state, has fallen from 2, 028 killings in 2010 to 1, 035 this year.


  9. Yet the IMF expects output growth of only 1% in the euro zone and 1. 3% in Britain this year, compared with more than 3% in America.


  1. 方法灵敏度高,较比色法高一个多数量级。

    The method is hight sensitive. It is higher ten times that colorimetry.

  2. 因为今世之子,在世事之上,较比光明之子,更加聪明。

    For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.

  3. 相反,较少比一第二十每个来自自美国和欧共体。

    By contrast, less than onetwentieth each came from the U. S. and from the EU.

  4. 较慢而且比慢板更宽广。

    less slow and broad than largo.

  5. 波长较长得波比波长较短得波易形成衍射。

    Waves of long wavelength diffracted more than those of short wavelength.

  6. 南极洲东部由于海拔较高,比南极洲西部寒冷。

    East Antarctica is colder than West Antarctica because of its higher elevation.

  7. 年纪较大的比另一人年长的或资格老的

    Greater than another in age or seniority.

  8. 但是, 实际上, 它是较接近, 比我们有考虑过。

    But, actually, it is much nearer than we have considered.

  9. 因为新鲜洋葱含水量较高,比贮藏洋葱较甜而清淡。

    Because they have a higher water content, they aresweeter and milder tasting than storage onions.

  10. 她现在比以前较不健谈。

    She now than formerly more not talkative.

  11. 各级比焓降较小,级效率高。

    Low specific enthalpy drop for each stage, high stage effiency.

  12. 一般而言, 年轻人比老年人较不保守。

    Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.

  13. 一般而言, 年轻人比老年人较少保守。

    Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.

  14. 通常,男孩比女孩较早启动青春期。

    In general, boys reach puberty earlier than girls.

  15. 捕蝇草在春季长得较高,比它任何一次进餐后都要高。

    The Venus Flytrap grows taller in the spring, than after any meal.

  16. 这台较大之电视机事实上比这较小台之电视机便宜。

    This larger television is in fact cheaper? than the smaller one.

  17. 复发性感染往往是短而男性比女性较轻。

    Recurrent infections tend to be shorter and less severe in men than women.

  18. 少年惯为事,老时常记起。一般而言,年轻人比老年人较少保守。

    What youth is used to, age remembers. Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.

  19. 升降舵的根梢比通常较小,因而两个值之间的差别一般不大。

    The taper of elevators is usually slight, and the difference between the two values is generally small.

  20. 采用较特殊燃料时,可以采用较高的压缩比。

    Higher ratios can be used with more exotic fuels.

  21. 采用较特殊燃料时, 可以采用较高得压缩比。

    Higher ratios can be used with more exotic fuels.

  22. 其他行星则离得较远, 恒星比它们更远。

    The other planets are farther away, and the stars are far beyond them.

  23. 在制成功能性维纶后,有较高的性价比。

    After made functional in vinylon, has high value for money.

  24. 这幢房子价格较高, 但比起来还是便宜的。

    This house costs more but is cheaper by comparison.

  25. 较抗白粉病,比其余参试品种感病指数低。

    It is more resistant to powdery mildew and the index of diseases is lower than the other varieties.

  26. 域枣因猴枣层较厚而质量比印度猴枣好。

    The quality of Malaysian Calculus Macacae is better then Indian Calculus Macacae for its thicker calculus layer.

  27. 发动机具有较高的效率比涡轮机的同时,额定功率。

    An engine with a higher efficiency than turbines of the same power rating.

  28. 具有较高的压缩比和密度允许更多的权力。

    With a higher compression ratio, and allows for more power density.

  29. 汽车贷款担保是一种较好的选择比汽车经销店。

    Secured car loans are a better option than car dealership.

  30. 例如, 桃树对于较重的修剪比樱桃树的反应更好。

    For example, peach trees respond better to heavy pruning than cherry trees.