




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:līn bāo






  1. 手提包。

    俞天白 《危栏》:“从衣着可以想见她的发型、鞋袜、拎包和手套。”



  1. Ever since I was a little girl, I have done some shopping with my mum, helping her to carry the heavy bags readily.


  2. And if you do take one, you'll probably make the shop assistants feel unease, they might be doubtful of your intentions.


  3. Jing small house renovation of the property a good security environment, safety Lin Bao admitted to welcome showings !


  4. In the restaurants, restaurant, shopping or leisure, please note that keeping a good carry valuables to avoid being stolen handbag.


  5. But do you know that this handbag cost her 4 months' salary?


  6. All houses are all-decoration, furniture, appliances and other basic living facilities, one step, the lessee, bag arrival.


  7. In the dormitory or library and other public places, please note that keeping a good carry valuables to avoid being stolen, Bag.


  8. basic electrical appliances furniture is complete, may directly in bag.


  9. When they went out, he hand to hold the shopping bags for the officer's wife and carried their son on his back.


  1. 拎包即可入住。

    Bag can stay.

  2. 我帮你拎包。

    Let me help you with your bags.

  3. 你感谢对方帮你拎包。

    Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.

  4. 这是你得手拎包吗?

    Is thellos your handbag ?

  5. 这是你的手拎包吗?

    Is this your handbag ?

  6. 可折叠拎包, 购物良伴。

    A folding bag is a good companion in shopping.

  7. 下士, 请帮女士拎拎包, 快点。

    corporal , take that lady s bag , please , and quickly.

  8. 别人帮你拎包,你怎么表示感谢?

    Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.

  9. 我哪是老板,我只是个拎包的。

    How can I be the boss? I'm only his aide.

  10. 我可以为你拿你的手拎包吗?

    May I take your ba for you ?

  11. 名牌家具家电齐全, 拎包就可入住。

    Famous brand furniture appliances complete bag, can be checked in.

  12. 精装修的,可以说是拎包入住没有任何问题!

    Refined decoration, can be said to be carried without any problems!

  13. 屋内家庭用电器家俱完美齐全直接拎包进住!

    Furniture of indoor home appliance is all ready and direct carrybag to be entered!

  14. 街头拎包扒窃类刑事案件发案总量均达到8年同期最低。

    They did note however, the city had enjoyed the lowest crime rate in 8 years, during the same period.

  15. 我能拎那些包吗

    Can I manage the bags

  16. 以及人人手里大包小包拎着鼓鼓囊囊食品袋的景象。

    And the sight of everyone carrying bags bulging with food.

  17. 诺玛从汽车里出来, 拎着一包食品等杂物。

    Norma gets out of her car, hauling a bag of groceries with her.

  18. 你手上拎的古奇包是真品吗 你戴的卡迪亚表呢

    Is that Gucci bag you're carrying really a Gucci How about that Cartier watch you're wearing

  19. 杭州拎包客移动公寓

    Hangzhou Bag Guest Moving Flat

  20. 通常都是女人拎着大包小包。

    Bags are often carried by women.

  21. 她手里还拎着大包小包的。

    Her hands were full of bags.

  22. 他拎起她的包,一起朝行李领取处走去。

    He picked up her bag and they headed to the baggage claim carousels.

  23. 老太太滴里嘟噜拎了好几个大包。

    The old woman dangled several cumbersome big bags in her hand.

  24. 我把包拎进屋,往床上一倒,然后打开了电视机。

    I took my bags inside, lowered myself onto the bed and switched on the TV.

  25. 如果您坚持的话, 就帮我拎这个重包吧。

    If you insist, please carry this heavy bag for me.

  26. 这个包配有细带子,可以肩挎,也可以手拎。

    The bag has narrow straps, so it may be worn over the shoulder or carried in the hand.

  27. 穿休闲装,拎着公文包的就是我爸。

    That's my dad in the sport coat there, holding the briefcase.