







汉语拼音:zhǐ zhāi








  1. 亦作“ 指謫 ”。挑出错误,加以批评。

    《三国志·蜀志·孟光传》:“ 延熙 九年秋,大赦。 光 於众中责大将军 费禕 …… 光 之指摘痛痒,多如是类。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十六:“自信甚明,独立不惧。面折廷争,则或貽同列之忿;指謫时病,则或异大臣之为。” 清 薛福成 《书汉阳叶相广州之变》:“主和议者,例受人指摘。” 茅盾 《手的故事》六:“他们竟敢指摘我们贩运私货么?”

  2. 指出并摘录。

    徐特立 《国文教授之研究·读法》:“搜辑实物标本图画,初观察全体概要,授以名称;次指摘要点,详细观察;次结合以语言,以便记忆。”



  1. and his manners were so improved, so polite, so seriously and blamelessly polite, that it was impossible not to be civil to him in return.

  2. Who shall reprove his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done?

  3. We were a sort of royalty, almost infallible , with a sort of magic around us .

  4. We may consequently be blamed as the culprit causing the disruption brought about by the changes to both the banks and the bank customers.

  5. But he could only say, "As for God His way is perfect or blameless. "

  6. As a CEO with more than 15 years of working experience, his judgment in this matter was by no means infallible.

  7. On the one hand, it is referred to as the scapegoat for the international crisis, which obstructs other countries' exports and employment.

  8. In our previous studies, we saw Nehemiah was a skilful leader with impeccable character. He was a man of integrity.

  9. Could it be possible that this much-criticised degree helps a business leader to add long-term value after all?


  1. 他们指摘他不老实。

    They charged him with dishonesty.

  2. 他的举止无可指摘。

    His manners were above reproach.

  3. 我得上司指摘我上班迟到。

    My boss rebuked me for coming to work late.

  4. 我的上司指摘我上班迟到。

    My boss rebuked me for coming to work late.

  5. 他极不公平地指摘她。

    He criticized her in a very unfair way.

  6. 她总是指摘他工作的方式。

    She's always finding fault with the way he works.

  7. 报纸及时地指摘他的错误。

    The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake.

  8. 报纸及时地指摘他得错误。

    The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake.

  9. 官员指摘外国人的明显企图

    a transparent effort by officials to blame foreigners

  10. 他们指摘他出卖人民的利益。

    They accused him of selling out the interests of the people.

  11. 我决不再是无可指摘的了。

    I never can be blameless.

  12. 他的祖父总是指摘青年人不懂事。

    His grandfather is always carping about the young.

  13. 我无法相信你怎么在背后指摘他。

    I can't believe how you knock him behind his back.

  14. 他经营自己公司的方式无可指摘。

    It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.

  15. 他们公开指摘不切实际的政治教义。

    They denounced impractical political doctrines.

  16. 封考试不及格的学生, 他常加以指摘。

    He usually spoke dispraisingly to the student who failed in the examination.

  17. 他那苛刻指摘朋友的习惯使得他不得人心。

    His habit of slamming friends made him unpopular.

  18. 这份仓促而就的报告使你受到指摘

    The hasty preparation of this report reflects on you.

  19. 不要指摘他,他是在政界有影响的人。

    Don't criticize him since he is an influence in politics.

  20. 一般指摘农会的人说农会做了许多坏事。

    Most critics of the peasant associations allege that they have done a great many bad things.

  21. 不要参与黑暗无益的作为,反要加以指摘。

    And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

  22. 她为自己的家庭挣得了免遭指摘的体面地位。

    She had won for her family a position immune to censure.

  23. 我作为一名国际公务员的行为必须无可指摘。

    My behaviour as an international civil servant must be beyond reproach.

  24. 希瑟不是。他们指摘小店老板卖香菸给未成年孩子。

    Heather No, theyre accusing him of selling cigarettes to underage children.

  25. 以笔者揣想,他们大概是认为此等行为无可指摘。

    My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.

  26. 他知道我贪恋尘世的喜好, 但也不指摘我。我们一道去礼佛。

    As an introvert, Im pretty o utraged that this game is marginalizing my entire personality type.

  27. 这都是他们自己的特权和权利,完全合法,道义上也无可指摘。

    That is their prerogative and right. It is perfectly legal and moral.

  28. 哦上帝!帮助我们也像约伯, 正直而无可指摘, 敬畏您, 远离恶事。

    O God, help us to become like Job, blameless and upright, fearing You and shunning evil.

  29. 指杆式摘棉铃机

    cotton stripper of the finger type

  30. 摘法整复拇指掌指关节脱位

    Treatment of the metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation of the thumb with bone setting


  1. 问:指摘拼音怎么拼?指摘的读音是什么?指摘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:指摘的读音是zhǐzhāi,指摘翻译成英文是 censure; criticize




【拼音】:zhǐ zhāi

【注音】:ㄓㄧˇ ㄓㄞ