




1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……



汉语拼音:mài jià








  1. The cost of transaction is usually the difference between the purchase price and sale price of the bond, and may vary from bank to bank.


  2. Some of the forwarding or even to the facts, inform him of the reserve price, coupled with some profits as to his asking price.


  3. Rather than reducing their exports, China can directly absorb the financial losses by maintaining the same selling price of its products.


  4. accept a $20 price for its goods, Division A may prefer to let its capacity remain idle and search for other, more profitable products.


  5. Once you've decided on a sale price, then you can see what they'll give you for your old car.


  6. Tiger skins sell as rugs and cloaks on the black market, and can fetch up to $20, 000 in countries like China.


  7. Today these paintings are admired as masterpieces, and are sold for large sums of money.


  8. While their cut is better than traditional publishers, it is not 100% (70% at the most), and the price is low, very low.


  9. a selling price 22 million homes, nearly a year after rising 100%.


  1. 房子得卖价是50,000,

    Well, the freehold price is fifty thousand.

  2. 卖价极便宜的交易

    dead bargain

  3. 今天这些画卖价甚高。

    Today these paintings are sold for large sums of money.

  4. 你要报卖价还是买价?

    Do you want another price or what would you like to do?

  5. 在一览表上列出的商品的卖价。

    The selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list.

  6. 棉花期货交易的卖价是很高的。

    Cotton futures are selling at high prices.

  7. 卖价走低我国罐头行业的顽症

    Dropping Price Worried Canned Food

  8. 我使他把卖价降到十英镑。

    I knocked him down to ten pounds.

  9. 一以贯之,卖价愈低,销量愈高。

    To generalize, the lower the selling price, the more we can sell.

  10. 资产买进价高于卖价损失的钱款。

    The amount by which the purchase price of an asset exceeds the selling price.

  11. 财产卖价高出买价的那部分收益。

    the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price.

  12. 他们的获利不是靠日后转手的有利卖价。

    They aren't dependent on the right seller materializing later on.

  13. 今天这些画被赞为杰作, 卖价甚高。

    Today these paintings are admired as masterpieces, and are sold for large sums of money.

  14. 那所房屋卖价很便宜, 因为它已经摇摇欲坠。

    The house was cheap because it was falling down.

  15. 达芬奇画作拍卖价打破历史记录

    Record Price for Leonardo Drawing

  16. 不要半天便可销售一空, 且卖价也很高。

    Do not want a long time marketable one sky, and price is very high also.

  17. 卖价是您就贵金属仓位支付予本公司的价格。

    The Offer Price is the price you will pay us for the position in the Bullion.

  18. 更值得注意的是, 最近, 卖价的涨速已经超过了租金涨速。

    What is also significant about the more recent increase is that prices have outstripped rents.

  19. 本周上等红色鲸鱼肉的卖价相当于大概每公斤22美元。

    This week, sashimi quality red whale meat is selling for the equivalent of about 20 dollars a kilogram.

  20. 打折后, 比现在得实际卖价大约要贵五六百块钱。

    After the discount, the actual selling price than it is now about your Wuliu Bai yuan.

  21. 打折后,比现在的实际卖价大约要贵五六百块钱。

    After the discount, the actual selling price than it is now about your Wuliu Bai yuan.

  22. 而一些小卖家的销售价甚至只相当于家乐福卖价的5折。

    And a few small those who sell domestic sale price to be equivalent to sale price of domestic Le Fu only even 5 fold.

  23. 来宝仍获准在普氏交易窗口接受其他公司的买价和卖价。

    Noble will still be allowed to accept other companies'bids and offers in the Platts trading window.


  1. 问:卖价拼音怎么拼?卖价的读音是什么?卖价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖价的读音是màijià,卖价翻译成英文是 selling price

  2. 问:卖价市场拼音怎么拼?卖价市场的读音是什么?卖价市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖价市场的读音是mài jià shì chǎng,卖价市场翻译成英文是 offered market


