


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu sòng








  1. 国名。即 宋国 。有,词头。

    《庄子·在宥》:“ 云将 不得问。又三年,东游,过 有宋 之野而适遭 鸿蒙 。”

  2. 朝代名。有,词头。指 南朝 宋 。

    南朝 宋 颜延之 《三月三日曲水诗序》:“ 有宋 函夏,帝图弘远。” 南朝 宋 颜延之 《祭屈原文》:“惟 有宋 五年月日, 湘州 刺史 吴郡 张邵 恭承帝命,建旟旧 楚 。”

  3. 朝代名。有,词头。指 赵匡胤 所建之 宋 。

    明 韩洽 《题李龙眠诸夷职贡图》诗:“ 龙眠居士 生 有宋 ,未必诸蕃真入贡。”



  1. Today the only remaining "South Scriptures New Biography" , the Song Editions, "orthodox Road, possession of the" .


  2. Since the emperor was supreme policymaker of government, his faith influenced the religionary policies of the country.


  3. In the Song dynasty, local officials were appointed by the central government.


  4. "You can find everything there, " she says of the market, which opens at 7. 30am and closes at dusk.


  5. No he hasn't. Songkran is a genuine person, everything he does is based on honesty and sincerity.


  6. Are you less concern about your daughter now that she has Songkran taking care of her?


  1. 其木结构还留有宋, 元风格。

    The wooden structure also leaves the Song and Yuan style.

  2. 我和宋先生有个约会。

    Ive got an appointment with Mr. Song.

  3. 还有其它与宋先生得翻译和汇总等工作类似得网站。

    There are other sites that do translation and aggregation work similar to Mr. Soong's.

  4. 还有其它与宋先生的翻译和汇总等工作类似的网站。

    There are other sites that do translation and aggregation work similar to Mr. Soong's.

  5. 宋也有私人秘书,所以她也有秘书室。

    Sung also has a private secretary, so she also has a Secretariat.

  6. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有宋诗选注在焉。

    Being in especial love of Song poems, Mr.

  7. 哪里有宋铁龙的比赛视频!

    Where competition video frequency having Song Tie Long!

  8. 有宋一代,我国雕版印刷进入其黄金时代。

    The carved printing stepped into its golden age in Song Dynasties.

  9. 有宋一代,是我国历史上学术繁荣时期。

    It is a flourishing period in Song Dynasty in Chinese history.

  10. 这些都促成了诗谶在有宋一代的数量激增。

    These have contributed to the Poetry Prophecy surge in the number of the Song Dynasty.

  11. 有宋一代,法律文献的编纂得到了极大的发展。

    During Song Dynasty, Juristic Record Codification made great progress.

  12. 有宋一代,海外诸国纷纷派遣朝贡使团入华朝贡。

    In Song Dynasty, overseas countries had sent tributary missions to China to pay tribute in succession.

  13. 这幅作品上还有宋代苏东坡的品题呢!

    The appraisal and comments of Su Dongpo, a famous poet in Song dynasty, are on the piece of work.

  14. 宋先生瘦得只有皮包骨。

    Mr. Song is nothing but skin and bones.

  15. 有年代久远得宋代佛塔,

    A Buddhist pagoda built in the Song Dynasty

  16. 有年代久远的宋代佛塔,

    A Buddhist pagoda built in the Song Dynasty

  17. 北宋年间,有位神射手。

    During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer.

  18. 在宋朝, 我们有个祖先叫包拯

    In Sung Dynasty, our ancestor Pao Ching

  19. 宋濂入明后为何难有杰出作品?

    Why Song Lian Failed to Turn out Masterpieces after Entering the Ming Dynasty?

  20. 北宋时期,有个技艺高超的射手。

    During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer.

  21. 你这学期有没有选宋教授的课

    Do you have Professor Song this semester

  22. 文字记载表明,宋朝就已经有了针灸。

    Written records show that acupuncture dates back to the Song Dynasty.

  23. 在宋国,有位司马叫桓魋的想杀害他。

    In the state of Song, Huantui, a minister of war, tried to kill him.

  24. 文字记载表明, 宋朝就已经有了针刺。

    Written records show that acupuncture dates back to the Song Dynasty.

  25. 现在的鼓曲与宋代的鼓子词是有渊源的。

    Modern day Guqu originated from Dagu of the Song Dynasty

  26. 现在的鼓曲与宋代的鼓子词是有渊源的。

    Modern day Guqu originated from Dagu of the Song Dynasty,

  27. 摘要宋都开封分为数厢,每厢各有特点。

    Kaifeng, the capital of Song Dynasty, was divided into several compartments, each with its own characteristics.

  28. 有称为残宋本蜀刻的, 实是闽本之误。

    What is called Shu edition of Song is actually the Min edition.

  29. 宋孝宗是南宋比较有作为的一个皇帝。

    Comparatively speaking, Emperor Xiaozong was a successful emperor in the Southern Song Dynasty.

  30. 有很多企业使用表印墨宋代替复合油墨。

    There are many businesses table printing inks song instead of composite ink.