


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:yǒu shù






2.知道数目,指了解情况,有把握:两个人心里都~儿 。

3.表示数目不多:只剩下~的几天了,得加把劲儿 。



  1. 有差别;有等差。


  2. 有技艺。

    《庄子·天道》:“不徐不疾,得之於手而应之於心,口不能言,有数存焉於其间。” 陆德明 释文:“数,术也。”

  3. 指具体的表象。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·论说》:“穷于有数,追于无形。”

  4. 有气数,有因缘。旧谓命中注定。

    唐 白居易 《村中留李三固言宿》诗:“如我与君心,相知应有数。”

  5. 谓数量不多或极难得。

    唐 白居易 《论孟元阳状》:“况 元阳 功效忠勤,天下有数;今以无能者一例除改,无所旌别;臣恐今日已后,无以劝人。” 清 江藩 《汉学师承记·汪中》:“君往謁时,为述 扬州 割据之迹,死节之人,作《广陵对》三千餘言,博徵载籍,贯串史事,天地间有数之文也。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷八:“ 文达 硕学鸿才,固为本朝有数人物。” 郭沫若 《今昔集·关于“接受文学遗产”》:“ 庄子 固然是 中国 有数的哲学家,但也是 中国 有数的文艺家。”

  6. 谓不止一端;不止一个。

    《礼记·表记》:“仁有数,义有长短小大。” 陆德明 释文:“数,所住反。” 陈澔 集说:“仁有数,言行仁之道,非止一端。”《孔子家语·五仪》:“缅然长思,出於四门。周章远望,覩亡国之墟,必将有数焉。” 王肃 注:“言亡国故墟,非但一。”

  7. 犹言有限度。


  8. 谓了解情况,心中有底。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》四:“ 刘老头子 没有夸奖过他一句,没有格外多看过他一眼;老头子心里有数儿。” 丁玲 《杜晚香·作媳妇》:“ 晚香 不多说话,看着周围的事物,听着家人的议论,心里有数。”



  1. Casting by mould has been used for thousands of years.


  2. Still, it is a "good" job with a steady paycheck, and I know millions of people would trade places with me in a heartbeat.


  3. Just as you drifted away from him, there must be tens of other people drifted away from him, but he will remember the one who remembers him.


  4. Once again, hundreds of men -- including many from Missouri -- gathered in Kansas. Once again, their target was the town of Lawrence.


  5. The bond between Torres and Anfield was cemented with the creation of his own song, to which thousands of Kopites bounce in unison.


  6. At least the Chinese have thousands of years of filial piety - a hallmark of the moralities of this venerable nation.


  7. Years of instrumental practice, knowledge of repertoire and study of theory are necessary to approach this sort of genius.


  8. Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right, but I certainly do not count on it.


  9. Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking and heating.


  1. 苏珊心里有数。

    Susan knows.

  2. 她总说她都有数。

    She lobbied that she knew what she was doing.

  3. 余下的他都心里有数。

    He knew the rest of the catalogue.

  4. 到最后,吉娜,我心里有数

    and end up with. Gina, it's all under control, okay?

  5. 你有数不清的创意点子

    You have millions of ideas.

  6. 树下有数不清的花瓣。

    There are numerous petals under the tree.

  7. 树下有数不清得花瓣。

    There are numerous petals under the tree.

  8. 有数人在轰炸中受伤。

    Several people were wounded by the bombing.

  9. 地上有数不清的沙粒。

    There are grains of sand beyond number on the ground.

  10. 据报道已有数人被捕。

    It was reported that several people had been arrested.

  11. 瑜伽里有数不清得 体式。

    There are innumerable asanas in Yoga.

  12. 瑜伽里有数不清的 体式。

    There are innumerable asanas in Yoga.

  13. 告诉他们这里有数人受伤

    Tell them we have multiple injuries.

  14. 夜空有数不清的亮晶晶的星星。

    Countless stars are glistening in the sky at night.

  15. 我们很默契,你心里有数的。

    We're great. you know that.

  16. 别看他傻呵呵的,心里可有数。

    Maybe he doesn't look very clever, but he knows what's what.

  17. 你真的有数不过来的问题吗?

    Do you really have a jillion problems

  18. 有数个原因造成了这种错位。

    There are several reasons for the mismatch.

  19. 俗话说,好汉不挣有数的钱。

    The saying is better, a made man never earns definite salary.

  20. 我想你们可能已经心里有数了

    Well I think you probably already have the picture.

  21. 这有数以千计这样的故事。

    There are thousands of these stories.

  22. 她今天有数不清的事要做。

    She has any number of things she must do today.

  23. 筐里只剩下有数几个苹果了。

    There are just a few apples in the basket.

  24. 这学期只剩下有数的几天了。

    There are only a few days left in this term.

  25. 这里有数不清的冒险等着您。

    There's adventure aplenty waiting for you here.

  26. 这里有数不清得冒险等着您。

    There's adventure aplenty waiting for you here.

  27. 世界上有数以百万计的生物。

    There are millions of living things on the earth.

  28. 自然界的生命有数不清的有趣科技。

    And there's a lot of cool technologies out there that life has.

  29. 我觉得我自己心里有数,不,你没数。

    I think I know what I'm doing. No, you don't.

  30. 我有数不完的货物和成堆的要求!

    I got miles of supply and piles of demand!


  1. 问:有数拼音怎么拼?有数的读音是什么?有数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有数的读音是yǒushù,有数翻译成英文是 know all about; just a few

