


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn jīn








  1. 存入银行或贷与他人以孳生利息的钱。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十章:“一九五○年按土地改革法,征收了他多余的土地,又清算了他的高利贷剥削;那些过去给他的利息已经和本金相等的,就一笔勾销了。”

  2. 指经营工商业或其他事业的资本。



  1. Subsequently, some moneylender Shi Guobao and others that the inability to develop news, began to ask for the principal.


  2. The returns are repaid, at least for a time, out of new investors' principal, not from profits.


  3. A bond issued by an insurance company, linking principal and interest to the company's losses due to natural disasters.


  4. In other words, we have to be sure that you'll be able to pay off the principal and interest in the time promised.


  5. A portion of your income payout is interest earned on your contract and a portion is the principal of the contract.


  6. You've found a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed 3% interest, with no loss of principal - not bad, you think.


  7. How much interest will there be on a principle of $5000?


  8. Function to calculate how much of a payment for a specific period is principal when all the payments are of equal value.


  9. Maturity date refers to the date when a principal amount of a note, draft, acceptance bond, or other debt instrument becomes due or payable.


  1. 名义本金合同

    Part III Notional Principal Contracts.

  2. 等额本金法

    equality corpus.

  3. 等额本金还贷法

    constant amortization mortgage

  4. 应付到期债券本金

    principal payable of matured debenture

  5. 本金流动性与安全性

    liquidity and sanctity of principal.

  6. 收据能拿回来本金吗?

    Receipt can make things difficult for sb. returning capital

  7. 你必须偿还本金和利息。

    You should repay principal and interest.

  8. 你应该偿还本金和利息。

    You should repay the principal and interest.

  9. 本金斯利饰演大恶人。

    Ben Kingsley plays the villain.

  10. 但我希望你至少还我本金。

    But I hope you can at least pay back the principal.

  11. 他靠利息生活, 本金不动。

    He lived on the interest and kept his capital intact.

  12. 就算你把本金寄还给宫本家。

    So if you sent the equity back, you had a profit.

  13. 关于基金资产、负债和本金的报告

    Statement of assets, liabilities, and principal of the Fund

  14. 世界不仅在消耗利息, 也正在消耗本金。

    The world is beginning to consume its capital along with the interest.

  15. 如果我们不再投入资金,我们会失掉本金。

    If we don't put money in we will lose our investment.

  16. 这是总计280美元的存款本金和利息。

    Heres the deposit and the interest of280 dollars in all.

  17. 本金为5000美元的存款会有多少利息?

    How much interest will there be on a principle of 4998.

  18. 取出本金以前, 你的投资一直有效。

    Your principal investment will not expire until you withdraw it.

  19. 你的交易本金指的是决定用于交易的资金。

    Your trading capital is the money you have dedicated to trading.

  20. 财务治理客体是财权,而财务管理客体是本金。

    Financial affairs governance object is financial right and financial affairs management object is capital.

  21. 等额本息还款法和等额本金还款法比较分析。

    Average capital plus interest method VS. Average capital method.

  22. 借款的利息不得预先在本金中扣除。

    The interest on a loan may not be deducted from the principal in advance.

  23. 现金流基于名义本金交易量进行计算?

    The cash flows are based on a notional principal or notional amount

  24. 折现率和本金化率关系的探讨

    On Relationship between Discounted Rate and Capitalized Rate

  25. 每个月本金和利息偿还金额是多少?

    How much do I pay in principal and interest every month?

  26. 我们将支付我们的一份本金加利息。

    We will pay our share of principal plus interest.

  27. 支付进口和偿还国际贷款的本金和利息。

    Payment for imports and repayment of principal and interest on international loans.

  28. 这将决定有多少,你要付出高于本金。

    This will determine how much you have to pay above the principal.

  29. 无故拖延、拒绝支付存款本金和利息的。

    The bank delays or refuses to pay the principal and interest of the deposits without any reasons.

  30. 以本金和不断累积的利息为基数计算利息。

    To compute on the principal and accrued interest.


  1. 问:本金拼音怎么拼?本金的读音是什么?本金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本金的读音是běnjīn,本金翻译成英文是 principal

  2. 问:本金面额拼音怎么拼?本金面额的读音是什么?本金面额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本金面额的读音是běn jīn miàn é,本金面额翻译成英文是 principal at face value

