







汉语拼音:kāi bān






  1. 按班开车。




  1. Look at the race began, the students like to go out, like an arrow, they want to get first place in open class win glory for it.


  2. specific opening date and time from school a week before the opening ceremony of the Registrar Office in the telephone notification.


  3. Any students interested in this class should enroll as soon as possible; otherwise we will not be able to hold the class.


  4. In starts work at the ceremony, lets me introduce my school characteristic extracurricular activity - - English drama festival to you.


  5. An American teacher shortage that left many schools without qualified people running classrooms appears to be ending.


  6. During the seminar Chinese and international media professionals will exchange views and discuss possible avenues of cooperation.


  7. Courses in St Petersburg and Moscow throughout the year. All levels. Business language courses also offered.


  8. On Saturday afternoon we usually have our class meeting. Sometimes we listen to a report.


  9. As direct sailings to Portugal are infrequent, we have to transshipment may be necessary.


  1. 上一周我们开班会。

    Last one week we holding to class meeting.

  2. 你待会儿去开班会吗?

    Are you going to the class meeting later ?

  3. 今天下午我们打算开班会。

    We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.

  4. 他们每个星期一开班会。

    They class meeting every Monday.

  5. 我不知道什么时候开班会。

    I don't know when to have the class meeting.

  6. 培训班, 将于下个学期开班。

    A new training course will begin next semester.

  7. 我们经常在星期一下午开班会。

    We often have a class meeting on Monday afternoon.

  8. 咱们来定一下开班会的日期吧。

    Let's determine a date for the class meeting.

  9. 他们打算明天下干三点开班会。

    They are going to have a class meeting at three tomorrow afternoon.

  10. 新的一期培训班,将于下个学期开班。

    A new training course will begin next semester.

  11. 新的一期培训班,将于下个学期开班。

    A new training course will begin next semester.

  12. 那么,我得快点,要不我开班会就晚了。

    Then, I must hurry, or I'll be late for the class meeting.

  13. 第二期培训班将于8月1日正式开班,8月7日结束。

    The second phase of the project will start on Aug, 1 st and end on Aug, 7 th.

  14. 滚动开班, 方便入学较晚或提前结束课程的学生。

    Term b units are available for late entry into or early exit from the course.

  15. 滚动开班,方便入学较晚或提前结束课程得学生。

    Term b units are available for late entry into or early exit from the course.

  16. 若因人数不足无法开班,已缴费用可无息退还。

    If the class have not enough student, the class would be cancelled. The school fee can be refund.

  17. 中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班,向许蓁蓁牧师报名。

    The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.

  18. 中文部浸礼习道班四月份开班,请向许蓁蓁牧师报名。

    Chinese baptismal class begins on April. Please contact Pastor Shu for details.

  19. 淮北矿业副总经理鲍子田,王世森等出席开班典礼。

    Huaibei Mining Vice President Baozi Tian, Wang Shisen, attended the opening ceremony.

  20. 中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班?请向许蓁蓁牧师报名。

    The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.

  21. 党委书记,行长何林祥在开班仪式上作重要讲话。

    He Linxiang of Party committee secretary, president makes important speech in ceremonially flying a class.


  1. 问:开班拼音怎么拼?开班的读音是什么?开班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开班的读音是kāibān,开班翻译成英文是 To hold training classes, researching classes, e...



kāi bān ㄎㄞ ㄅㄢ 开班(开班)  按班开车。《“五四”爱国运动资料·上海罢市实录》:“机务处工人因碍于情面,不得已于九日仍行开班。”