







汉语拼音:lǐng qǔ








  1. 得到,获得。

    宋 杨万里 《题望韶亭》诗:“ 黄能 郎君走川岳,领取 后夔 搜礼乐。” 明 袁宗道 《论留侯邺侯踪迹》:“勿多言,领取十年宰相。” 赵朴初 《朝中措·北海夜泛同巨赞上座》曲:“领取轻舟小桨,清风明月徜徉。”



  1. Generally, after about a year of experience, they would be considered 'practicing' professionals and be eligible for exempt status.


  2. He said the baby was one of many so-called "ghost workers" found to be getting salaries without performing a job.


  3. Some white farmers have left Zimbabwe, but others are still in the country fighting to get their farms back or to be compensated.


  4. A few days later this an appeared, "The recognized man who picked up your wallet on Market Street requests the loser to call and get it. "


  5. Generally, the requirement for the benefit is to have worked full time on the last job for at least a year.


  6. Even as Balotelli was the last Italian player up to collect his loser's medal he appeared almost vacant.


  7. She herself exulted: "People are no longer worried about catching the British disease. They are queuing up to obtain the new British cure. "


  8. Needless to say, it must be higher than the CSSA payment, or low-paid workers would be encouraged to stop working and go on CSSA.


  9. Examples: "Even after the bank went bankrupt, the executives continued to line their pockets with bonuses. "


  1. 飞碟领取处

    flying disk claim

  2. 股息领取人

    recipient dividend.

  3. 如何领取入场券

    How To Receive The Ticket

  4. 我领取薪水袋。

    I received my pay envelope.

  5. 按比例领取酬金

    pro rata gratuity

  6. 领取优厚的薪金

    draw a good salary

  7. 领取优厚的薪水

    to draw a good salary

  8. 养老金领取权

    pension rights.

  9. 机场行李领取大堂

    airport baggage reclaim hall

  10. 我定期领取养老金。

    I am in receipt of a pension.

  11. 灾民排队领取食物。

    Villagers lining up for food.

  12. 请您领取通行卡。

    Here is your highway pass.

  13. 请着人前来领取。

    Please send someone here for it.

  14. 她领取丰厚的薪水。

    She draws a good salary.

  15. 领取扶养津贴的资格

    dependency status

  16. 我们想领取结婚证。

    We would like to a marriage certificate.

  17. 他有资格领取退休金。

    He is entitled to receive a pension.

  18. 领取养老金或抚恤金的

    Constituting a pension.

  19. 现有养恤金领取人

    existing pensioner

  20. 他从政府领取年金。

    He has a government annuity or an annuity from the government.

  21. 他是按月领取薪水。

    He was paid by the month.

  22. 他退休领取6000英镑养老金。

    She retired with a 6, 000 pounds pension.

  23. 领取上述许可证无须缴费。

    No fee is payable for the issue of such permit.

  24. 领取企业法人代码通知单

    Application for notice for code number of the company

  25. 应该是先领取报名表。

    Should be the first to a nomination form.

  26. 我领取补助和福利金。

    I pick up our food stamps and welfare checks.

  27. 她有资格领取事业津贴。

    She qualify for unemployment pay.

  28. 开水杯请到挂号处领取。

    Boiled water cups at the registry.

  29. 他按周领取社会保险金。

    He get weekly social security payment.

  30. 领取养恤金起算日期

    date of entitlement


  1. 问:领取拼音怎么拼?领取的读音是什么?领取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取的读音是lǐngqǔ,领取翻译成英文是 get

  2. 问:领取给养拼音怎么拼?领取给养的读音是什么?领取给养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取给养的读音是lǐng qǔ jǐ yǎng,领取给养翻译成英文是 Draw Rations

  3. 问:领取保险金权拼音怎么拼?领取保险金权的读音是什么?领取保险金权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取保险金权的读音是lǐng qǔ bǎo xiǎn jīn quán,领取保险金权翻译成英文是 right to insurance

  4. 问:领取公司执照拼音怎么拼?领取公司执照的读音是什么?领取公司执照翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取公司执照的读音是lǐng qǔ gōng sī zhí zhào,领取公司执照翻译成英文是 acceptance of charter

  5. 问:领取养老金权拼音怎么拼?领取养老金权的读音是什么?领取养老金权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取养老金权的读音是lǐng qǔ yǎng lǎo jīn quán,领取养老金权翻译成英文是 right to a pension

  6. 问:领取养恤金资格拼音怎么拼?领取养恤金资格的读音是什么?领取养恤金资格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取养恤金资格的读音是lǐng qǔ yǎng xù jīn zī gé,领取养恤金资格翻译成英文是 pension entitlement

  7. 问:领取股息通知单拼音怎么拼?领取股息通知单的读音是什么?领取股息通知单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取股息通知单的读音是lǐng qǔ gǔ xī tōng zhī dān,领取股息通知单翻译成英文是 dividend warrant

  8. 问:领取失业救济金权拼音怎么拼?领取失业救济金权的读音是什么?领取失业救济金权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取失业救济金权的读音是lǐng qǔ shī yè jiù jì jīn quán,领取失业救济金权翻译成英文是 right to unemployment benefit

  9. 问:领取象征性微薪的拼音怎么拼?领取象征性微薪的的读音是什么?领取象征性微薪的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取象征性微薪的的读音是lǐng qǔ xiàng zhēng xìng wēi xīn de,领取象征性微薪的翻译成英文是 dollar-a-year

  10. 问:领取退休金文职人员联盟拼音怎么拼?领取退休金文职人员联盟的读音是什么?领取退休金文职人员联盟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领取退休金文职人员联盟的读音是lǐng qǔ tuì xiū jīn wén zhí rén yuán lián méng,领取退休金文职人员联盟翻译成英文是 Civil Service Pensioners Alliance




【拼音】:lǐng qǔ

【注音】:ㄌㄧㄥˇ ㄑㄩˇ