







汉语拼音:xióng yīng







  1. It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle.


  2. When an eagle in an iron cage with a pair of eyes and beg you, what you think?


  3. The ashes turned into a dense fog which the eagle could not cross. as it was getting dark, the witch could not follow the lovers any more.


  4. And in the light of the early dawn, my heart came to a stop as I watched a single majestic eagle soaring in the sky.


  5. But I find myself more lost, like an eagle without a direction, circling around and don't know where to go.


  6. Some merit the name of eagles because they surpass all others and break through the clouds to the light of the sun.


  7. With that, the eagle flies forward and scrabbled the kite broken so the poor broken kite fell head down, down from the air.


  8. to paint the child is to paint the city; and it is for that reason that we have studied this eagle in this arrant sparrow.


  9. Seed dream is to blossom and bear fruit, the eagle's dream is ready to fly.


  1. 雄鹰展翅。

    The eagle expanded its wings.

  2. 与雄鹰比翼。

    Fly with the eagles.

  3. 雄鹰不捕苍蝇。

    The eagle does not chase flies.

  4. 雄鹰在苍空飞翔。

    The eagle is flying up in the blue sky.

  5. 雄鹰在苍空飞翔。

    The eagle is flying up in the blue sky.

  6. 雄鹰之焰纹护腕

    Flameweave Cuffs of the Eagle

  7. 雄鹰,你看见了吗?

    Lanneret, have you ever seen

  8. 雄鹰死, 鸦啄眼。

    When the eagle is dead, the crow pick out his eyes.

  9. 雄鹰死,鸦啄眼。

    When the eagle is dead ,the crow pick out his eyes .

  10. 雄鹰在山谷中飞翔。

    An eagle was hovering over the valley.

  11. 你是雄鹰,心系蓝天。

    You are an eagle belonging to the sky.

  12. 雄鹰特别指雄隼或矛隼。

    male hawk esp. male peregrine or gyrfalcon.

  13. 雄鹰展翅高飞入蓝天。

    The eagle opened out its and flew high up into the sky.

  14. 绵羊成群走, 雄鹰独自飞。

    Eagle fly alone, but sheep flock together.

  15. 我是一只飞翔的雄鹰!

    I'm an eagle flying!

  16. 雄鹰俯冲而下,仔细观望。

    The male eagle nosed down to look on it carefully.

  17. 迦太基雄鹰,更高更强

    He carthage eagles, higher and stronger than ever

  18. 飞翔吧, 像只展翅的雄鹰。

    Flying, like the tercel of opening wing!

  19. 飞翔吧,像只展翅得雄鹰。

    Flying, like the tercel of opening wing!

  20. 黄英权翱翔云天的雄鹰

    Huang Yingquan, A Heroic Eagle Hovering in the Blue Sky

  21. 有些人理应得到雄鹰得称号。

    Some merit the name of eagles.

  22. 有些人理应得到雄鹰的称号。

    Some merit the name of eagles.

  23. 雄鹰拍打着翅膀, 飞向高空。

    The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky.

  24. 那只雄鹰向兔子猛扑下来。

    The eagle dived down on the rabbit.

  25. 西方两山夹谷,似雄鹰展翅。

    The two peaks flanking a valley in the West form an eagle spreading its wings.

  26. 是得,我可以飞得比雄鹰更高。

    Oh, and i, I could fly higher than an eagle.

  27. 借了这天真的麻雀来研究这雄鹰。

    Studied this eagle in this arrant sparrow.

  28. 狗熊、梅花鹿、雄鹰,他们是我们的兄弟。

    The bear, the great eagle, there are our brothers.

  29. 一只猫头鹰被迫强作雄鹰的俯瞰。

    An owl forced to the gaze of an eagle.

  30. 心就象飞翔的雄鹰,尽情挥洒理想。

    Heart as the eagle fly, enjoy the ideal beauty.


  1. 问:雄鹰拼音怎么拼?雄鹰的读音是什么?雄鹰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄鹰的读音是xióngyīng,雄鹰翻译成英文是 A strong and fierce eagle.

  2. 问:雄鹰岩拼音怎么拼?雄鹰岩的读音是什么?雄鹰岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄鹰岩的读音是xióng yīng yán,雄鹰岩翻译成英文是 Suribawi Rock

  3. 问:雄鹰经济体拼音怎么拼?雄鹰经济体的读音是什么?雄鹰经济体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄鹰经济体的读音是,雄鹰经济体翻译成英文是 Emerging and growth leading economies



“雄鹰”是个多义词,它可以指雄鹰(元朝学者胡渊卫翻译古希腊寓言), 雄鹰(孙国庆演唱歌曲)。