


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……





汉语拼音:chōng zhuàng









  1. 亦作“冲撞”。冒犯。


  2. 冲击碰撞。

    元 萨都剌 《瓜州阻风》诗:“渡口无人上野航,白头危浪自衝撞。” 明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·苑家口》:“独以一河承受诸水,河身狭隘,气势愤激,流沫盘涡,涛声衝撞,如昔人所称 吕梁洪 云。” 清 黄景仁 《春雨望新安江》诗:“舟人同此筋力耳,故能与此相衝撞。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章第四节:“锯齿形的电光,不时地冲撞天空,击打山峰!”

  3. 冒犯;触犯。

    《水浒传》第二回:“ 高俅 不敢过去衝撞,立在从人背后伺候。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“那里来这老贼驴,輒敢如此放肆,把言语衝撞我!” 老舍 《龙须沟》第三幕:“现在,好,说动土就动土,也不挑个好日子; 龙须沟 要是冲撞了龙王爷呀,怎能不发大水!”

  4. 引申为破坏。




  1. in the daily rough and tumble, does it feel like other people care less about how rough you have it and how much you're getting tumbled?

  2. It had been a ferocious but perfectly legitimate tackle.

  3. The Chinese fishing boat reportedly rammed Japanese coast guard patrol boats which had been trying to intercept it.

  4. Today Japan released the boat's Chinese skipper, who had been accused of bashing into the two Japanese vessels deliberately.

  5. The Chinese fishing boat reportedly rammed Japanese coastguard patrol boats which had been trying to intercept it.

  6. Shocked as if with a jolt of energy, they start a panicked dance, twirling and colliding into members of the crowd.

  7. The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door.

  8. Odds are we'll never need them. But it's better to be safe than to end up in a situation that resembles a Michael Bay movie.

  9. They concluded that clashing tectonic forces were growing in Beichuan, ready to burst in an explosion of seismic energy.


  1. 碰撞,冲撞

    To strike or collide with.

  2. 用身体冲撞

    body play

  3. 非线性冲撞

    pounding effect

  4. 船只冲撞力

    ship impact force.

  5. 不合理冲撞!

    Unfair charge!

  6. 冲撞与整合

    Collision and Integration.

  7. 冲撞线扩展

    collision line broadening.

  8. 冲撞吸收结构

    CIAS crash impact absorbing structure

  9. 他故意冲撞守门员。

    He deliberately roughed the goalkeeper.

  10. 他们冲撞,抵抗,怒吼!

    How they clang, and clash, and roar!

  11. 渔船遭到客轮冲撞。

    The fishing boat was rammed by a passenger ship.

  12. 我的话冲撞了她。

    My words offended her.

  13. 两辆汽车冲撞了。

    The two cars collided.

  14. 交通状况冲撞总图

    Traffic combined condition collision diagram

  15. 冲撞使前胎爆开。

    The impact blew out front tires.

  16. 渔船遭到敌舰的冲撞。

    The fishing boat was rammed by an enemy warship.

  17. 波涛冲撞著海滩的声音

    The sound of waves breaking on the beach

  18. 某一天冲撞太晚了

    Bumping into someday is too late

  19. 不和观点或思想的不和或冲撞

    Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas

  20. 猛烈的冲撞使他摔倒了。

    The impact winded him.

  21. 两辆汽车冲撞到一起了。

    The two cars collided.

  22. 她在黑暗中冲撞在我身上。

    She bumped into me in the dark.

  23. 野蛮冲撞从第2层移至第5层。

    Brutal Impact moved from Tier 2 to Tier 5.

  24. 海水冲撞著破船得残骸。

    The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.

  25. 海水冲撞著破船的残骸。

    The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.

  26. 我们把这些冲撞叫正切。

    We've brought it down to the tangent of an angle.

  27. 我老婆那边承受了所有冲撞。

    My wife's side took all the impact.

  28. 时间被冲撞得弹了回来, 冲撞又冲撞。

    Time shocked rebounds, shock by shock.

  29. 这两辆车剧烈地发生冲撞。

    The two cars collided violently.

  30. 这东西冲撞了几个绘图室。

    This thing shocked the drawing rooms.


  1. 问:冲撞拼音怎么拼?冲撞的读音是什么?冲撞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞的读音是chōngzhuàng,冲撞翻译成英文是 bump; offend

  2. 问:冲撞幅度拼音怎么拼?冲撞幅度的读音是什么?冲撞幅度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞幅度的读音是chōng zhuàng fú dù,冲撞幅度翻译成英文是 collision broadening

  3. 问:冲撞战术拼音怎么拼?冲撞战术的读音是什么?冲撞战术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞战术的读音是chōng zhuàng zhàn shù,冲撞战术翻译成英文是 Battering Ram Tactics

  4. 问:冲撞犯规拼音怎么拼?冲撞犯规的读音是什么?冲撞犯规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞犯规的读音是chōng zhuàng fàn guī,冲撞犯规翻译成英文是 charging

  5. 问:冲撞速度拼音怎么拼?冲撞速度的读音是什么?冲撞速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞速度的读音是chōng zhuàng sù dù,冲撞速度翻译成英文是 striking velocity

  6. 问:冲撞线扩展拼音怎么拼?冲撞线扩展的读音是什么?冲撞线扩展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞线扩展的读音是chōng zhuàng xiàn kuò zhǎn,冲撞线扩展翻译成英文是 collision line broadening

  7. 问:冲撞和传输时间拼音怎么拼?冲撞和传输时间的读音是什么?冲撞和传输时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞和传输时间的读音是chōng zhuàng hé chuán shū shí jiān,冲撞和传输时间翻译成英文是 Impact Avalanche and Transit Time

  8. 问:冲撞存活记忆单元拼音怎么拼?冲撞存活记忆单元的读音是什么?冲撞存活记忆单元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲撞存活记忆单元的读音是chōng zhuàng cún huó jì yì dān yuán,冲撞存活记忆单元翻译成英文是 Crash Survivable Memory Unit



冲撞:一、汉语词语,意为冲击碰撞、冒犯,触犯,引申为破坏。二、电影名,如Robin Davis导演的警匪片《冲撞Le Choc (1982) 》和 Paul Haggis导演的同名撞车题材的美国电影《冲撞》。三、腾讯女性频道专题策划的静态电影《美丽的梦》第21期,该静态电影以时尚元素等为主题拍摄大片,数张大片总体构成一则完整的故事,也题为冲撞。