




去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……



汉语拼音:jì wǎng









  1. 以往;过去。

    《书·太甲中》:“既往背师保之训,弗克於厥初,尚赖匡救之德,图惟厥终。” 晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“揆既往之前迹,即将来之后辙。” 宋 王安石 《谢赐元丰敕令格式等表》:“歷观既往,或仍踳駮之餘;绪正厥遗,实待缉熙之久。” 铁郎 《二十世纪之湖南》:“鉴 湖南 於既往,责 湖南 以未来,同心戮力,驱此丑酋。” 茅盾 《子夜》十九:“眼前这交易所公债关口一过,他必须重建既往的威权。”

  2. 死的讳称。

    南朝 齐 王俭 《<褚渊碑文>序》:“ 晏婴 既往, 齐君 趍车而行哭。” 南朝 齐 孔稚珪 《北山移文》:“呜呼,尚生不存, 仲氏 既往。”



  1. No identified chronic case history, some colleagues said he drank wine everyday, and the specific condition is not clear.

  2. There was no obvious cause of gastrointestinal infection and history of gut diseases.

  3. She had a past medical history of depression , but had never experienced hypomania previously .

  4. ARVD is an inherited cardiac disorder and one of the most common causes of sudden death in athletes and young, apparently healthy adults.

  5. Historically, a variety of treatments, such as muscle-flap transposition, pericardial fixation, and plombage, have been used.

  6. Historical track records of the firms and managers themselves tend to be short due to the infancy of the industry and shortage of talent.

  7. However, once she had done so, she let bygones be bygones and everything was all right again.

  8. Objective: To understand the status of chlamydia pneumonia infection in children in Zhengzhou.

  9. Special note should be made of prior drug reactions and complications associated with procedures.


  1. 既往献血员

    Former blood donor.

  2. 无既往流产

    No previous abortion.

  3. 既往剖宫产

    Previous cesarean section.

  4. 法律之追溯既往

    the ex post facto working of a law

  5. 既往无特殊病史。

    No particular previous medical history.

  6. 既往有偿献血人员

    Previous paid blood donors

  7. 既往有偿供血员

    Former paid blood donors

  8. 不溯既往性

    nonretroactive character.

  9. 无追溯既往的效力

    without retroactive effect

  10. 此法不溯及既往。

    This law is not retroactive.

  11. 既往病史无特殊。

    Her past medical history was unremarkable.

  12. 既往病历病人的既往病历

    The complete case history of a patient.

  13. 岁月既往,一去不回。

    Lost time is never found again.

  14. 没有肾脏病得既往史。

    There is no past history of renal involvement.

  15. 没有肾脏病的既往史。

    There is no past history of renal involvement.

  16. 修改没有追溯既往的能力。

    Amendments will not have retrospective effect.

  17. 再去查查病人的既往史。

    And let's push the patient history.

  18. 既往有慢性结肠炎病史20年。

    Eosinophils in blood and bone marrow increased remarkably.

  19. 我怎么能既往其他人的理解?

    How can I expect anybody to understand?

  20. 我这里有他的既往病史。

    I have his previous history here.

  21. 对她口述病人的既往病史

    give her a verbal history.

  22. 既往没有食道炎和胃炎的病史。

    There was on inducement and history of esophagitis or gastritis.

  23. 患者既往有糖尿病病史11年,糖尿病肾病病史2年。

    The patient had diabetes for11 years and diabetic nephropathy for2 years.

  24. 既往的放疗似乎增加手术失败率。

    Prior radiation seems to increase the failure rate.

  25. 既往病历病人的既往病历没有肾脏病的既往史。

    The complete case history of a patient. There is no past history of renal involvement.

  26. 先例被宣告无效时,其结果溯及既往。

    When a precedent is overruled the effect is retrospective.

  27. 既往献血资料查询在采血车上的应用

    Application of Previous Blood Donation Data in Bloodmobile

  28. 大部分患者既往体健,亦无外伤病史。

    Most patients were otherwise healthy, and with the exception of 8 cases, lacked antecedent trauma.

  29. 患者没有既往创伤史以及凝血功能障碍。

    Her medical history was negative for previous trauma or coagulopathy.

  30. 但也带有既往奴隶制度和殖民主义的痕迹。

    but is also marked by the legacy of slavery and colonialism.


  1. 问:既往拼音怎么拼?既往的读音是什么?既往翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往的读音是jìwǎng,既往翻译成英文是 Past; before.

  2. 问:既往不咎拼音怎么拼?既往不咎的读音是什么?既往不咎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往不咎的读音是jìwǎngbújiù,既往不咎翻译成英文是 let bygones be bygones

  3. 问:既往病拼音怎么拼?既往病的读音是什么?既往病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往病的读音是jìwǎng bìng,既往病翻译成英文是 past illness

  4. 问:既往症拼音怎么拼?既往症的读音是什么?既往症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往症的读音是jì wǎng zhèng,既往症翻译成英文是 anamnesis

  5. 问:既往对价拼音怎么拼?既往对价的读音是什么?既往对价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往对价的读音是jì wǎng duì jià,既往对价翻译成英文是 past consideration

  6. 问:既往病史拼音怎么拼?既往病史的读音是什么?既往病史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既往病史的读音是jì wǎng bìng shǐ,既往病史翻译成英文是 anamnesis




拼音:jìwǎng 基本

解释: 1. [past]∶以前 既往之事 2. [bygones]∶指已经过去的事情 既往不咎 详细

解释: 1. 以往;过去。 《书·太甲中》:“既往背师保之训,弗克於厥初,尚赖匡救之德,图惟厥终。” 晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“揆既往之前迹,即将来之后辙。” 宋 王安石 《谢赐元丰敕令格式等表》:“历观既往,或仍踳驳之馀;绪正厥遗,实待缉熙之久。” 铁郎 《二十世纪之湖南》:“鉴 湖南 於既往,责 湖南 以未来,同心戮力,驱此丑酋。” 茅盾 《子夜》十九:“眼前这交易所公债关口一过,他必须重建既往的威权。” 2. 死的讳称。 南朝 齐 王俭 《<褚渊碑文>序》:“ 晏婴 既往, 齐君 趍车而行哭。” 南朝 齐 孔稚珪 《北山移文》:“呜呼,尚生不存, 仲氏 既往。”