


1. 倘 [tǎng]2. 倘 [cháng]倘 [tǎng]假使,如果:~或。~若。~使。~然。倘 [cháng]同“徜”。……






汉语拼音:tǎng shǐ







  1. 假如;如果。

    唐 骆宾王 《上郭赞府启》:“倘使 陈留 逸调,下探 柯亭 之篠, 会稽 阴德,傍眷 餘溪 之蔡;则迴眸之报,不独著於前龟,清亮之音,谁专称於往笛。” 鲁迅 《野草·希望》:“倘使我还得偷生在不明不暗的这‘虚妄’中,我就还要寻求那逝去的悲凉,漂渺的青春,但不妨在我的身外。” 巴金 《<巴金选集>后记》:“读者倘使能够拿过去跟今天比较,或者可以得到一点点并非消极的东西。”



  1. It would be impossible for anyone to know precisely how each consumer would have spent his extra $5 if he had been allowed to retain it.


  2. If I decide to take a new lover now, I want him to have three very rare qualities: he must be trusting, submissive and discreet.


  3. "If he wasn't so big and heavy I would get him for you, " remarked the Stork.


  4. 'If Marguerite really wants to see me, she knows where I live. She can come here. But I shall never set foot in the rued'Antin. '


  5. Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?


  6. If you find an error in one of our books like a spelling mistake or faulty piece of code we would be very grateful for your feedback.


  7. If you were weak-pass quickly to the rear and get out of the range of the guns.


  8. If she were really innocent , he knew she would have jumped to her feet in her defiant way .


  9. If she went away there would be a distinct gulf that would not soon be overcome .


  1. 倘使这些欢乐打动了你

    If these pleasures may thee move

  2. 倘使政客们要这么办,侵吞公款就是侵吞公款。

    Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so.

  3. 倘使曾赞美天亮, 那麽也请拥抱白昼。

    If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark night.

  4. 倘使有车子的话, 我也想去看看她。

    I would go and see her, if I could have the carriage.

  5. 倘使事情一传出去,要轰动一时的呢。

    It will make a nice row if that comes out.

  6. 倘使政客们要这么办,侵吞公款就是侵吞公款罪。

    Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so.

  7. 倘使你的常识是坚固的,你的渴望将无法揆度。

    If your knowledge is strong, your desire can be without measure.

  8. 倘使想看有线电视节目,就得按月付费。

    If you want to watch cable TV programs, you'll pay a monthly fee.

  9. 倘使生意让他来经营, 就会立即垮台的。

    If the trade had been left to his care, it would have rapidly disappeared.

  10. 倘使我想跟班你, 他们能否会朝气呢?

    Would they be more upseted if I thought of joining you ?

  11. 倘使出了什么毛病,我的位置就压根儿完蛋了。

    If anything were to happen, it would cost me my place all right.

  12. 男孩会有蘧然,尤其是倘使你在寻觅恋爱。

    Boy strikelucky, especially if you're in the hunt for love.

  13. 倘使事情泄漏出去, 我想, 要闹得满城风雨的。

    If that should become known, it would be making a good deal of noise, I think.

  14. 倘使你一定要知道的话, 这是我男朋友给的。

    It's from my boyfriend, if you must know.

  15. 他重视才能。倘使要讲公道的时候。他愿意公平交易。

    He respected ability, he was willing to play fair when fair was the game.

  16. 倘使她是那种有心灵感应的人, 她一定有所感触。

    If she had been at all psychic she must have felt something.

  17. 借使倘使我们把情形告诉他,那可能弊多利少。

    If we tell him about it, it may do more harm than good.

  18. 倘使面对她所做的愚蠢的事不会有槽糕的结果。

    And if there were no terrible consequences to face from her stupidity.

  19. 倘使我们当时作了让步,这个体系就会永远存在下去。

    Had we yielded, the system would have been immortal.

  20. 我高兴我不是男人, 因为, 倘使我是男人, 就得跟女人结婚嘛。

    I am glad I am not a man, for if I was I'd be obliged to marry a woman.

  21. 倘使对你有好处, 我就是被他们千刀万剐也是甘心的。

    They could cut my body into bits if it would do you any good.

  22. 另外, 倘使提税导致需求下降, 经济或将再次陷入衰退。

    Furthermore, if higher taxes eat into demand, economies may slip back into recession.

  23. 倘使斯坦纳投机成功的话,他不会受到什么伤害的。

    No harm could come to him, if Stener's ventures were successful.

  24. 倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。

    If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.

  25. 倘使有个人使我绝对忍受不了, 那他就是陆军教员。

    If there is one man I can't stick at any price it's the army crammers.

  26. 倘使她出走了, 就会产生一时不能克服的, 显著的鸿沟。

    If she went away there would be a distinct gulf that would not soon be overcome.

  27. 借使倘使你知道如何利用生命,那么一生的时间是够长的。

    If you know how to take advantage of life, life time is long enough.

  28. 倘使一个年轻姑娘不理会自己的身材, 还有谁会理会她呢。

    If a girl do not look after her figure, no one else will.

  29. 倘使碰到了这样的事情, 他就非要把一些政客牵入不可。

    If that happened, he would have the politicians to reckon with.

  30. 倘使耶稣基督今天出现的话,人们将不会把钉在十字架上。

    If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify Him.


  1. 问:倘使拼音怎么拼?倘使的读音是什么?倘使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倘使的读音是tǎngshǐ,倘使翻译成英文是 if



唐 骆宾王 《上郭赞府启》:“倘使 陈留 逸调,下探 柯亭 之篠, 会稽 阴德,傍眷 馀溪 之蔡;则回眸之报,不独著於前龟,清亮之音,谁专称於往笛。” 鲁迅 《野草·希望》:“倘使我还得偷生在不明不暗的这‘虚妄’中,我就还要寻求那逝去的悲凉,漂渺的青春,但不妨在我的身外。” 巴金 《后记》:“读者倘使能够拿过去跟今天比较,或者可以得到一点点并非消极的东西。”