




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:chǎn dì






  1. 物品出产的地方。

    塞风 等《工业经济管理概论》第十三章第三节:“如所用原料不宜长途运输的产品,则应接近原料产地。”



  1. In London, our restaurants can buy wine from more places than any other city on earth - the competition here is astonishing.


  2. It was a huge garrison town for the British army and then grew into a major producer of leather goods.


  3. It would be based upon a set of principles, including making rules of origin objective, understandable and predictable.


  4. of any piece of wood packing material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained.


  5. Upon testing, analysts did not find any correlation between levels of toxins and how much the toys cost and where they were made.


  6. I also was struck by how much overlap exists between the sensory repertoires of single-origin chocolates and single-origin coffees.


  7. "That's quite a coincidence, " I replied. "I happen to be flying out for Yemen tonight. That's where your mocha comes from. "


  8. Biluochun regardless of how the name of the origin of the tea has a long history, as early as a tribute tea is no doubt of.


  9. If anything, he might have felt ill-at-ease, since the cup from which he sipped was a synecdoche of a worrying economic arrangement.


  1. 农产品产地

    agricultural producing area.

  2. 金丝猴产地

    the native haunt of the golden monkey

  3. 产地环境质量

    Environmental quality.

  4. 需要产地证明书。

    Certificate of origin is required.

  5. 中庸原产地

    average provenance.

  6. 原产地证明

    certificate of origin.

  7. 原产地证书

    certificate of origin.

  8. 中卫山羊核心产地

    Core product region of Zhongwei goat

  9. 必须提供产地证书。

    The certificate of origin must be provided.

  10. 西夏食盐产地研究

    Research on the Productive Place of Common Salt in Xi Xia

  11. 青金石产地探源

    Concerning the Provenance of Lapis Lazuli

  12. 质量比产地更重要。

    Quality counts above origin.

  13. 狮子的产地是非洲。

    The home of the lion is Africa.

  14. 论唐代池盐产地

    Origin of Pond Salt in Tang Dynasty

  15. 五代十国食盐产地研究

    A Study of Salt Places of Ten Countries during the Periods of the Five Dynasties

  16. 澳大利亚是袋鼠的产地。

    Australia is the home of kangaroos.

  17. 箱毛重板条箱产地证明书

    wooden case gross weight wooden crate.

  18. 您喜欢那个产地的茶?

    Which origin do you prefer?

  19. 五代盐产地的变化。

    The changing of salt producing area of Five Dynasties.

  20. 这种植物的产地在东亚。

    The range of this plant is East Asia.

  21. 那个国家是海洛因的产地。

    That country is the habitat of heroin.

  22. 芡实产地采制工艺的探讨

    Investigation on the Preparative Techniques of Gordon Euryale

  23. 当地国际商会出具产地证。

    Certificate of origin issued by local chamber of commerce.

  24. 货物不得是以色列产地。

    Goods must not be of Israeli origin.

  25. 我在鸟的天然产地拍摄。

    I film birds in their natural habitat.

  26. 刚果政府发的产地证书。

    Certificate of Origin, issued by Congo Government.

  27. 印度是大象和老虎的产地。

    India is the home of elephants and tigers.

  28. 野马追的主要产地为江苏盱眙。

    It main grows in XuYi of Jiangsu.

  29. 那里是越南一半粮食的产地。

    That's where half of Vietnam's rice is grown.

  30. 袋鼠的原产地是澳大利亚。

    The home of the kangaroo is Australia.


  1. 问:产地拼音怎么拼?产地的读音是什么?产地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地的读音是chǎndì,产地翻译成英文是 producing area

  2. 问:产地国拼音怎么拼?产地国的读音是什么?产地国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地国的读音是chǎndìguó,产地国翻译成英文是 state of origin

  3. 问:产地名称拼音怎么拼?产地名称的读音是什么?产地名称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地名称的读音是chǎn dì míng chēng,产地名称翻译成英文是 name of origin

  4. 问:产地标记拼音怎么拼?产地标记的读音是什么?产地标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地标记的读音是chǎndìbiāojì,产地标记翻译成英文是 indication of origin

  5. 问:产地证明拼音怎么拼?产地证明的读音是什么?产地证明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地证明的读音是chǎn dì zhèng míng,产地证明翻译成英文是 proof of origin

  6. 问:产地交货价拼音怎么拼?产地交货价的读音是什么?产地交货价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地交货价的读音是chǎn dì jiāo huò jià,产地交货价翻译成英文是 ex works

  7. 问:产地检验证书拼音怎么拼?产地检验证书的读音是什么?产地检验证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地检验证书的读音是chǎn dì jiǎn yàn zhèng shū,产地检验证书翻译成英文是 inspection certificate of origin

  8. 问:产地证明书费拼音怎么拼?产地证明书费的读音是什么?产地证明书费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产地证明书费的读音是chǎn dì zhèng míng shū fèi,产地证明书费翻译成英文是 fee for certificate of origin



钻石 主要产地产地 chǎn dì place of origin (production) provenance(s) 某种物品的生产、出产或制造的地点。常指某种物品的主要生产地。