


1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……


价钱高,与“贱”相对:~贱(a.价格的高低;b.指人的地位高低;c.方言,无论如何)。春雨~如油。指地位高:~族。~戚。~望(尊贵的门第和声望)。敬辞,称与对方有关的事物:~国。~庚(请问别人年龄)。~姓。~干(gàn )(问人要做什么)。……



汉语拼音:huá guì









  1. 豪华富贵。

    唐 白居易 《海州刺史裴君夫人李氏墓志铭》序:“夫人为相门女,邦君妻,不以华贵骄人。” 明 李东阳 《<洛阳刘氏族谱>序》:“其为谱者,或又傅会冒妄,慕华贵而讳寒畯。”《花月痕》第四三回:“ 痴珠 见 采秋 ,华贵雍容,珠围翠绕。” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》第二章一:“终于他们也来了,他们是那样华贵,连眼角也没有望到她那边。”



  1. Josef took his wife's hand into his and said, "Svetlana, my love, nothing is too fine for you. "


  2. Bats fly in the air everywhere, a few aristocrats wearing black ponchos, riding a dragon, since most luxurious fly out of the building.


  3. Or perhaps you had a good year and feel you're ready to move up to something with a touch of style, luxury or class?


  4. He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence.


  5. Some of baroque architecture over the pursuit of luxury boldness, even to the point of tedious piling up.


  6. These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic.


  7. Rocking and provocative , your crystal rings dance with you throughout the night. Chic bags provide a spectacular adornment.


  8. Even high-end banquet, it was no more elegant tableware, decorated it more luxurious, food is still a kind.


  9. The robbers robbed the richly dressed rider of his ring. The police started to look into the robbery.


  1. 华贵的地毯

    luxurious carpet.

  2. 华贵栉孔扇贝

    Chlamys nobilis

  3. 如此芳香华贵!

    So aromatic and tranquil and honorable!

  4. 如此芳香华贵!

    So aromatic and tranquil and honorable!

  5. 华贵, 强劲的长纤维

    Long, lustrous, strong fiber

  6. 开司米料最为华贵。

    Cashmere is the most luxurious materials.

  7. 沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。

    The sofa was covered with expensive brocade.

  8. 菊花, 它既不娇艳也不华贵。

    Chrysanthemum, it is neither luxurious nor beautiful.

  9. 试着加入一点金色,华贵无比。

    Try to join aureate, showily and clinking.

  10. 那确是一座华贵得府第。

    This palace was a genuine seignorial residence.

  11. 那确是一座华贵的府第。

    This palace was a genuine seignorial residence.

  12. 紫色是王室的色调, 华贵, 醒目。

    Purple is sumptuous, bold, the colour of royalty.

  13. 你要珠宝和华贵的服装吗?

    Do you want precious things and jewelry?

  14. 她那华贵的衣服显示出她富有。

    Her rich clothes argue her to be wealthy.

  15. 我会发笑, 因为我知道我并不华贵。

    I would laugh because I know I'm not purple.

  16. 浮雕式边角设计, 彰显尊容华贵。

    Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance.

  17. 她端庄华贵地走向息金斯夫人。

    She comes to Mrs.Higgins with studied grace.

  18. 贵族们骑著俊俏的马匹穿华贵的衣服。

    The nobles rode handsome horses and wore rich clothes.

  19. 贵族们骑著俊俏得马匹穿华贵得衣服。

    The nobles rode handsome horses and wore rich clothes.

  20. 已有人送给她更加华贵的珠宝。

    Has someone gave her more showily jewelry.

  21. 埋葬了一群绚丽华贵的燕尾蝶。

    Buried a group of flowery coattail butterflies.

  22. 她用各种华贵的布料制作高雅的婚纱。

    She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics.

  23. 你想要散发出文雅和华贵的感觉。

    You want to exude refinement and a sense of rich luxury.

  24. 那位夫人穿着华贵的毛皮外套来了。

    The lady appeared with a luxurious fur coat.

  25. 彰显有度,于无声之中展现华贵之气。

    Aiming to manifest, show showily gas in silence.

  26. 雷蒙威手表迅速跻身于华贵手表之列。

    Raymond Weil watches quickly set their mark among luxury watches.

  27. 雷蒙威手表迅速跻身于华贵手表之列。

    Raymond Weil watches quickly set their mark among luxury watches.

  28. 举手投足之间极尽优雅与华贵,敏捷与灵巧。

    Every movement has elegance and economy, is swift and deft.

  29. 美味的调料给上等佳肴以生命和华贵。

    Dainty sauces are the life, the nobility of famous dishes.

  30. 美味得调料给上等佳肴以生命和华贵。

    Dainty sauces are the life, the nobility of famous dishes.


  1. 问:华贵拼音怎么拼?华贵的读音是什么?华贵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵的读音是huáguì,华贵翻译成英文是 sumptuous; luxurious

  2. 问:华贵杓蛤拼音怎么拼?华贵杓蛤的读音是什么?华贵杓蛤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵杓蛤的读音是huáguìsháohá,华贵杓蛤翻译成英文是 Cuspidaria nobilis

  3. 问:华贵藤壶拼音怎么拼?华贵藤壶的读音是什么?华贵藤壶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵藤壶的读音是huáguìténghú,华贵藤壶翻译成英文是 Nobai sinica

  4. 问:华贵黄耆拼音怎么拼?华贵黄耆的读音是什么?华贵黄耆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵黄耆的读音是huáguìhuángqí,华贵黄耆翻译成英文是 Astragalus nobilis

  5. 问:华贵柄锈菌拼音怎么拼?华贵柄锈菌的读音是什么?华贵柄锈菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵柄锈菌的读音是huáguì bǐngxiùjūn,华贵柄锈菌翻译成英文是 Puccinia cara

  6. 问:华贵红纹螺拼音怎么拼?华贵红纹螺的读音是什么?华贵红纹螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵红纹螺的读音是huáguìhóngwénluó,华贵红纹螺翻译成英文是 Bullina nobilis

  7. 问:华贵合叶珊瑚拼音怎么拼?华贵合叶珊瑚的读音是什么?华贵合叶珊瑚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵合叶珊瑚的读音是huáguìhéyèshānhú,华贵合叶珊瑚翻译成英文是 Symphyllia nobilis

  8. 问:华贵类栉孔扇贝拼音怎么拼?华贵类栉孔扇贝的读音是什么?华贵类栉孔扇贝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华贵类栉孔扇贝的读音是huáguìlèizhìkǒngshànbèi,华贵类栉孔扇贝翻译成英文是 Mimachlamysnobilis


