


1. 伴 [bàn]伴 [bàn]同在一起而能互助的人:伙~。~侣。陪同:~随。陪~。~和(hè)。~舞。~奏。~读(古代官名,中国宋代有南北院伴读,负责宗室子弟的教学,辽、金至明代,皆为亲王府官)。……





汉语拼音:bàn děng






  1. 伙伴,朋友。

    元 张可久 《朱履曲·归兴》:“鶯花新伴等,鹅鸭旧比邻,怕称呼 陶令尹 。” 元 尚仲贤 《气英布》第二折:“是谁人这般信口胡答应,大古里是你箇知心好伴等。”



  1. The edible flower many ways, steaming, boiling, stewing, or a soup, do share with other cool open.


  1. 可单独存在或伴有唇裂等畸形。

    Cleft lip, a fissure in the lip Beneath the nostril, or other abnormalities may accompany it.

  2. 发作时多伴有眼花等视力障碍及恶心,呕吐。

    The many companion when fit has dazed wait for eyesight obstacle to reach disgusting, vomiting.

  3. 福尔摩斯和华生伴着灯光等了半个小时。

    Holmes and Watson sat with the light on for half an hour.

  4. 临床可表现为眼球疼痛, 充血, 畏光, 流泪伴视力下降等。

    Clinical manifestations of the eyeball can be pain, congestive, photophobia, and tears with declining eyesight.

  5. 所有病例未出现穿孔感染等并发症。2例伴输尿管小穿孔。

    No ureteral perforation and infection was found. Ureteral perforation occured in2 cases.

  6. 她总是让约会的男伴等她。

    She always keeps her date waiting.

  7. 隐睾常伴有精索、睾丸引带、鞘状突、附睾等异常。

    Undescended testis is frequently accompanied with the anomalies of the spermatic cord, gubernaculum testis, processus vaginalis, and epididymis.

  8. 这些患者同时伴有皮肤感染和心,肝,肾等多系统损害。

    These patients are complicated with skin infection and impairment of the heart, liver, kidney and other organs.

  9. 杰拉德对肯尼的第一映像伴却夹杂着难为情等各种感情。

    Gerrards first memories of Dalglish are of a more coy variety.

  10. 其患者多伴有上腹部胀满, 胸胁苦满, 脐部动悸亢进, 便秘等症。

    Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation.

  11. 其中13人患有高血压伴脑梗死糖尿病等并发症。

    Of them there were13 cases suffered from hypertension and other complications like diabetes mellitus or cerebral infarction etc.

  12. 伴生生物有有孔虫,海绵骨针,腕足动物等。

    This fauna is associated with Foraminifera, sponge spicules and Brachiopoda et al.

  13. 此等夥伴关系有助集团维持强劲的增长动力。

    Such partnerships enable the Group to keep up the growth momentum.

  14. 与钠沸石,层硅铈钛矿,钙霞石等伴生。

    Wadeite is paragenic with aegirine, nepheline, arfredsonite, microcline and apatite, and associated with natrolite, rinkite and cancrinite.

  15. 切割, 包装和空运等, 既是综合企业又是渔业装备夥伴。

    It is an integrated structure and a partner in fishing armament.

  16. 主治鼻窦炎, 鼻塞伴脓性分泌物自觉鼻臭等症。

    Mainly treats nasosinusitis, the stuffy nose partner purulent secretion aware nose smelly and so on sickness.

  17. 伴胞为与筛管分等长的一列或单个细胞。

    Companion cells arranse in a row or single cell as long as the sieve tube member.

  18. 在等车的一小时中,有他作伴消磨时间,我很高兴。

    I was glad of his company to while away an hour until the train came.

  19. 伴胞为与筛管分子等长的一列或单个细胞。

    Companion cells arrange in a row or single cell as long as the sieve tube member.

  20. 采用等效热容法求解伴有相变过程的瞬态热传导问题。

    Finite element solution of heat transfer with planar phase change by equivalent heat capacity method.

  21. 请稍等一下,我把这些湿衣服脱掉就来和你们作伴。

    Just give me a minute to slip out of these wet things and I'll join you.

  22. 矿石中共生或伴生得有益组分有银,铜,铅,锌等。

    Useful compositions which are associations or paragenesis with the ore are Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn, etc.