




相隔的空间和时间:相~数里。~离。行(háng )~。株~。差(chā)~。雄鸡爪子后面突出像脚趾的部分。古同“拒”,抵抗。古同“巨”,大。古同“讵”,岂。……



汉语拼音:guǐ jù






  1. 铁路轨道上两股钢轨头部内侧间的距离。有标准轨距、宽轨距和窄轨距。我国铁路采用标准轨距。



  1. The standard railway gauge shall be 1435mm. Standard gauge must be adopted in the construction of a new State railway.


  2. The insulation rail distance rod can be widely used on the railway circuit sections of various rail distances.


  3. The current photoelectric servo gauge-alignment system is replaced by laser video camera gauge-alignment system.


  4. Their legacy is still evident in the Kazakh rail system, which conforms to the Russian rail gauge instead of the Chinese gauge.


  5. The utility model saves raw materials and processing costs compared with the existing rail distance rod.


  6. At last I use VHDL to realize the coordinate transform in the gauge automatic measurement system and achieve simulation.


  7. The principle and idiographic arithmetic of gauge, level, height, rail aspect, etc were discussed.


  8. The synchronization problem between gauge-alignment signals and other inspected signals is solved by enlarging time-delay method.


  9. The Darjeeling Himalayan railway is the light railway system of a gauge 610 millimeters.


  1. 轨距绝缘体

    track gauge insulator.

  2. 轨距水平仪

    gauge level instrument.

  3. 轨距杆挡板

    gauge rod apron.

  4. 轨距调整块

    gauge adjusting block.

  5. 调整轨距工作

    regauging work

  6. 窄轨距拖拉机

    narrow track tractor

  7. 标准轨距铁道

    standard gauge railway

  8. 六角轨距块

    hexagon gage block

  9. 木制轨距尺

    wood center track gauge.

  10. 轨距规的调整

    adjustment of track gauge.

  11. 曲线轨距加宽

    track gauge widening of curve.

  12. 轨距水平测量仪

    track gauge level gauge

  13. 轨距水准仪调整

    adjustment of track level

  14. 履带式拖拉机轨距

    gauge of tracks

  15. 可调的轨距规

    adjustable rail gauge.

  16. 可变轨距转向架

    gauge change bogie

  17. 轨距线的交叉点

    intersection of gauge line

  18. 曲线上轨距加宽量

    gage easement

  19. 双轨距机车开始试运行

    Dualgauge LOCO to start trials.

  20. 波兰开发可变轨距系统

    The Variable Rail Gauge System Developed in Poland

  21. 变轨距列车用电动机的开发

    Development of Traction Motors for a Gauge Change Train

  22. 我放下轨距, 拿起了榔头。

    I put down the gauge and picked up a hammer.

  23. 我放下轨距,拿起了榔头。

    I put down the gauge and picked up a hammer.

  24. 中心用绝缘钢管制的轨距尺

    insulated pipe center track gauge

  25. 轨距尺校准器设计及误差分析

    The designing and analysis on regulator of gauge measure

  26. 荷载作用下轨距扩大的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of gauge widening under load.

  27. 铁道车辆轮对变轨距技术研究

    Research on Rail Gauge Changing Technology of Rolling Stock Wheelsets

  28. 轨距传感器中激光光斑大小的影响

    Research on the Gauge Sensor Laser Spot

  29. 世界半数以上的铁路轨距为1435毫米。

    More than half of the world's railways use a gauge of 1435mm.

  30. 可变轨距电动车的开发与试验

    Development and Testing of EMUs with Variable Rail Gauges


  1. 问:轨距拼音怎么拼?轨距的读音是什么?轨距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距的读音是guǐ jù,轨距翻译成英文是 gauging distance

  2. 问:轨距规拼音怎么拼?轨距规的读音是什么?轨距规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距规的读音是guǐ jù guī,轨距规翻译成英文是 track gage

  3. 问:轨距净空拼音怎么拼?轨距净空的读音是什么?轨距净空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距净空的读音是guǐ jù jìng kōng,轨距净空翻译成英文是 track clearance

  4. 问:轨距加宽拼音怎么拼?轨距加宽的读音是什么?轨距加宽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距加宽的读音是guǐ jù jiā kuān,轨距加宽翻译成英文是 widening of gauge

  5. 问:轨距联杆拼音怎么拼?轨距联杆的读音是什么?轨距联杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距联杆的读音是guǐ jù lián gǎn,轨距联杆翻译成英文是 cross-tie

  6. 问:轨距绝缘体拼音怎么拼?轨距绝缘体的读音是什么?轨距绝缘体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距绝缘体的读音是guǐ jù jué yuán tǐ,轨距绝缘体翻译成英文是 track gauge insulator

  7. 问:轨距可变列车拼音怎么拼?轨距可变列车的读音是什么?轨距可变列车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轨距可变列车的读音是,轨距可变列车翻译成英文是 Gauge Change Train