







汉语拼音:qiú shí








  1. 讲求实际。

    孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(二)》:“ 诸葛亮 在本传里,是一个非常求实的人,是一个实干家。”



  1. Let me once more thank you for the constructive way you helped to settle all the problem that were in the way of signing the contract.


  2. One of the important approaches is to be factual in concept, to be practical in work, and to be efficient in guarantee.


  3. The basic character of a teaching secretary at a university includes: efforts-making, initiative, realistic, tolerant, devoted.


  4. The company passed ISO9001 Quality System Certification! Our enterprise spirits are dedication, integrity, excellence, truth-seeking.


  5. We always pursue the "integrity of truth-seeking, committed to service, the only satisfaction for" the purpose.


  6. Buddhists should be practical-minded, have the spirit of thorough investigation, and realize the truth of universe and life.


  7. A former reporter from a family of journalists, she is known for her fiery temperament and commitment to hard-nosed reporting.


  8. They say that he looked at politics for the first time with the factual eye of a scientist.


  9. Service Advantage International level, domestic service, professional and systematic, accuracy and truth-seeking.


  1. 精诚团结, 求实创新。

    They should unite, realistic and innovative.

  2. 精诚团结,求实创新。

    They should unite, realistic and innovative.

  3. 献身科学求实创新

    Devoting Oneself to the Science for Seeking the Truth and Innovation

  4. 公司精神求实,创新,开拓,进取。

    Company spirit objectivity, innovation, deploitation and enterprising.

  5. 把革命热情和求实精神结合起来

    combine revolutionary fervour with a realistic spirit

  6. 她不断的吹毛求实在讨厌。

    Her endless carping is indeed a nuisance.

  7. 他利用这个断言去求实积分的值。

    He uses this assertion to evaluate real integrate.

  8. 坚持求实创新永葆党的先进性

    Persisting in Being Realistic and Innovation and Preserving Advanced Nature of the Party

  9. 积分变换法解微积分方程,方程组及求实积分

    A Discussion of the Application of Integral Transform

  10. 大力提倡勤奋、严谨、求实、创新的学风。

    The spirit of being diligent, rigorous, realistic and creative in studies is being energetically advocated.

  11. 我们要用求实的态度对待工作和学习。

    We must have a realistic approach to work and study.

  12. 与时俱进求实创新构建开放教育教学新模式

    Keep Pace with the Time, Be Realistic and Innovative to Build New Teaching Modes in Open Learning

  13. 团结拼搏,求实创新,做行业精英,树品质代表。

    Solidify and struggilng, practical and creative, heing of elite the industry, setting up model of quality.

  14. 与时俱进求实创新开创总公司改革发展的新局面

    Keeping the Time and Promoting Creativity for Vigorous Growth of Our Corporation

  15. 求实创新,在新世纪开创饲料工业发展新纪元

    Be practical and realistic, be innovative, inaugurate a new era of the development of the feed industry in the new century

  16. 他第一个以科学家的实事求实的眼光看待政治。

    They say that he looked at politics for the first time with the factual eye of a scientist.

  17. 秉承稳固与发展,求实与创新的精神,以专取胜。

    Plastics Machinery network to uphold and develop a solid, practical and innovative spirit, a special victory.

  18. 树立办实事, 务实效, 求实绩的政绩观

    On Establishing the Political Achievement Viewpoint of Doing the Actual Deeds, Getting the Actual Effect and Pursuing the Actual Achievement

  19. 新文学运动的美学精神,使新诗成为求实的艺术。

    On the other hand, the aesthetic spirit of New Culture Movement made modern Chinese poetry a factualistic art.

  20. 教师早到校,晚离校已成风气,为人师表,勤奋求实。

    teachers early school leavers has become the trend of late, paragon of virtue, diligent and realistic.

  21. 同时建立了求实对称阵标准形的一个新方法。

    Meanwhile paper set upa new method to gain the standard form of a real symmetry matrix.

  22. 邓子恢的曲折革命经历及其民本思想与求实精神

    Deng Zihui's Revolutionary History and His Civism and Factualism

  23. 在学习生活中, 形成了自己的职业操守认真求实, 更要务实。

    In the study life, has formed own professional personal integrity Strives for realism earnestly, must be practical.

  24. 本文介绍了一种求实系数高次代数方程全部根的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method in which all roots of a higher degree algebraic equation with real coefficients can be found out.


  1. 问:求实拼音怎么拼?求实的读音是什么?求实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求实的读音是qiúshí,求实翻译成英文是 To behave pragmatically; to pursue the actual...

  2. 问:求实出版社拼音怎么拼?求实出版社的读音是什么?求实出版社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求实出版社的读音是Qiúshí Chūbǎnshè,求实出版社翻译成英文是 Qiushi Press


