




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:xiǎn yào









  1. 显赫要位。

    《晋书·诸葛恢传》:“于时 王氏 为将军,而 恢 兄弟及 颜含 并居显要。”《太平广记》卷四八九引 唐 无名氏《冥音录》:“ 侃 ( 李侃 )既死,虽 侃 之宗亲居显要者,絶不相闻。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第三折:“本是个显要龙图职,怎伴着烟月鬼狐缠。”

  2. 指身居高位、权势显赫的人。

  3. 显眼重要。

    陈涌 《<奇异的书简>序》:“他们不是应该得到真实的反映,他们不是应该在文学上占有显要的地位么?”《人民文学》1978年第2期:“光荣榜就贴在宣传栏显要的位置上。”



  1. All of us in the office enjoyed it immensely, and, as you see, it was given the place of honor and immediate publication.


  2. Luminaries and dignitaries from around the world joined the king as he danced the night away to the music of the Royal Hawaiian Band.


  3. Surely the Pakistan government would be sympathetic to a film that champions education , not militarisation , for the young ?


  4. Despite gaining traction in its effort to expand, the nuclear power industry is unlikely to move smoothly into a new era of prominence.


  5. On account of its prominent position, it has been influencing various aspects of traditional Chinese culture and fusing with these aspects.


  6. Despite its first mover advantage is being broken, but "Top Ten Chinese paint" is still ranked among the dignitaries.


  7. Waved off by Russian and Mongolian dignitaries, the train was important because of where it did not go.


  8. So far, the list has a sizable representation from Wall Street, but there are a few notable investors who haven't taken the Pledge.


  9. Google also says that linking prominently to its own services over those of rivals is good for consumers and not malicious.


  1. 教会的显要

    dignitaries of the church.

  2. 显要人物, 权贵

    Person with a high rank or position

  3. 杰出人物,知名人物显要

    A notable or wellknown person a personage.

  4. 有头衔的显要人物

    titular dignitaries.

  5. 外交界的显要人物

    a diplomatic dignitary

  6. 显要人物都出席的社交盛事

    A fashionable affair attended by all the great and the good, ie important and influential people

  7. 妇女和显要人物则穿麻布内衣。

    For women and notable people underclothing of linen.

  8. 他很快成为一名显要的律师。

    He soon took rank as a leading attorney.

  9. 这个显要的身份使她觉得太荣幸。

    The distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly by her.

  10. 高级官员或权威显要人物的接见室

    a room where a person of authority,rank,or importance receives visitors

  11. 显贵, 显要人物地位显赫或居高位的人

    A person of eminence or high rank.

  12. 像这些来自显要的部长的指责不可等闲视之。

    Accusations like these from a top minister are not made lightly.

  13. 君主或显要人物接见客人或集会的地方等。

    Room in which a monarch or other great person receives guests, assemblies, etc..

  14. 许多报纸都以显要的位置刊登了他的照片。

    His picture was splattered in many papers.

  15. 你必须弄清楚如何充分利用自己显要的地位。

    You must decide how to make the best use of your exalted position.

  16. 薪水普遍提高了, 使之和新的显要职位相称。

    There was a general increase in wages to meet the new dignities.

  17. 薪水普遍提高了,使之和新得显要职位相称。

    There was a general increase in wages to meet the new dignities.

  18. 他是美国前国防部长,也是民主党的显要人物。

    He is a former defence secretary of the United States and a grandee of the Democratic Party.

  19. 依照传统显要依序排列著来开始扶轮研习会。

    The traditional procession of dignitaries opened the Institute.

  20. 西莉亚双眼径直望着坐在前两排得显要人物。

    Celia looked down directly at the two executive rows.

  21. 西莉亚双眼径直望着坐在前两排的显要人物。

    Celia looked down directly at the two executive rows.

  22. 伊拉克在历史上曾是一个占据显要位置的国家。

    Iraq is a country with a prominent place in history.

  23. 让她誉满天下的得体和实用主义会阻碍她成为显要人物吗。

    Will the propriety and pragmatism that got her there keep her from becoming the mogul she wants to be?

  24. 那个人每次和陌生人谈话都会滥用显要人物以提高自身身价。

    That person enjoys dropping names in every conversation with a stranger.

  25. 他搬了新家,到商场买一部子母钟放在客厅显要的位置。

    After moving into a new house, he bought a composite clock from the shop and put it in an obvious place in the drawing room.

  26. 那是因为你妈要显摆你。

    That's because your mother wanted to show you off.

  27. 下次我再要显摆金矿

    Remind me next time I brag about a goldmine.

  28. 老人是要显显威风, 存心折磨他。

    The old man wanted to exercise his power by tormenting him a little.

  29. 耶和华的眼目遍察全地, 要显大能帮助向他心存诚实的人。

    For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

  30. 一切都显为要倾倒瓦解了, 然而这教会没有倾倒。

    All will appear ready to fall and disintegrate, but the church does not fall.


  1. 问:显要拼音怎么拼?显要的读音是什么?显要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显要的读音是xiǎnyào,显要翻译成英文是 influential; influential figure

  2. 问:显要席拼音怎么拼?显要席的读音是什么?显要席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显要席的读音是xiǎn yào xí,显要席翻译成英文是 tribunal

  3. 问:显要人物拼音怎么拼?显要人物的读音是什么?显要人物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显要人物的读音是,显要人物翻译成英文是 mogul

  4. 问:显要层级拼音怎么拼?显要层级的读音是什么?显要层级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显要层级的读音是xiǎnyào céngjí,显要层级翻译成英文是 saliency hierarchy





注音: ㄒㄧㄢˇ ㄧㄠˋ 基本解释 显要 xiǎnyào [influential figure] 位高权重的官职 [powerful and influential] 官职高,权力大 显要人物 详细解释 1. 显赫要位。 《晋书·诸葛恢传》:“于时 王氏 为将军,而 恢 兄弟及 颜含 并居显要。”《太平广记》卷四八九引 唐 无名氏《冥音录》:“ 侃 ( 李侃 )既死,虽 侃 之宗亲居显要者,绝不相闻。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第三折:“本是个显要龙图职,怎伴着烟月鬼狐缠。” 2. 指身居高位、权势显赫的人。 3. 显眼重要。 陈涌《序》:“他们不是应该得到真实的反映,他们不是应该在文学上占有显要的地位么?”《人民文学》1978年第2期:“光荣榜就贴在宣传栏显要的位置上。”