







汉语拼音:qiū qiān



  1. We did that for a while, then took a break to go play on the swings which is always fun in the snow, then we went back to sledding again.


  2. There was undisguised greed in his thin face as he watched the younger of the two girls swinging higher and higher than her sister.


  3. If you become the wind and blow me, ' said the little bunny, 'I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.


  4. Miss the beginning of childhood, when our carefree swing, and each time seems to fly Dangqi swing very far far away.


  5. Deep place remembered at me, there is a very small swing, be I remind of it of time, an often the sunlight heart.


  6. The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air.


  7. At a distance of about 300 nanometres (a nanometre is a billionth of a metre), the seesaw began to tilt towards the ball.


  8. She jumped off the swing and turned to run back to Missy to tell her what she had just figured out. She stopped.


  9. But at this moment, lost in the moment, they are ambiguous, in my mind float, as if time swing, just swing to rush and ethereal.


  1. 风使秋千摇摆。

    The wind swayed the swing.

  2. 秋千的摆荡研究

    A Study on the Swinging Movement of a swing.

  3. 在秋千上荡着。

    Swing, swing on the swing.

  4. 她在荡秋千。

    Shes on the seesaw.

  5. 秋千垂挂在树上。

    A swing hangs from the tree.

  6. 杂技秋千台板

    trapeze platform

  7. 墙里秋千墙外道。

    Qiangli swing wall Road.

  8. 孩子们的秋千摆动着。

    The children's swing librated.

  9. 孩子们在荡秋千。

    The kids were playing on the swings.

  10. 操场上有一个秋千。

    There's a swing in the playground.

  11. 陈飞飞在荡秋千。

    Chen Feifei is playing on the swing.

  12. 用右前肢荡秋千

    Swing from their right hands

  13. 你好,销魂爱爱秋千。

    Hello.Xstasy sex swing.

  14. 会吊秋千的蚂蚁!

    Ants that perform on the trapeze!

  15. 那孩子在玩秋千。

    The child is playing in the swing.

  16. 乱红飞过秋千去。

    Seeing only red falling petals disorderly whirl oer the swing and fly.

  17. 这秋千悬吊在树枝上。

    The swing was suspended from a branch of tree.

  18. 我看见秋千,滑梯和滑板。

    I see swings and slides and skates.

  19. 她在秋千上摆来摆去。

    She swung to and fro on the swing.

  20. 杂戏团的演员用的秋千。

    A swing used by circus acrobats.

  21. 秋千陪我度过每一天。

    With swing by my side, each and every day.

  22. 可以帮我推秋千吗?

    Will you push me on the swing?

  23. 接着,我推她荡秋千。

    Next, I pushed her on the swing.

  24. 玩荡秋千,荡到天空中。

    Play the swing, catch the sun.

  25. 他们在高秋千上表演。

    They performed on the trapeze.

  26. 像秋千在平衡前的摇摆。

    Vibrate, as of a swing before it comes to a total rest.

  27. 她坐在前廊的秋千上。

    She sat on the front porch swing.

  28. 西先生有一个锯,萨先生有一个秋千。

    Mr. See owned a saw and Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.

  29. 荡秋千是我的最爱。

    Swing is my favorite.

  30. 本人提出为孩子推秋千。

    Offer to push a child on the swing.


  1. 问:秋千拼音怎么拼?秋千的读音是什么?秋千翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秋千的读音是qiūqiān,秋千翻译成英文是 swing

  2. 问:秋千调拼音怎么拼?秋千调的读音是什么?秋千调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秋千调的读音是,秋千调翻译成英文是 Bambera