







汉语拼音:biàn xiàn






  1. The strategy depends on the continual ability of investors to renew their funding or to sell their assets (at a decent price).


  2. a great tax advantage. As long as you keep trading up in value, you will not be taxed on the gains, until you liquidate.


  3. Wu said, the market liquidity of asset liquidity is all about.


  4. How do you think the Lakers performed? Was it a good sign to see Kobe back in the lineup? What's your take on the progress of Andrew Bynum?


  5. The more out-of-control he was, the calmer she was or at least she behaved that way.


  6. Some even take a year or two off as a sabbatical, supporting a cause after cashing out of their business.


  7. In today's environment, they are just a little more willing to take the risk out of their portfolio by cashing out.


  8. "We are seeing the beginning of realisations through strategic sales and public equity offers, " he said.


  9. This fund should be kept in safe and easy-to-tap assets. Laddering certificates of deposit out six months is one way.


  1. 产品的可变现净值。

    Net realizable value of product.

  2. 财产变现损益帐户

    profit and loss on realization account

  3. 未变现的资本损益。

    Unrealized capital gains and losses.

  4. 变现闲置设备盘活闲置资产

    Turn Idle Unit to Cash and Make Asset Active

  5. 我们尝试着把它变现。

    We try to cash in on it.

  6. 累赘、没有价值和难以变现的资产

    Burdensome, no value and hard to realize assets

  7. 他在学术研究方面变现相当平庸。

    He gave a mediocre performance in academic studies.

  8. 豇豆群体中的遗传漂变现象

    Genetic Drift Phenomenon in the Population of String Bean

  9. 停牌的结果是没有人能变现。

    The consequences of a trading halt are that no one can get their money out of a position.

  10. 谷歌没有卖掉它来变现的愿望。

    Google does not expect to sell or otherwise turn Chrome directly into money.

  11. 谷歌没有卖掉它来变现得愿望。

    Google does not expect to sell or otherwise turn Chrome directly into money.

  12. 义素脱落是一种语境义变现象。

    Morpheme absorption is a form of semantic deviations.

  13. 这些资产变现时总须花费, 也不方便。

    There are often costs and inconvenience associated with liquidating other assets.

  14. 在备用金不足时,可将这笔钱变现。

    Insufficient in the petty cash, the money can be realized.

  15. 全部盈余可于资产退役或处置时变现。

    The whole surplus may be realized on the retirement or disposal of the asset.

  16. 降息消息变现之后, 地产股出货迹象明显。

    After the cash rate cut news, real estate stocks obvious signs of shipping.

  17. 外部现金来源包括资产变现和发行新股票。

    The external sources of cash include the liquidation of assets and equity issues.

  18. 其次,应收账款或者存货并不能完全变现。

    Second, accounts receivable and inventory may not be truly liquid.

  19. 他越失控, 她就越平静, 或者至少她变现得很平静。

    The more outofcontrol he was, the calmer she was or at least she behaved that way.

  20. 那些不同意的和变现出自私的人可以离开了。

    Those who disagree and want to act selfishly can leave.

  21. 当维生素缺乏时,首先会变现在表皮系统。

    The integumentary system is often the first place that a serious vitamin deficiency shows up.

  22. 讨论了金属材料得低温蠕变现象和规律。

    The laws and facts of cryogen creep of metal materials have been discussed.

  23. 预计在一个正常营业周期中变现、出售或耗用。

    It is expected to be realized, sold or consumed within a normal business cycle.

  24. 所以量子力学表明非生命体也变现出同样的情况。

    So quantum mechanics says that inanimate objects feel the same way.

  25. 恩格斯认为, 幽默是智慧, 教养和道德感的变现。

    The boon space Si thinks that the humor is intelligence and bring up and the becoming of morals is now.

  26. 他们做很多事间接地代替孩子生活,这就是变现之一。

    They do a lot of living vicariously, and this is one manifestation of that.

  27. 不同的是拆分不用抛股变现,而分红则要出货。

    The difference is not parabolic split shares realized, while dividends would shipments.

  28. 此外,还应披露存货以可变现净值计算的账面金额。

    In addition, the carrying amount of the inventories carried at net realizable value should be disclosed.

  29. 要进行重建, 合乎逻辑的做法是将其中一部分储备变现。

    To rebuild, the logical thing is to cash in some of this horde.

  30. 这种做法还能使设押资产的变现价值达到最大化。

    It may also maximize the realization value of the encumbered assets.


  1. 问:变现拼音怎么拼?变现的读音是什么?变现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现的读音是biànxiàn,变现翻译成英文是 To liquidate:to exchange non-monetary possessi...

  2. 问:变现价值拼音怎么拼?变现价值的读音是什么?变现价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现价值的读音是biàn xiàn jià zhí,变现价值翻译成英文是 liquidation value

  3. 问:变现概念拼音怎么拼?变现概念的读音是什么?变现概念翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现概念的读音是biàn xiàn gài niàn,变现概念翻译成英文是 realization concept

  4. 问:变现能力拼音怎么拼?变现能力的读音是什么?变现能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现能力的读音是,变现能力翻译成英文是 cashability

  5. 问:变现账户拼音怎么拼?变现账户的读音是什么?变现账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现账户的读音是biàn xiàn zhàng hù,变现账户翻译成英文是 realization account

  6. 问:变现资本拼音怎么拼?变现资本的读音是什么?变现资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现资本的读音是biàn xiàn zī běn,变现资本翻译成英文是 liquid capital

  7. 问:变现清偿表拼音怎么拼?变现清偿表的读音是什么?变现清偿表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现清偿表的读音是biàn xiàn qīng cháng biǎo,变现清偿表翻译成英文是 statement of realization and liquidation...

  8. 问:变现资产变数拼音怎么拼?变现资产变数的读音是什么?变现资产变数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现资产变数的读音是biàn xiàn zī chǎn biàn shù,变现资产变数翻译成英文是 liquid assets variable

  9. 问:变现资产结余拼音怎么拼?变现资产结余的读音是什么?变现资产结余翻译成英文是什么?

    答:变现资产结余的读音是biàn xiàn zī chǎn jié yú,变现资产结余翻译成英文是 liquid balance





【拼音】biàn xiàn

