







汉语拼音:tān liàn








  1. 十分留恋。

    唐 尹鹗 《金浮图》词:“贪恋欢娱,不觉金乌坠。”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“父亲宜及早回头,休得贪恋富贵。” 柔石 《二月》四:“他贪恋这时田野中的雪景。白色的绒花,装点了世界如带素的美女。”



  1. But I tell you this: anyone who looks at a woman to lustfully has in fact already committed adultery with her in his heart.


  2. But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.


  3. Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister.


  4. And as soon as she saw them with her eyes , she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea .


  5. If only he could have held back his childhood for another year, avoided that chocolate cake, all of his dreams would have come true.


  6. The first teaching of wisdom at the beginning of Proverbs is not to be greedy of gain.


  7. Keep off fame and wealth; crave not external attractions. Always see life as a candle flickering in the wind.


  8. Beyond the lust for oil and lazy equation of autocracy with stability, western leaders have had a blind spot about Arab countries.


  9. Kim, a former smoker who's 66 and is more than fond of good food and drink, has no designated successor.


  1. 一切只是我贪恋你。

    All are only I cling to you.

  2. 我从未贪恋过财物。

    I've never really lusted for possessions very much.

  3. 不该贪恋他人之夫。

    You shouldn't covet a man who isn't yours.

  4. 我贪恋你, 贪恋如花的人间

    For you I crave, yearning for th flowery world

  5. 为君王者, 不可贪恋酒色。

    Kings and emperors should not indulge in wine and women.

  6. 为君王者,不可贪恋酒色。

    Kings and emperors should not indulge in wine and women.

  7. 并非人人都是贪恋权势的。

    Not everybody is simply greedy for power.

  8. 显然, 人人都是贪恋权势的。

    Obviously, everybody is simply greedy for power.

  9. 来自阴暗贪恋血腥的复活恶魔。

    From dark lusted after the resurrection of bloody devil.

  10. 贪恋权势使她变得残酷无情。

    Her lust for power has made her ruthless.

  11. 另外, 你也必须清除贪恋和反感。

    In addition, you also have to get rid of attachments and aversions.

  12. 我贪恋着你的气息, 让它穿越我的

    I crave for your scent sendig shivers down my spine

  13. 贪恋你的甜蜜, 十年不过短短一瞬。

    Cling to yours sweet, ten years only flashed by.

  14. 贪恋你的甜蜜, 十年, 不过短短的一瞬。

    Cling to your sweet, ten years only flashed by.

  15. 不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。

    Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.

  16. 火灾袭来时要迅速逃生, 不要贪恋财物。

    When there is a fire, get out fast, and do not linger take possessions.

  17. 我贪恋你穿透我身体震颤脊髓的气息。

    I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine.

  18. 箴233不可贪恋他的美食, 为是哄人的食物。

    Do not desire his delicacies, For it is deceptive food.

  19. 不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你。

    Let not thy heart covet her beauty, be not caught with her winks.

  20. 贪恋你的香,或许能有一点平常来的喜悦

    Cling to your sweet, perhaps can have a bit common to joy

  21. 他贪恋美色,好像总是跟漂亮的姑娘在一起。

    He has a roving eye and always seems to be with a pretty girl!

  22. 也许,我是孤单太久,才贪恋了一个拥抱。

    Perhaps, I am lonely too long, only lusted after a hug.

  23. 贪恋甜食还可能造成生理和心理上的依赖。

    Cling to sweetmeat causes the dependence of physiology and mentally possibly still.

  24. 一些人认为大多数的犯罪都是因为对金钱的贪恋。

    Some ppl consider the reason of most crimes as being greedy for money.

  25. 你是否想知道我们最初贪恋钻石是出于什么原因?

    Have you ever wondered why we first began lusting after diamonds?

  26. 甚至当我只是个孩子的时候, 我就贪恋着白天的时光。

    I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child.

  27. 这样的热情, 能一丝丝潜入内心, 竟然让人有些贪恋。

    This kind of passion, can trace into inner, unexpectedly let people, some love.

  28. 勿涉足名利,勿贪恋外境,时刻视生命如风中之烛。

    Keep off fame and wealth crave not external attractions. Always see life as a candle flickering in the wind.

  29. 因而我们在摒弃过多贪恋的同时, 要努力找寻那份知足。

    One should abandon attachments and strive to find contentment.

  30. 箴言开头所讲智慧的第一样训诲就是不可贪恋财利。

    The first teaching of wisdom at the beginning of Proverbs is not to be greedy of gain.


  1. 问:贪恋拼音怎么拼?贪恋的读音是什么?贪恋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪恋的读音是tānliàn,贪恋翻译成英文是 overindulge in




【读音】tān liàn

【释义】褒义:十分留恋;深深依恋。 贬义:贪婪,得到了还想要。

【出处】唐·尹鹗 《金浮图》词:“贪恋欢娱,不觉金乌坠。”

【示例】《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“父亲宜及早回头,休得贪恋富贵。” 《东周列国志》第一百二回:“老将军年逾六十,孤立于衰王之庭,犹贪恋兵权,持凶器而行危事,欲何为乎?”柔石《二月》四:“他贪恋这时田野中的雪景。白色的绒花,装点了世界如带素的美女。”