







汉语拼音:shén tóng








  1. 指特别聪明、才能非凡的儿童。

    《南史·刘孝绰传》:“﹝ 孝绰 ﹞幼聪敏,七岁能属文。舅 齐 中书郎 王融 深赏异之,常与同载以适亲友,号曰神童。”《新唐书·刘晏传》:“ 玄宗 封 泰山 , 晏 始八岁,献颂行在,帝奇其幼,命宰相 张説 试之, 説 曰:‘国瑞也。’即授太子正字。公卿邀请旁午,号神童,名震一时。” 鲁迅 《准风月谈·我们怎样教育儿童的?》:“ 清 朝末年,有些人读的是‘天子重英豪,文章教尔曹,万般皆下品,惟有读书高’的《神童诗》。”

  2. 谓仙童。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《七召·神仙》:“列神童於羽帐,侍玉女於仙车。”

  3. 唐 宋 时所设童子科举的别称。

    《新唐书·文艺传上·杨炯》:“ 炯 , 华阴 人,举神童,授校书郎。”《宋史·赵赞传》:“ 赞 七岁诵书二十七卷,应神童举。”



  1. Child prodigies often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children.


  2. They often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children.


  3. With a bit American fashion drumbeating , I might have been regarded as a whiz kid.


  4. His mother was also the driving force behind his musical training and subsequent development into a violin child prodigy.


  5. Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthropist, and is no longer a computer whiz kid.


  6. I'm not a prodigy, but people close to me that I prodigies, I puzzled, until they know the abbreviation of comrade is a mental derangement!


  7. The boy wonder, who taught himself calculus, algebra and geometry in a week, now often tutors fellow college classmates after class.


  8. However, the trainers told me that I learn fast. The staff praised me saying I was a "child prodigy . "


  9. The word "prodigy" comes to mind when Mr. Wu mentions that his collection is expected to have sales of $4 million this year.


  1. 神童, 少年天才

    A child prodigy.

  2. 神童要怎么定义?

    Who is a child prodigy.

  3. 你是电脑神童吗。

    You the computer whiz

  4. 这孩子是个神童。

    The child is a wonder.

  5. 我是个算数神童。

    When I was a kid, I was a calculus whiz.

  6. 小神童懂得不少嘛

    Boy Wonder knows his stuff.

  7. 她是神童小提琴手。

    She was a child prodigy on the violin.

  8. 莫扎特是个神童。

    Mozart was a child prodigy.

  9. 莫扎特是个神童。

    Mozart was a child prodigy.

  10. 解读神童苏福的诗

    An Interpretation of Poems by Child Prodigy Su Fu.

  11. 他是一位数学神童

    He's actually quite remarkably gifted in mathematics.

  12. 仙鹤神童救母斩蛟龙

    How the magic boy on the mythical crane slew the dragon and saved his mother

  13. 另一个神童是莱布尼兹。

    Leibniz was another child prodigy.

  14. 她说他是个天才神童。

    She thinks he's a prodigy.

  15. 幽默搞笑, 身体灵活的神童

    humor, funny, physical and flexible child prodigy

  16. 艺术收藏界的神童实属罕见。

    IT IS rare to come upon a child prodigy in art collecting.

  17. 你看过那场神童表演没有?

    Have you seen the boy wonder play yet?

  18. 斯坦福神童教你学游戏编程

    Trade Game Programming for Teens

  19. 那个神童五岁就开始作诗了。

    That child prodigy began to compose at the age of five.

  20. 数码神童外设是你最佳的选择。

    Digital prodigy peripherals is your best option.

  21. 她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。

    She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.

  22. 她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。

    She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.

  23. 贝多芬从小就被视为音乐神童。

    Beethovens music from an early age is considered a child prodigy.

  24. 历史对他,或那些神童一直不友善。

    History has not been kind to him, or to the whiz kids.

  25. 那个神童比一些大学教授懂得还多。

    That whiz kid knows more than some university professors.

  26. 是和他一样有杀人欲望的神童

    An infant prodigy with a lust for killing like his own.

  27. 我从来没有见过像他那样的神童。

    I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he.

  28. 那个神童比一些大学教授懂的还多。

    That whiz kid knows more than some university professors.

  29. 神童年轻时就获得成功和称赞的人。

    W underkind one who achieves success or acclaim during youth.

  30. 我们现在不是战争着的无可争议的神童

    Are we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare


  1. 问:神童拼音怎么拼?神童的读音是什么?神童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神童的读音是shéntóng,神童翻译成英文是 child prodigy; wonder child

  2. 问:神童 (艺人)拼音怎么拼?神童 (艺人)的读音是什么?神童 (艺人)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神童 (艺人)的读音是,神童 (艺人)翻译成英文是 Shindong



“神童”是个多义词,它可以指神童(印度小说), 神童(霹雳布袋戏虚拟人物), 神童(2011年法国电影), 神童(汉语词语), 神童(日本2007年萩生田宏治执导电影)。