


1. 哪 [nǎ]2. 哪 [něi]3. 哪 [na]4. 哪 [né]哪 [nǎ]疑问词,后面跟名词或数量词,表示要求在所问范围中有所确定:~样。~里(a.什么地方。b.用于反问句,表示否定,如“我~~知道?”“他~~笨啊?”c.谦辞,……





汉语拼音:nǎ wèi







  1. It seems to me that no American policymaker has taken a hardball option with them very seriously.


  2. But I wonder: which candidate would be most likely to take away the power of the FRB to create the actual USA currency?


  3. Miss Bingley immediately fixed her eyes on his face, and desired he would tell her what lady had the credit of inspiring such reflections.


  4. Staring at a mirror, a loss of the cold wave hit the body all over, helpless eyes, short of the idea, there are tears in her eyes flashing.


  5. But for a slight foul on the part of Mr. Rivas, it would have been a tough job for the referee to judge who should be the winner.


  6. So the next time you see a celebrity or political sex scandal in the news, there's a chance they might have been using . . .


  7. I have always been convinced that if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him.


  8. Nice to see someone still remembers that this is meant to be a football match, not a day out at a theme park. Now will someone tell Dyer?


  9. Half of respondents in Britain did not know which candidate they would back.


  1. 哪位要用?

    Who is it for?

  2. 您是哪位?

    Who is calling?

  3. 哪位,是我。

    Hello? Hey, it's me.

  4. 哪位父亲啊?

    Which dad?

  5. 哪位父亲啊?

    Which dad?

  6. 您找哪位?

    Whom would you like to speak to?

  7. 请问是哪位?

    Who is this?

  8. 请问哪位结账?

    Who will pay the bill, please?

  9. 你要找哪位?

    Who are you calling?

  10. 你好,你是哪位?

    Hi.Who are you?

  11. 里面的是哪位

    Who's in there?

  12. 你好,你是哪位?

    Hi. Who are you?

  13. 您要找哪位

    Whom would you like to speak to A David Lee.

  14. 请问您是哪位?

    May I ask who's calling?

  15. 请问你是哪位?

    May I ask who I am talking to?

  16. 预订人是哪位?

    Whose name is the reservation under?

  17. 你们哪位先开球?

    Which of you should tee off first?

  18. 你喜欢哪位作曲家?

    Who is your favorite composer ?

  19. 请问哪位负责预约?

    Who's in charge of reservations?

  20. 你看,这是哪位。

    Well,well,look who it is.

  21. 抱歉,哪位,那位艺术家

    I'm sorry. Who? The artist.

  22. 哪位,哈维,是我。

    Yeah?Harvey,it's me.

  23. 你看,这是哪位。

    Well, well, look who it is.

  24. 好的 下面是哪位?

    Okay,who's next?

  25. 好的 下面是哪位?

    Okay, who's next?

  26. 接电话的是哪位?

    Who am I talking to?

  27. 哪位负责办理签证?

    Do you know who's in charge of visa certification?

  28. 你好,请问你是哪位

    Hello. Who's there, please?

  29. 哪位是幸运的新娘?

    Who's the lucky bride?

  30. 哪位是幸运的新娘?

    Who's the lucky bride?