







汉语拼音:sōng shǒu








  1. 放开手。如:一松手,手里的日记本就落在地上了。



  1. But even as I felt the nausea of guilt return, I was trying to convince myself I was right to let go.


  2. If he let that doubt take hold, he would never be able to deal with Skywalker again, or be able to lead his men.


  3. He loosened his hold enough to let her feet touch the ground, but her mouth clung to his lips even then.


  4. We are in and their feelings tug of war, first let go man will fall, I choose to fall, who let me not to love bravely speak out?


  5. The lance must be fitted with a device which when released by the operator shuts off the blast (a dead man's handle).


  6. Investors itch for a company like that to go do something with that rich of a stock currency.


  7. Tom hang on a small tree at the middle hill , the policemen told him loudly to hold on, the helicopter will come so only .


  8. He takes another quick look at the sword, but I can see it slipping out of his grasp. He's already thinking of something else.


  9. If you begin thinking of me, remember that it was not me who went away but you who sent me away.


  1. 抓紧了,别松手。

    Hold it tight and don't let go.

  2. 把它拉紧。松手!

    Wind her up and. let her go!

  3. 握紧绳子别松手。

    Don't let go the rope.

  4. 抓牢绳子,别松手。

    Don't let go the rope.

  5. 他松手放开了她。

    He loosened his grip and let her go.

  6. 他松手放开了绳子。

    He let go of the rope.

  7. 他抓住我不松手。

    He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.

  8. 我立刻松手放开绳子。

    I relinquished my hold on the rope at once.

  9. 他紧抓住树枝不松手。

    He held on to the branch like grim death.

  10. 他紧紧抓住树枝不松手。

    He held on to the branch like grim death.

  11. 你知道,猛拉然后松手。

    You know, with a flourish and a big ending.

  12. 孩子都憋足气不松手。

    Or at least longer than the other guy.

  13. 一定要抓住绳子,不可松手。

    Be sure not to let go your hold of the rope.

  14. 你扽住绳子,不要松手。

    Pull the rope tight. don't relax your grip.

  15. 抓紧那根绳子,不要松手!

    Hang on to that rope and don't let it go!

  16. 或许那样更好,我应该松手。

    It might be better. I want to let go.

  17. 对紧抓的某物稍稍松手

    to loosen one's grip on something

  18. 假如他松手, 我就一命呜呼了。

    And if he let go, I'd be history!

  19. 松手,让我们看看出了什么事。

    Disengage the clutch and lets see what happens.

  20. 绳子不要松手,再坚持几分钟。

    Don't lose hold of the rope for a few minutes more.

  21. 我松手是因,球掉到地上是果。

    Cause, effect, when it hits the ground.

  22. 我一松手,那孩子迅速跑走了。

    I let go the boy, he snot off.

  23. 雷诺兹松手放开了我得衣领。

    Reynolds loosened his hand on my collar.

  24. 雷诺兹松手放开了我的衣领。

    Reynolds loosened his hand on my collar.

  25. 好的,但我开口之前不许松手。

    Okay, but don't let go until I say so.

  26. 他抓不住绳子,松手摔了下来。

    He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.

  27. 父亲来了他才松手放下绳子。

    He didn't quit hold of the rope until his father came.

  28. 他突然一松手把花瓶给掉了。

    He loosed his grip suddenly and dropped the vase.

  29. 握紧,等我让你松手时再松开。

    Hold on and don't let go until I say so.

  30. 你只有拉住才安全,但你却主动松手。

    And you deliberately let go of the only security you have.


  1. 问:松手拼音怎么拼?松手的读音是什么?松手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松手的读音是sōngshǒu,松手翻译成英文是 to loosen one's grip; to let go




拼音:sōng shǒu 基本解释 [leave one’s grip; let go] 把手松开,即放开手 详细解释 放开手。如:一松手,手里的日记本就落在地上了。