







汉语拼音:ruì yì








  1. 坚定的意志。

    汉 王充 《论衡·感虚》:“以七尺形中精神,欲有所为,虽积鋭意,犹筯撞鐘筭击鼓也,安能动天?”

  2. 谓用心专一。

    《后汉书·朱暉传》:“及壮耽学,鋭意讲诵。”《三国志·吴志·韦曜传》:“专精鋭意,心劳体倦。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《游沉道士馆》诗:“鋭意三山上,记慕九霄中。”

  3. 谓愿望迫切,态度坚决。

    《陈书·蔡景历传》:“是时 高宗 鋭意 河 南,以为指麾可定。” 宋 叶梦得 《石林燕语》卷八:“省试时, 欧阳文忠公 鋭意欲革文弊,初未之识。” 孙犁 《澹定集·<文艺增刊>致读者作者》:“从近期起,鋭意革新,继承本报文艺周刊传统,努力办成以培养文学青年,辅导业余作者为中心内容的文学期刊。”



  1. In recent years, the Bank of China are committed to reforming and strengthening management, forging ahead, the business.


  2. With it's operational headquarters in Beijing, Lee Cooper is building an outstanding team of both local and expatriate professional staff.


  3. The company thinks that when homeowners see exactly what's costing them the most money, they'll make behavioral changes.


  4. To remember that success lies within myself; in my own brain, my own ambition, my own courage and determination.


  5. The Department makes every endeavour to nourish environmental friendliness and awareness among its staff and taxpayers.


  6. We offer a unique range of solutions across medical specialties by advancing and improving meaningful innovation.


  7. UNI-T takes "Uni-Trend Group Limited" as a foundation, targeting to develop business in the global market.


  8. Why emphasis on making pressure-blasting machine industry needs unceasingly innovation?


  9. 'Ensure the quality, and meet the clients reduce costs, keen on innovation' is Company management firm policy.


  1. 他锐意改革。

    He reformed with keen determination.

  2. 团结奋进, 锐意创新

    work together in an innovative spirit

  3. 全新理念锐意教改

    A New Idea with Boldly Engaging in Teaching Reform

  4. 政府锐意对付违例僭建

    Government determined to tackle UBWs

  5. 她在工作中锐意进取。

    She is eager to make progress in her work.

  6. 邮局锐意改善服务质量。

    The Post Office aims to improve its quality of service.

  7. 全国各族人民锐意进

    the determined and concerted efforts of our people of all ethnic groups

  8. 高等教育要与时俱进,锐意改革。

    The higher education to keep pace with the times and carrying out reform.

  9. 叱诧风云, 锐意气豪。

    Hoot astonished situation, determined to gasho.

  10. 叱诧风云,锐意气豪。

    Hoot astonished situation, determined to gasho.

  11. 锐意改革求发展创新服务为乘客

    Be bent on reform To promote growth, and improve passenger service

  12. 公司宗旨锐意进取!卓越质量!真诚服务!

    Company Tenet Good Quality! Expressment Service! Break new ground!

  13. 这个决策同样也是锐意创新的产物。

    Sheer innovation also had something to do with the decision.

  14. 本着品质至上、精益求精的宗旨,锐意进取。

    The company are based on the tenet that the quality is uppermost and do better and better.

  15. 公司成立以来,通过不懈的努力,锐意进取。

    Since the company has been founded, through the unremitting endeavor, goes all out.

  16. 锐意改革促进二次创业推动持续发展

    Systems reform for restarting an undertaking and pushing sustainable development

  17. 锐意图治,忠心耿耿,政治上是一位干才。

    Sharp intention cures, utterly loyal, is a talented individual on the political.

  18. 女运动员在国际运动场上锐意进取,成绩辉煌。

    With their enterprising spirit, women athletes have done brilliantly in the global sports arena.

  19. 本局锐意向员工和纳税人推广环保意识。

    The Department makes every endeavour to nourish environmental friendliness and awareness among its staff and taxpayers.

  20. 年轻人应以锐意进取为要,不能贪图享受。

    Young people should be enterprising, and firm in making progress. They shouldn't hanker after an easy, and luxuriant life.

  21. 抢抓机遇锐意进取努力开创物资工作新局面

    Grasp opportunity, forge ahead and strive hard to inaugurate a new complexion of materials management work

  22. 积极发展锐意创新努力开创职业教育新局面

    To develop positively, to be bent on creative, to make great efforts to open up the new situation of vocational education

  23. 精心筹划,锐意创新,开创核地质钻探事业新局面

    Meticulously Plan and Vigorously Innovate to Create New Situation for Nucleus Geology Drilling

  24. 公司拥有一批朝气蓬勃,锐意进取的高素质人才队伍。

    Companies have a group of vibrant, highquality talent to forge ahead.

  25. 我们锐意创新, 提供跨医疗专业的独特解决方案。

    We offer a unique range of solutions across medical specialties by advancing and improving meaningful innovation.

  26. 我们锐意创新, 提供跨医疗专业得独特解决方案。

    We offer a unique range of solutions across medical specialties by advancing and improving meaningful innovation.

  27. 抢抓机遇锐意进取努力实现学院新的跨越式发展

    Grasp the opportunity, forge ahead, work hard to develop the college astride

  28. 公司自成立以来,不断锐意进取,实现了业绩稳步增长。

    Since the establishment in 1995, the company has achieved dynamic growth and a consistent performance.

  29. 多年来, 我校求真务实, 锐意进取, 获得了诸多成果。

    Over the years, our school's pragmatic and forge ahead, get a lot of results.

  30. 新西兰展台充分体现了新西兰人锐意创新的风格。

    The New Zealand pavilion itself showcased Kiwi innovation and design.


  1. 问:锐意拼音怎么拼?锐意的读音是什么?锐意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锐意的读音是ruìyì,锐意翻译成英文是 determined

  2. 问:锐意进取拼音怎么拼?锐意进取的读音是什么?锐意进取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锐意进取的读音是ruìyìjìnqǔ,锐意进取翻译成英文是 To go forward firmly in order to make achievemen...


